
                     ##          ##                 ###       ##         ##
                    ##   ##                        ## ##                 ##
    #####    #####       ##     ###   ##     ##    ## ##     ###     ######
        ##  ##   ##    ######    ##   ##     ##   ##   ##     ##    ##   ##
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    ######   #####        ###  ######    ###     ##     ##  ######   ######
   by Wolfgang Reszel for c't

   Version:     1.3.1 of 2008-06-06
   Copyright:   2008 Heise Zeitschriften Verlag GmbH & Co. KG
   Contact:     se@ctmagazin.de  (Stephan Ehrmann)
                ahk@rumborak.de  (Wolfgang Reszel)
   Translation: quelbs@gmail.com (Michael Telgkamp)
   Homepage:    http://www.heise.de/ct/activaid/default_en.shtml
   Bugtracker:  http://activaid.rumborak.de

   FAQ (German):

   requires AutoHotkey Version: (active: ###)

1. Introduction
   1.1. Terms of a license
2. System requirements and installation
   2.1. ac'tivAid and limited user rights
   2.2. ac'tivAid uninstall
   2.3. ac'tivAid on an USB-Stick (Portable ac'tivAid)
   2.4. Tolerance of own scripts
3. Usability
   3.1. The search function
   3.2. Note for ac'tivAid and Proxy servers
4. Details on the modules of ac'tivAid
5. activAid - Configuration and Updating
   5.1. activAid - Further configuration in settings file
6. The extensions
   6.1. ComfortDrag - Switching and hiding windows while drag & drop
   6.2. MouseClip - copy and paste with the middle mouse button
   6.3. WebSearch - Fast web-search with hotkeys
      6.3.1. WebSearchOnMButton
   6.4. LikeDirkey - Change directory using number pad
      6.4.1. LikeDirkeyMenu
   6.5. FilePaste - Pastes copied files as plain text filenames or paths
   6.6. NewFolder - Create new folders
   6.7. CommandLine - The address bar of explorer as a command-line
   6.8. UserHotkeys - User defined hotkeys
   6.9. HotStrings - Automatic HotStrings
      6.9.1. HotStringsHotkey - Create HotString from selection
   6.10. ReadingRuler - Attach a line or a cross hair to the mouse cursor
   6.11. QuickChangeDir - Quickly change the directory
   6.12. QuickNote - Simple note window with direct saving
   6.13. Eject - Ejects CDs or other media
   6.14. MusicPlayerControl - Hotkeys for Media-Player
   6.15. MiddleButton - Assign actions to the middle mouse button (wheel)
   6.16. FreeSpace - Shows the free disk space in the title bar of explorer
   6.17. WindowsControl - Minimizing, maximizing and closing windows
   6.18. RecentDirs - A menu with recently used folders
   6.19. PackAndGo - Compile ac'tivAid for distribution
   6.20. LeoToolTip - Translate selected word
   6.21. ThesauroToolTip - Synonyms for German words
   6.22. AutoShutdown - Dialog to shutdown or logoff the system
   6.23. ComfortResize - Change the size of all windows and move them
   6.24. DriveIcons - Create links to drives on mounting
   6.25. FileRenamer - Rename multiple files or folders
   6.26. KeyState - Displays the status of CapsLock, ScrollLock and NumLock
   6.27. MultiClipboard - Multiple clipboards
   6.28. NewFile - Create a new file
   6.29. PastePlain - Insert clipboard without meta information
   6.30. PowerControl - Power management options
   6.31. ExplorerShrinker - Scales the explorer window to optimal size
   6.32. AppLauncher - Fast launch of start menu entries
   6.33. EmptyRecycler - Empty the recycle bin
   6.34. RemapKeys - Remap CapsLock / simulate the windows key
   6.35. LookThrough - Punches a hole into application windows
   6.36. ExplorerHotkeys - Hotkeys for explorer
   6.37. ScreenLoupe - Magnify the screen at the mouse cursor position
   6.38. PasteSerial - Paste serials from clipboard without dashes
   6.39. Calendar - Quick overview for months and years
   6.40. TransparentWindow - Provides window transparency
   6.41. UnComment - Adds or removes comment characters to the selected text
   6.42. CharacterAid - Aids to type special characters more simple
   6.43. TextAid - Special operations on selected text
   6.44. RemoveDriveHotkey - Removes external drives with a two level hotkey
   6.45. DateTimeDisplay - Displays a window with date and time
   6.46. ScreenShots - Allows to take shots from the screen
   6.47. AutoDeactivate - Deactivate ac'tivAid automatically
   6.48. VolumeSwitcher - Switches the volume between two values
   6.49. CalculAid - Improves working with the windows calculator
   6.50. ClipboardFilesManager - Delete/Backup files in Clipboard
   6.51. MultiMonitor - Hotkey to move windows between different monitors
   6.52. LimitMouse - Limit mouse to windows or monitors
   6.53. MouseWheel - Enable Mouse wheel also for inactive windows
   6.54. EditWith - Edit selected file
   6.55. MinimizeToTray - Minimize windows to tray icons
   6.56. JoyControl - Control Windows using a Joystick
   6.57. VolumeControl - Hotkeys for changing the system volume
   6.58. SpeechAction - Control Windows by voice
   6.59. TypeWith9Keys - On screen Keyboard for text input with T9
   6.60. RealExpose - Exposé clone
   6.61. Surrounder - Inserts surrounding-characters context sensitive
   6.62. FileHandle - Shows open file handles
   6.63. InputBlocker - Blocks mouse and keyboard input
   6.64. CronJobs - A time-based scheduling service
7. Integration of own extensions and functionalities
8. Support for multiple languages
9. Overview of shortcuts
10. Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

1. Introduction

ac'tivAid (pronunciation: activate) is a small tool that enhances Windows, giving useful functions known from other operating systems. ac'tivAid is developed with the script language AutoHotkey (http://www.autohotkey.com) and the source is available. Thanks to the quite simple syntax of AutoHotkey and the articles of the German computer magazine c't, ac'tivAid is extendable quite simple. Because many additional functions were added since the first version, the concept has changed. The single functions are no longer combined in one large script, but have been split. Now every function has its own script file. These Scripts extend the main script which only has two main functions, the tray menu and the graphical interface for configuration. If you have problems with ac'tivAid or found a bug, you can report it at http://activaid.rumborak.de Or you can write an e-mail to (se@ctmagazin.de) If ac'tivAid does not start, make sure you have the appropriate version of AutoHotkey installed. You can download the newest version from: http://www.autohotkey.com/download/

1.1. Terms of a license

ac'tivAid is subject to the copyright of the Heise Zeitschriften Verlag GmbH & Co. KG. AutoHotkey is OpenSource and is licensed under GNU General Public License Version 2. ac'tivAid and AutoHotkey are allowed to use without restrictions for private and commercial issues. However it is not allowed to make commercial use of an unchanged or modified ac'tivAid. Modification and propagation of ac'tivAid is allowed as long as the copyright comment of the Heise Zeitschriften Verlag is not removed or modified. The compiled version of ac'tivAid (e.g. created with PackAndGo) is partly licensed under GNU General Public License (AutoHotkey) and the copyright of the Heise Zeitschriften Verlag. GPL v2: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl2.html Source code of AutoHotkey (self-extracting archive): http://www.autohotkey.com/download/AutoHotkey_source.exe ac'tivAid additionally uses the following useful tools: - DevEject: http://www.heise.de/ct/03/16/links/208.shtml © 2003 Heise Zeitschriften Verlag GmbH - RemoveDrive: http://www.uwe-sieber.de/usbstick_e.html © 2006 Uwe Sieber - SQLite: http://www.sqlite.org/ Public Domain

2. System requirements and installation

ac'tivAid requires Windows Vista, Windows XP or Windows 2000. Older versions of Windows have not been tested, because AutoHotkey does not provide the complete scope of operations and partly behaves differently. Additional the interpreter for the script language AutoHotkey is needed. It is provided together with the installation files and can also be downloaded here: http://www.autohotkey.com/download Some extensions have known restrictions regarding to the operating system. In these cases it is always stated at the top of the help text of the extension. Example: "Vista restrictions: Only works with classic XP Design." There are also some known problems with specific system settings. In this case the extensions are deactivated when installed the first time, or ac'tivAid provides a possible solution for the problem. ac'tivAid can be installed in any directory (e.g. C:\Program Files\ac'tivAid\) using the provided installers. After the first installation, no extension is active. To be able to use the functions of ac'tivAid, first some extensions have to be installed using the configuration (see chapter 3). There is also a (German) FAQ page containing the most frequently asked questions. It can be opened using the help menu of the configuration.

2.1. ac'tivAid and limited user rights

In general ac'tivAid works well with limited user rights. In this case it automatically starts in the multi-user mode. For user accounts with administrative rights, ac'tivAid can be toggled between single-user mode (default) and multi-user mode using the activAid menu in the configuration. In single-user mode the settings are stored in the subdirectory settings of the ac'tivAid directory (for Vista this does not apply see below). In multi-user mode ac'tivAid saves the setting in the directory "%appdata%\ac'tivAid". Using a link there, lets ac'tivAid think it is located there. In General the setting "Start in" inside links define where the settings are located. In single-user mode for Vista the settings are saved in the directory C:\ProgramData\ac'tivAid\settings because saving inside the program files directory is not permitted. To copy the settings from one user to another, only the settings directory has to be copied to the corresponding directory of this user. The corresponding menu entry in the ac'tivAid menu can also be used. When using Portable ac'tivAid on an USB device, the behavior changes, and the multi-user mode switches to a multi-computer mode. The settings are stored dependent on the computer in the subdirectory "UserSettings\Computername" inside the ac'tivAid directory. Using the setting "Working directory:" in the ac'tivAid configuration, the location of the settings can explicitly be set. More information in chapter 5. When ac'tivAid is started using a manually created link, the link has to be modified for the multi user mode, so "Start in" has to contain the directory the settings are stored in. The automatically created link in the Autoruns folder in the start menu is created correctly. The following paragraph does not apply to the portable version. To allow updates, ac'tivAid has to be run with administrator rights. To be able to update ac'tivAid with limited user rights, it can be started as another user, using the entry in the ac'tivAid menu. Remark: This does not always work correctly, especially when other users are logged in using fast user switching. In this case only the current user should be logged in. In some cases only a restart helps. Please note, that ac'tivAid in admin-mode is running in the context of the administrative user. It does not provide administrative rights to the current user, like the c't-project MachMichAdmin does.

2.2. ac'tivAid uninstall

At the first launch of ac'tivAid the user is asked whether an uninstallation routine should be added to Control Panel/Software. ac'tivAid does not change the registry without a remark, so ac'tivAid can be uninstalled by simply deleting it manually, when no entry is available in the Windows Software dialog. The uninstaller entry is placed in : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ac'tivAid By deleting the line CreateUninstaller=0 in the file settings\ac'tivAid.ini ac'tivAid asks again to add the ac'tivAid uninstaller into the installed software on the next reload.

2.3. ac'tivAid on an USB-Stick (Portable ac'tivAid)

There are two possibilities to launch ac'tivAid on an USB-stick. One is to use the extension PackAndGo (explained in extensions part) to create a independent executable file of ac'tivAid that can be placed in any folder of the stick. The recommended variant is to use the portable version of ac'tivAid that is available at http://www.heise.de/ct/activaid/. This version is prepared for external devices and can be installed directly on the USB-Stick. There it is launched using "Portable_ac'tivAid.exe". When ac'tivAid displays "Portable ac'tivAid" in the title bar, the portable version was recognized correctly. In this case the multi-user mode is not available. It is replaces by a multi-computer mode. In this mode the settings are stored in a subdirectory "UserSetting\ComputerName". This allows to configure ac'tivAid differently depending on which computer the USB stick is plugged in. To copy the settings from single-user mode into the multi-computer profiles, the settings directory has to be copied to the corresponding directory. Many extensions allow to use the drive letter of ac'tivAid.ahk (%Drive%) or AutoHotkey.exe (%A_AutoHotkeyDrive%), which is useful when absolute paths should be provided, that depend on the drive ac'tivAid or AutoHotkey is located on. Examples: %Drive%\PortableApps\Firefox\FirefoxPortable.exe %A_AutoHotkeyDrive%\PortableApps\Firefox\FirefoxPortable.exe

2.4. Tolerance of own scripts

In general, ac'tivAid should not cause problems with other scripts. The only problems can occur, when functions overlap, e.g. when two scripts use the same hotkeys. It is recommended to check the "Overview of all hotkeys" to find overlapping hotkeys. By deleting the hotkey or uninstallation of the extension, most problems can be solved. Slightly more complex are mouse capturing events. Possibly the extensions ComfortDrag, ComfortResize or MiddleButton has to be uninstalled to solve eventual problems.

3. Usability

To be able to use ac'tivAid, AutoHotkey has to be available. If AutoHotkey is installed, ac'tivAid is run by starting "ac'tivAid.ahk". The portable version of ac'tivAid is run by starting Portable_ac'tivAid.exe. After the start, a red c't icon is displayed in the system tray. A right click opens a context menu. By selecting the menu entry or by double click on the icon, the configuration dialog can be opened, where extensions can be installed, uninstalled and configured. Also own hotkeys can be assigned and ac'tivAid can be added to the auto run applications. When settings are modified manually in the file ac'tivAid.ini (inside the settings directory), ac'tivAid has to be reloaded in order to apply the modifications. ac'tivAid can be updated via Internet, this should be done occasionally, because new versions always correct some problems. Furthermore often new, useful functions are integrated. When a permanent connection to the internet is available, a weekly check for updates can be set in the configuration. More on this option in chapter 5. It is also possible to assign mouse buttons as hotkeys. Therefor the Alt key or the Shift key has to be pressed while clicking the button. In this case only mouse or joystick buttons and special keys like Alt, Ctrl, Win, ... are captured. The mouse wheel cannot be captured directly, but it can be assigned by cursor up or cursor down.

3.1. The search function

Since ac'tivAid 1.1.2 a search function is integrated for all important information areas like the "Help" or the "Overview of all hotkeys". When entering text there, it performs an incremental search. Using F3 or Shift-F3 the next or previous match can be found.

3.2. Note for ac'tivAid and Proxy servers

There are some known restrictions when accessing URIs using a proxy server. The download command of AutoHotkey uses the proxy settings of the Internet Explorer when connecting to the internet, but automatic configuration scripts are known to cause problems. The proxy server has to be set manually inside the "Internet options" that ac'tivAid is able to connect to the internet. (see screen shot at: http://activaid.rumborak.de/?getfile=36) When a manual authentication is required, ac'tivAid cannot connect to the internet as far as currently known. Beneath the automatic update, the extensions LeoToolTip and ThesauroToolTip use the download command of AutoHotkey and thereby are subject to the limitations mentioned above. Some users report, that connection problems of ac'tivAid can be solved by activation of the option "Use HTTP 1.1 through proxy connections" in the Internet Explorer settings. (http://activaid.rumborak.de/task/1344?getfile=450) Extensions like WebSearch, that only call a browser are not affected.

4. Details on the modules of ac'tivAid

The modular layout has a lot of advantages. Not installed extensions are not just deactivated, but not even loaded together with ac'tivAid. Beneath the advantage that less space is used, also complications with other programs can be avoided. When a problem occurred in early versions of ac'tivAid, it could not be used at all, because an inactive function still was monitoring the hotkey and just did not cause an action. When ac'tivAid is compiled to a single exe file using the extension PackAndGo, only the installed extensions are packed into the file. The modular layout and some limitations of AutoHotkey limit the functionality of the compiled version of ac'tivAid. If possible, the usage of ac'tivAid or Portable ac'tivAid is recommended. Especially because the compilation does not improve the performance, because AutoHotkey compiles every AHK-Script in front of compilation inside the memory.

5. activAid - Configuration and Updating

Inside the configuration dialog there is the possibility to set basic settings and to check for available updates on the page "activAid". ac'tivAid can be updated via Internet, this should be done occasionally, because new versions always correct some problems. Furthermore often new, useful functions are integrated. When a permanent connection to the internet is available, a weekly check for updates can be set in the configuration. When updating ac'tivAid all settings and the own new extensions are kept. Manual changes inside the ac'tivAid script or in the provided extensions will be overwritten. When provided extensions are changed and the settings should be kept, the file has to be renamed to prevent overwriting. Modifications on these scripts should be reported to us, so we could adapt the original scripts in order to give the profit to all users. In cases where the automatic update does not work (e.g. because of a proxy server or a firewall, see 3.2), the most recent version can be downloaded and installed manually. The button "Manual update" opens the download page and closes ac'tivAid (this is recommended for a correct installation). The semiautomatic update of earlier versions had been removed because of various problems. - resolve keyboard and mouse-problems Tools based on AutoHotkey, carry all bugs of AutoHotkey itself. Because of this it can possibly happen, that the left mouse button looks like pressed for the system, although it is already released, e.g. after excessive use of ComfortDrag. This for example causes problems with double clicks. In that case this function of ac'tivAid tries to resolve the problems. Default-Hotkey: Win + Shift + # - resolve keyboard and mouse-problems - Temporary disable hotkeys For many hotkeys it may happen, that a hotkey is set, that is required inside a program. To be able to use it anyway, this function can be used to deactivate all hotkeys of ac'tivAid as long as the key set here is pressed. During the key is pressed, a hint is shown. The hotkey is implemented in a way that the original function is still available when pressing the key only a short time. Unfortunately on some systems there is a problem that does not allow the original function when pressing the key for a short time. - Context menu with all functions Calls a menu at the current cursor position that lists all extensions with all containing functions. By choosing a menu entry, the function is executed. Some functions like HotStrings don't work correctly in all cases. Default-Hotkey: Win + < - Context menu with all functions - Working directory The working directory can only be changed by users that have write rights in the ac'tivAid directory. This setting applies to all users, but it can be configured using variables so every user can have its own settings. The following variables can be of interest: %A_ScriptDir% - The settings are saved in the settings folder inside the ac'tivAid directory. %A_AppData%\ac'tivAid - The settings are saved in the ac'tivAid folder inside the application data folder of the user (this equals the multi-user mode). D:\ac'tivAid\%A_UserName% - The settings are saved in a folder with the name of the user inside of D:\ac'tivAid. %A_MyDocuments%\ac'tivAid - The settings are saved in a subfolder ac'tivAid inside the user specific "My documents" folder. More information on the working directory can be found in chapter 2.1. More variables can be found in the AutoHotkey help at http://www.autohotkey.com/docs/Variables.htm#BuiltIn

5.1. activAid - Further configuration in settings file

There are some hidden options, that only can be modified by manually editing the settings file ac'tivAid.ini in the settings folder. The ini file is divided into different sections. Each extension has its own section, that is started by the name of the extension in square brackets. The main settings of ac'tivAid are below the row [activAid]. The following hidden settings are available for ac'tivAid: DelayedUpdateCheck = 30 ; Delays the check for updates at the start of ac'tivAid by 30 seconds. That is useful when no connection to the internet is available at system start, or if it always is available some time later. ReloadOnWakeUp = 1 ; Automatically reloads ac'tivAid when the computer wakes up after hibernation or standby. This option helps, when ac'tivAid behaves in a strange way after the system wakes up. DebugToFile = file.txt ; The debug information are stored in the logfile given here, instead of being sent to DebugView. (additionally DebugLevel = ALL and Debug = 1 has to be set) Silentupdate = 1 ; The automatic update is done without security check. WinModifierFirst = 1 ; Defines that hotkeys are not displayed Ctrl + Win + ... but instead Win + Ctrl + ...

6. The extensions

Extensions are small AutoHotkey scripts, that are located in the subdirectory "extensions" inside the ac'tivAid installation. ac'tivAid scans this folder for matching extensions and provides them for installation in the "Extensions" section of the configuration dialog. ac'tivAid only loads installed extensions. All extensions listed at "available Extensions" are ignored and thereby only need little space on the hard disk. There has to be a special format of the extension file that it is recognized by ac'tivAid. Further information on this can be found in chapter 7.

6.1. ComfortDrag - Switching and hiding windows while drag & drop operations

This is a main function of ac'tivAid that is somehow responsible for the name ac'tivAid. ComfortDrag simplifies the copying and moving of files, especially when there are lots of windows opened. A short time after you drag a file with you mouse over a window, it will be activated. Additionally windows can be minimized by clicking with the right mouse button while keeping the left button pressed. When the left mouse button is released, the windows are restored. Because of compatibility reasons regarding to mouse Gestures, this only works on the title bar for browser windows (configurable). Applications that have problems working together with ComfortDrag can be excluded in the configuration dialog. This exclusion only refers to the recognition of a Drag&Drop action. When ComfortDrag is initiated in another window the excluded applications still work fine. Furthermore ComfortDrag gives access to other directories by showing the folders bar when the mouse waits on the left side of an Explorer window. By releasing the mouse button the bar is hidden again. Similar to Exposé of Apple OS X it is possible to activate the function "temporary desktop" where all visible windows are slided away and release the view on the Desktop. This functionality is configurable for fast computers to animate the sliding. Unfortunately on Windows machines it is not as elegant as the OS X variant. On some systems it is possible, that maximized windows cannot be adjusted by ComfortDrag. In this case there is the option "resolve problems with maximized windows" in the configuration. With the checkbox marked gray/green ComfortDrag tries to avoid flickering of these windows, but the original size of the restored (non maximized) window is not kept. The following hotkeys are available while the left mouse button is pressed. ESC - Restores the windows and aborts the action. right mouse button - Minimizes the window below the mouse cursor. Also works page-up key when clicking on window titles with left and right mouse button. On release of the left mouse button the window is restored. CapsLock - When holding the CapsLock key pressed while releasing the mouse button, the window below the mouse cursor stays activated. Doing this a window can be chosen. middle mouse button- Restores windows that have been minimized by the right page-down key mouse button one by one. When no windows had been minimized, the window below the mouse cursor is activated if the window has already been active the window below is activated. This makes it possible to switch between two overlapping windows. F10 - Shows the desktop by moving all visible windows to the (configurable) left and right screen edges, which also works during a drag&drop action. By pressing the hotkey again, the windows reappear. This also happens by clicking on the left or right screen edge. Space - Immediately activates the window below the mouse cursor. The timeout is skipped.

6.2. MouseClip - copy and paste with the middle mouse button

MouseClip assigns three functions to the middle mouse button. 1. Marking text using the middle mouse button copies it to clipboard. 2. Clicking with middle mouse button while text is marked inserts this text on the position where the click took place. 3. Clicking with nothing marked inserts the content of the clipboard. The option two and three can be deactivated separately. Especially option 3 should be deactivated when using a mouse with a wheel that can be clicked by mistake. In this case the content of the clipboard would be unwillingly inserted which can be bad because it is often not recognized. By default MouseClip is not active if the standard mouse cursor (white arrow) is shown. By this it is still possible to use the middle mouse button with different software. In Firefox for example, the scroll function can still be activated by using the middle mouse button as long as the pointer is not located above text. Only with the text cursor visible, MouseClip catches the middle mouse button. For the ability to mark text using the middle mouse button it simulates the left mouse button pressed. That means the middle mouse button equals the left mouse button during MouseClip is active. In the configuration window- or element classes can be given where MouseClip is also active although the white mouse cursor is displayed. An element class is a part of a application window, for example the address bar in a browser or the text field in a mail application. The entry "MozillaWindowClass5" allows to select text in Thunderbird without the need of the pointer positioned above text. As mentioned above MouseClip only performs a click of the left mouse button, what cases a lack of the option to open links in a new window or Tab using the middle button. In cases where this option is preferred before marking text, the entry should be removed from the list. For class names also * is allowed as wild-card, whereby complete groups of element classes can be defined (e.g. MozillaWindowClass*).

6.3. WebSearch - Fast web-search with hotkeys

WebSearch allows quick access to often used search engines providing freely assignable Hotkeys and a search dialog. The base of the search is the selected text. There is one Hotkey (default: Win+W) that calls a dialog where search engines can be selected. Additionally hotkeys can be assigned to each single search engine, to perform the search operation for the selected word immediately. When no text is selected and the hotkey is pressed the dialog is displayed where the search term can be entered. In the configuration dialog any number of search engines can be added and hotkeys can be assigned to them. Also for each search engine the browser that is called can be defined. To be able to quickly identify the search engine the corresponding favicon can be downloaded and displayed in the dialog. If a page does not provide a favicon, ac'tivAid could pause for a while due to limitations of AutoHotkey. After a short while ac'tivAid should work properly again. When the search dialog is used often, it is recommended to provide ALT shortcuts by typing an ampersand (&) in front of the favored character. For example G&oogle means that ALT+o performs the search action in the dialog. The option to encode the search term is useful when problems occur during submission of umlauts or other special characters. The URL of the search engine has to include a placeholder (###), which is replaced by the selected text when calling the search engine. It is possible to provide multiple placeholders (##1##, ##2##, ...) where each one represents one word. In this case terms containing spaces has to be surround by quotes. Advice for Firefox: To be able to simultaneously look up a term in multiple search engines, the option "current tab" for new pages should not be active. Advice for Internet Explorer: To be able to simultaneously look up a term in multiple search engines, the option "Reuse windows for launching shortcuts" has to be disabled. Beside the settings in the configuration dialog there is a hidden setting that can be done in the file ac'tivAid.ini. They have to be provided below section [WebSearch]. MultipleOpenDelay = 500 : When multiple search engines are called at the same time, this value defines the waiting time between two requests in milliseconds. If Firefox or IE open everything in the same window, increasing of this value can help to solve the problem. Default-Hotkeys: Win+W - Starts WebSearch dialog Win+Shift+L - Directly search with Leo Win+Shift+G - Directly search with Google Win+Shift+W - Directly search with Wikipedia Win+Shift+T - Directly search with Wortschatz-Lexikon
6.3.1. WebSearchOnMButton
With MouseClip activated, the text selected with middle mouse button is looked up using WebSearch immediately.

6.4. LikeDirkey - Change directory using number pad

LikeDirkey owes his name to the small Freeware-Tool Dirkey (http://www.protonfx.com/dirkey/). Using LikeDirkey one can assign keys Win+0 to Win+9 respectively Ctrl+0 to Ctrl+9 to directories. This allows to quickly jump to the corresponding directory. Using the Win hotkey a new Explorer window is opened always, Using the Ctrl hotkey LikeDirkey tries to change the directory of the current window. To allow this, the address bar has to be visible inside the Explorer window. In order to work together with NiftyWindows, LikeDirkey has to use the numbers of the numpad. This is the standard setting and can be set in the configuration dialog. Beside directories also system variables like %APPDATA% can be used. Even Paths of the Registry can be opened. For these the Syntax looks like the following: HKEY_CURRENT_USER,Keypath\...,Name Prepending a hash character (#HKEY_CURRENT_USER,Keypath\...,Name) it is possible to write the current directory to Registry using Ctrl+Win+0-9 instead of changing the Entry in LikeDirkey. To be able to use special directories of Windows, their class ID has to be provided. The most important IDs for Windows XP are: ::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D} - My Computer ::{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} - Recycle bin ::{208D2C60-3AEA-1069-A2D7-08002B30309D} - Network neighborhood ::{A4D92740-67CD-11CF-96F2-00AA00A11DD9} - Dial-up Network ::{2227A280-3AEA-1069-A2DE-08002B30309D} - Printers ::{FF393560-C2A7-11CF-BFF4-444553540000} - History ::{D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF} - Scheduled Tasks Control - Control Panel System directories can be provided using the corresponding AutoHotkey variable %A_WinDir% - Windows directory %A_ProgramFiles% - Program Files directory (most times C:\Program Files) %A_AppData% - Current user's application-specific data %A_AppDataCommon% - All-users application-specific data %A_Desktop% - Current user's desktop files %A_DesktopCommon% - All user's desktop files %A_StartMenu% - Current user's Start Menu folder %A_StartMenuCommon% - All user's Start Menu folder %A_Startup% - Startup folder in the current user's Start Menu %A_StartupCommon% - Startup folder in the all-users Start Menu %A_MyDocuments% - Current user's "My Documents" folder %A_ScriptDir% - Directory where ac'tivAid is located More variables can be found in the help of AutoHotkey at http://www.autohotkey.com/docs/Variables.htm#BuiltIn Default-Hotkeys: Win + 0-9 - Open Explorer with the directory saved in configuration. Ctrl + 0-9 - Switch to saved directory in current Explorer window Ctrl+Win + 0-9 - Save current directory to shortcut (only inside Explorer) Win + NumPlus - List all saved directories in a context menu. (only together with the extension LikeDirkeyMenu, see below)
6.4.1. LikeDirkeyMenu
Expands LikeDirkey by providing a hotkey that displays a context menu showing all directory shortcuts. This extension is integrated into the configuration page of LikeDirkey. The extension RecentDirs mentioned below also provides the option to display the hotkeys in a menu.

6.5. FilePaste - Pastes copied files as plain text filenames or paths

After copying a file in Explorer using Ctrl+C the filename can be pasted into any application as text using the defined hotkey. There are multiple options to define the format of the filename. More precise descriptions can be found in the ToolTips when waiting with the mouse cursor above the corresponding option. Default-Hotkeys: Ctrl+Win+V - paste the textual content of the clipboard, e.g. file paths or filenames of files copied in Explorer

6.6. NewFolder - Create new folders

Inside Explorer, file dialogs and on the Desktop it is possible to create folders directly, using the configurable hotkey. The long way round the menu can be skipped. Using the additional hotkeys it is also possible to create a new folder that already contains predefined subfolders. It is also possible to create complete directory structures like: images images\RGB images\RGB\web images\RGB\rawdata images\CMYK The creation of folders only works when the complete path is displayed in the title bar or in the address bar of the Explorer window. In some cases the address bar has to be visible too. In the folder options, the setting where to display the path can be set. The option "Ask for the folder name in a dialog" shows a dialog instead of creating the folder and marking it for renaming. In the dialog the name is asked and also subfolders can be created directly by providing the path (new folder\subfolder\subsubfolder). The dialog is only available for explorer windows and not in file dialogs. Using the dialog it is also possible to change directly to the created folder. Inside folder names also AutoHotkey variables are supported. %A_YYYY%-%A_MM%-%A_DD% for example results in the current date in ISO format. More information on the variables can be found here: http://www.autohotkey.com/docs/Variables.htm#BuiltIn Default-Hotkeys: Ctrl+N - Create new folder in Explorer Ctrl+Shift+N - Create new folder with subfolders in Explorer Ctrl+Alt+Shift+N - Directly create subfolders in Explorer

6.7. CommandLine - The address bar of explorer as a command-line

Typing < followed by a DOS-command, the command will be executed. When typing it two times << the command is executed without console window. < - in the address bar of Explorer window: induces command line commands

6.8. UserHotkeys - User defined hotkeys

Vista restrictions: No restrictions are known, but because of the complexity, it is possible that some restrictions are not observed. UserHotkeys allows to assign as many hotkeys as available to any program, function, URL or directory. That is especially useful for external AutoHotkey scripts, which are not included in ac'tivAid. As an example the script 320Mph by Rajat is included and the Hotkey Ctrl+Shift+Space is assigned. This script allows a fast access to the start menu entries similar to the extension AppLauncher which is included since ac'tivAid 1.1. The hotkeys can be sorted in categories for a better overview. Above the list of the hotkeys the display can be limited to one category. In addition a hotkey can be assigned to a category, that displays a menu with all included hotkeys. This is helpful to create quick start menus. Using Alt+Up/Down and Alt+Home/End or dragging by mouse or using the context menu the entries can be assorted manually. Some special commands are supported. They have to be placed at the beginning of the command line. <PasteFile> The content of a file is inserted at the cursor position. Using the button "Save clipboard as file for <PasteFile>" in the creation dialog the content of the clipboard is stored in the subdirectory settings/Clipboards. <Send> The text following <Send> is written as simulated keyboard input. Modifiers like the ones listed at the HotStrings section. (+, ^, etc.) The complete list of modifiers can be found in the AutoHotkey help for the Send command: http://www.autohotkey.com/docs/commands/Send.htm To write modifiers to the output they have to be put into curly braces. {+}{^} The character ` is a special case (escape character of AutoHotkey) and has to be duplicated to be recognized correctly. `` <SendRaw> Similar to <Send>, but modifiers are not considered. <Send Delay:X> Works for <Send> and <SendRaw> and causes a delay between the output of two characters. The X stands for the number of milliseconds between the output. <ControlSend> Similar to the ControlSend command of AutoHotkey. It allows the sending of keyboard input to hidden and minimized programs. It is possible to send input to a specific GUI element using <ControlSend>Edit1,ABC or to send input to ahk_parent using <ControlSend>ABC where ahk_parent is the main window. For ControlSend "Only for the following applications" needs to be set. <ControlClick> Similar to the ControlClick command of AutoHotkey. Allows the sending of mouse clicks on buttons inside hidden or minimized programs. It is possible to send a click to a button directly <ControlClick>Button1 or to send a click to coordinates relatively to the upper left corner of the window using <ControlClick>X10 Y20 For ControlClick "Only for the following applications" needs to be set. Additional parameters can be provided after the following pattern: <ControlSend>Control/Pos,WhichButton,ClickCnt,Options Control/Pos = Control-Name or Position (Xn Yn) WhichButton = LEFT, RIGHT, MIDDLE, X1 or X2 Options = See AutoHotkey documentation: http://www.autohotkey.com/docs/commands/ControlClick.htm <ChDir> Change of directory in current Explorer window (like LikeDirkey) <Reload> Reload ac'tivAid. <ListHotkeys> Display a list of all hotkeys in a window. <ListLines> Display a list of recently executed script commands. <ListVars> Display a list of all variables. <KeyHistory> Display a list of recently pressed keys. <ExitApp> Exit ac'tivAid. <getControl> Write the name of the window element below the mouse pointer to clipboard. <getColour> Write the color code of the pixel below the mouse pointer to clipboard. When adding #<RGB> or 0x<RGB> the color code is formatted like desired. On some systems <RGB> leads to a inaccurate display. <getControlText> The content of the window element below the mouse pointer is written to clipboard. This is a way to copy the label of a button. For ListViews, ListBoxes or DropDown lists, the selected text can be copied, too. When the command is sent again, the complete text of the list is copied. Also window titles are captured. <SingleInstance> When this command is written in front of a program path, the program will be started only once. When pressing the hotkey multiple times, the window of the program is restored or minimized. Limitations: This only works for programs that are executed directly. A lot of Java software (like FreeMind) and also some portable applications use a special executable for loading purposes which is terminated directly after execution. If a document should be opened, the executable to open this document has to be provided, because otherwise ac'tivAid can not recognize the program that opened the document. <Single> Similar to <SingleInstance>, but the window is not minimized on pressing the hotkey again. Limitations are the same as for <SingleInstance>. <SingleInstanceClose> Adding this command the program is opened once. When pressing the hotkey again the program is closed. Limitations are the same as for <SingleInstance>. <SingleInstanceKill> Similar to <SingleInstanceClose>, but the process is killed after half a second if it does not terminate. Please use careful because unsaved data can be lost! Limitations are the same as for <SingleInstance>. <AOT> This command opens the window in always on top mode. <AOT> can be combined with <SingleInstance>. When AOTModifyTitle=1 is set in ac'tivAid.ini in section [UserHotkey], <AOT> modifies the window title to make the mode visible. <Min>,<Max>,<Hide> The window of the program is opened minimized, maximized or hidden. <WheelUp>,<WheelDown> Sends mouse wheel up/down command to the current window. This allows to scroll using the keyboard. <MouseMoveTo>x,y Moves the mouse cursor to the specific position x,y on the monitor. (The parameter s of previous versions is not supported any longer.) <MouseMoveBy>x,y,s Moves the mouse cursor by the specific values x,y on the monitor. Can be used to create a keyboard mouse, together with "<send>{Click}" which performs a mouse click. (The parameter s of previous versions is not supported any longer.) <CategoryMenu> Display a category menu. This command is created automatically, when a category shortcut is assigned. To create separators an entry with neither shortcut nor command but the corresponding category has to be added. If the command does not provide a category, a menu with all categories is shown. The commands are displayed as submenus. <CategoryLaunchAll> Executes all commands of the category the hotkey is created for. The category is not given as command, but as category. <AltTab>, <ShiftAltTab> These commands allow to assign the Alt-Tab menu <AltTabAndMenu> (Task-Switcher) to a hotkey like Shift+MouseWheel. <AltTabMenuDismiss> <WorkingDir:"..."> Defines the working directory. For example %ComSpec%<WorkingDir:"C:\"> calls the command line interpreter (cmd.exe) in a way that the starting directory is set to C:\. <PostMessage> Realization of the AutoHotkey command which uses the following syntax: <PostMessage>Msg, wParam, lParam, Control, WinTitle... Example: Toggle shuffle for winamp <PostMessage>0x111,40023,,,ahk_class Winamp v1.x <activAid> Calls the declared subroutine of the ac'tivAid source. This function has to be used very careful, because it can cause damages. The new option of AppLauncher to display instructions of ac'tivAid can be used to determine the correct subroutines. Some interesting subroutines: sub_Statistics - Statistic window sub_VarDumpGUI - Check values of variables sub_OpenSettingsDir - Open settings directory sub_ShowDuplicates - Show window of duplicate hotkeys <ShowExtensionMenu> Directly calls the context menu of an extension, that otherwise is displayed as submenu in the context menu in the menu of all functions. Example: <ShowExtensionMenu>HotStrings <Config> Calls the simple configuration of a single extension. Example: <Config>HotStrings <OnShutDown> The provided command is executed automatically before the shutdown of the machine using PowerControl or AutoShutDown. This for example allows to execute a backup script before shutting down the machine. AutoShutDown and PowerControl look up all entries of UserHotkeys and execute all where <OnShutDown> is present. That means the entries can still be called using a hotkey, if one is added. Environment variables are supported as well as all variables provided by AutoHotkey. Variables has to be enclosed by % characters (e.g. %USERNAME%). If the % character has to be used itself, the ` sign has to be prepended. Example: <send>100 `% The available variables can be found in the documentation of AutoHotkey: http://www.autohotkey.com/docs/Variables.htm#BuiltIn UserHotkeys also provides a special variable named %Selection%. It is replaced by the currently selected text when the hotkey is pressed. For the command <Send> there is the special variable %SelectionPaste% which is only available for <Send>. At the position the variable is placed it is replaced by Ctrl+V and before the command is executed the selection is put into the clipboard. To be able to use special directories of Windows, their class ID has to be provided. The most important IDs for Windows XP are: ::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D} - My Computer ::{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} - Recycle bin ::{208D2C60-3AEA-1069-A2D7-08002B30309D} - Network neighborhood ::{A4D92740-67CD-11CF-96F2-00AA00A11DD9} - Dial-up Network ::{2227A280-3AEA-1069-A2DE-08002B30309D} - Printers ::{FF393560-C2A7-11CF-BFF4-444553540000} - History ::{D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF} - Scheduled Tasks Control - Control Panel Control Appwiz.cpl - Control Panel/Software System directories can be provided using the corresponding AutoHotkey variable %A_WinDir% - Windows directory %A_ProgramFiles% - Program Files directory (most times C:\Program Files) %A_AppData% - Current user's application-specific data %A_AppDataCommon% - All-users application-specific data %A_Desktop% - Current user's desktop files %A_DesktopCommon% - All user's desktop files %A_StartMenu% - Current user's Start Menu folder %A_StartMenuCommon% - All user's Start Menu folder %A_Startup% - Startup folder in the current user's Start Menu %A_StartupCommon% - Startup folder in the all-users Start Menu %A_MyDocuments% - Current user's "My Documents" folder %A_ScriptDir% - Directory where ac'tivAid is located Hotkeys can be limited to single programs. For indication a part of the window title, the window class with prefix "ahk_class " or as special case the text "ExplorerAndDialogs" can be given. ExplorerAndDialogs is valid for all Explorer windows and file dialogs. This makes it possible to replace LikeDirkey together with <ChDir>. To invert the behavior the statement has to begin with [not]. This allows to exclude programs. Multiple window names can be divided by comma but this is not possible for multiple window classes (ahk_class). For the special commands <ControlSend> or <ControlClick> ahk_class defines the remotely controlled program which even does not have to be active. When the file settings\custom-variables.ini is created it is possible to define own variables that are available using %VARIABLE%. The file has to have the following format: VARIABLE = Value (Characters allowed for variable names: A-Z 0-9 # _ @ $ ? [ ])

6.9. HotStrings - Automatic HotStrings

Often used text snippets can be called via abbreviations using "HotStings". If ac'tivAid is compiled using the extension PackAndGo, HotStrings cannot be changed any longer. If you need HotStrings in a compiled version, you have to configure them before you use PackAndGo to create the executable. It's best to explain the options on the basis of an example. The abbreviation "Sy" is set to "Sincerely yours". The options have the following results: • default (no options) Sy is replaced after a space or a punctuation mark is typed before and after the abbreviation Sy. blah Sy blah = blah Sincerely yours blah blah sy blah = blah Sincerely yours blah blahsy blah = blahsy blah blah syblah = blah syblah "Sy" = "Sincerely yours" sy, = Sincerely yours, • replace immediately (otherwise after Space, Enter ...) Sy is replaced directly after typing the letter y by the text module so it's not waited for space or punctuation mark. This option is useful to specify a chosen character for replacement. If all abbreviations and with < it is more unlikely to replace text unwillingly (for example "Sy<", "DSoM<", ...) • ignore the character which causes the replacement This option causes the character that induces the replacement not to be typed. If you type a space after Sy it is not typed after "Sincerely yours". blah Sy blah = blah Sincerely yoursblah "Sy" = "Sincerely yours Sy, = Sincerely yours • replace inside words The abbreviation is also replaced when typed inside a word. blasybla = blaSincerely yoursbla • don't replace abbreviation but append the text sy = sySincerely yours • case sensitivity • yes Sy = Sincerely yours sy = sy SY = SY • ignore case Sy = Sincerely yours sy = Sincerely yours SY = SINCERELY YOURS • ignore case and don't transpose case Sy = Sincerely yours sy = Sincerely yours SY = Sincerely yours • output control-commands like {Enter}{Left} as plain text Normally control-commands like {Enter} are executed during replacement so {Enter} produces a new line. With this option active the text is typed as it is written. • substitute !, +, ^, and # with Alt, Ctrl, Strg or Windows If checked, special single-character control-commands in the text are transformed to keyboard input that means ^a results in Ctrl+A, what results in the whole text marked in most applications. Here you get a small overview of the available control-commands. A complete list can be found in the documentation at: http://www.autohotkey.com/docs/commands/Send.htm Remark: ac'tivAid does not re-recognize controls it sends on its own! {F1} - {F24} function key {!} ! {#} # {+} + {^} ^ {{} { {}} } {ENTER} Enter/Return {ESCAPE}/{ESC} Escape key {SPACE} Space key {TAB} Tabulator {BACKSPACE}/{BS} Backspace {DELETE}/{DEL} Delete {INSERT}/{INS} Insert {UP} Cursor up {DOWN} Cursor down {LEFT} Cursor left {RIGHT} Cursor right {HOME} Home {END} End {PGUP} Page up {PGDN} Page down {CapsLock} Caps lock {ScrollLock} Scroll lock {NumLock} Num {CONTROL}/{CTRL} Ctrl {LCONTROL}/{LCTRL} left Ctrl {RCONTROL}/{RCTRL} right Ctrl {CONTROLDOWN}/{CtrlDown} Presses Ctrl key, until released with {CtrlUp} {ALT} Alt {LALT} left Alt {RALT} right Alt {AltDown} Presses Alt key, until released with {AltUp} {SHIFT} Shift {LSHIFT} left Shift {RSHIFT} right Shift {ShiftDown} Presses Shift key, until released with {ShiftUp} {LWIN} left Windows {RWIN} right Windows {LWinDown} Presses left Win key,until released with {LWinUp} {RWinDown} Presses right Win key,until released with {RWinUp} {AppsKey} context menu {SLEEP} Standby {ASC nnnn} send ASCII code - Example: {ALT 0149} results in • {PRINTSCREEN} Print {CTRLBREAK} Ctrl+Pause {PAUSE} Pause Examples: - Dear Sir or Madam{Left 13}+{Right 13} - first name{Tab}last name{Tab}street{Tab}location - ^atext module replaces complete text selected by Ctrl{+}A Since ac'tivAid 1.0.4 also small AutoHotkey scripts can be provided. The option "AutoHotkey-commands" has to be activated. Because an error in these scripts cause ac'tivAid not to start any longer the scripts has to undergo a "syntax-check" before "Apply" can be pressed. Later Errors can only be corrected by manually correcting them in the file settings/Hotstrings.ini. Since ac'tivAid 1.0.5 it is possible to limit HotStrings to single programs. The limitation refers to parts of the title of the window. To limit a HotString to OpenOffice, "- OpenOffice.org" has to be written as window title. Important remark: The comparison is case sensitive! With "Not for this Appl." checked, HotStrings can be excluded from programs. When the file settings\custom-variables.ini is created it is possible to define own variables that are available using %VARIABLE%. The file has to have the following format: VARIABLE = Value (Characters allowed for variable names: A-Z 0-9 # _ @ $ ? [ ]) To insert formatted HotStrings there are two possibilities. 1. Shortcuts can be sent to the application to activate formatting. Example for OpenOffice ("substitute !, +, ^, and #..." has to be active): normal text ^+fbold text^+f nomal text Alternative: {Ctrl down}{Shift down}f{Ctrl up}{Shift up} instead of ^+f 2. This possibility takes usage of the button "Save clipboard as file" at the right bottom of the configuration. This option saves the current clipboard content to a file and the currently active HotString is filled with a small script that reads the file and paste it to the current application. If the output of HotStrings does not work properly or behaves in an unwanted way (e.g. with Google Desktop), the SendPlay mode can be activated for single HotStrings. It is named SendPlay because it is adapted to work together with games. SendPlay is slower than the normal mode and sends the keys directly to the active program. This also means the start menu cannot be opened by sending {LWin}. Also only Keys can be sent, that are available for the current active keyboard layout. It is possible to provide global HotStrings in a network. Therefor the designated HotStrings should be created on one machine. Afterwards the file HotStrings.ini has to be moved to a network drive. Now on every computer that is supposed to share these HotStrings the HotStrings.ini has to be modified by adding the following line at the top of it: #Include *i N:\path\HotStrings.ini Where N is the drive letter of the network drive. It is important that there are no identical HotStrings on the local machine, because otherwise ac'tivAid will stop with an error message. The *i is given to disable a possible error message when the file is not available for some reason. The external HotStrings are displayed in the configuration but cannot be modified. To avoid displaying comments of manually modified HotSting files inside the configuration, the following comment combinations can be used: ;* ;; ;! ;- ;= ; - ; = More information can be found here: http://www.autohotkey.com/docs/commands/Send.htm http://www.autohotkey.com/docs/commands/SendMode.htm http://tinyurl.com/43vbda (German) http://www.heise.de/software/download/special/activaid_forte/10_11 (German)
6.9.1. HotStringsHotkey - Create HotString from selection
HotStringsHotkey is a simple extension that provides a hotkey for creating HotStrings out of the currently selected Text. The new HotString is not saved immediately, but the configuration window is displayed with the new HotString to allow changing the options.

6.10. ReadingRuler - Attach a line or a cross hair to the mouse cursor

This extension provides a line across the monitor that can be used as a ruler to simplify reading. This line follows the mouse cursor and can be toggled by pressing the hotkey. There is the possibility to display a vertical line or both lines optionally. The color, transparency and thickness is freely configurable. The additional options to display the window class or the element class are mainly only interesting for developers. If the start position is displayed, ReadingRuler also works together with ScreenShots and passes the spanned area to ScreenShots. By pressing the Ctrl key twice with short time between, the start position can be repositioned. Default-Hotkeys: Win + Plus Toggle reading ruler

6.11. QuickChangeDir - Quickly change the directory

Using QuickChangeDir it is possible to change to a directory, without knowing exactly where it is located. After a part of the directory name is given, QuickChangeDir lists all considerable directories. To allow a quick search, there is a previously created index for the drives. The folder is not looked up on the drives itself. Using the configuration dialog the directories and drives that should be indexed can be defined. Less folders make the list more simple and speed up the indexing process. So only the required folders should be included. (see "schedule indexing ..." below) For long result lists, the search results in the result window can be further narrowed down. Using Ctrl+Up/Down entries that contain the input can be selected directly. Using the arrow menu in the search dialog or the check-button in the configuration dialog single drives or directories can be re-indexed. The address bar has to be visible in explorer windows to allow directory changes. In general typing the drive letter limits the search to this drive (Example: C:search item) and thereby speeds up the process. This can be useful as a "default search item". When putting "C:" there, the search dialog is initialized with this value, so the search is limited to drive C by default. To look up a folder in all drives, the "C:" can be deleted. Using a wildcard (*) allows to omit substrings. Additionally not only the name of the folder is looked up, but the complete path. When a wildcard is present, the search operation slows down. Examples for wildcards: *Explorer (the path has to end with "Explorer") *Explorer* (the path contains "Explorer" somewhere inside) Explorer* (the directory has to begin with "Explorer") C:*Explorer (like the first one, but limited to drive C) Program*Explorer* (finds "Explorer*" only as a subfolder of "Program*") schedule indexing ...: The scheduled indexing keeps the index of directories up to date. Because the indexing slows down the system because of a lot of disk accesses, scheduled indexing at special times or special events is recommended. A real time index is not possible with AutoHotkey. That means newly created directories can only be found after re-indexing. There are multiple types of schedules for indexing that can be combined. - Indexing if the drive-space changed This is only recommended, when few directories are indexed and the index has to be actualized quite often. When the free drive-space changes by the given amount, the indexing is directly done. - Indexing at a appointed time This setting is useful for servers or other computers that are permanently working. It allows indexing at night time or at noon. - Indexing every X hours Mostly suitable for servers to keep shared drives up to date. - Indexing at shutdown/poweroff (only with AutoShutdown or PowerControl) This is recommended for single user computers. When the computer is shut down using AutoShutdown or PowerControl, the indexing is done before the computer shuts down. When shutting down using the start menu the indexing is not initiated. Beside the settings in the configuration there is a hidden setting that can be set in the file QuickChangeDir.ini: [History] HistoryLength = xxx ; Defines how many entries are recorded in the history Default-Hotkeys: Win + Minus Dialog for the directory change

6.12. QuickNote - Simple note window with direct saving

QuickNote is a very simple, but quickly accessible note window. It can be toggled by Hotkey and saves every change directly to hard disk, that means on a crash no data is lost. QuickNote is especially useful for notices during a phone call. Below the note there is the possibility to activate a timer. The note is then displayed at the specified date and time automatically and a sound is played. Using the compact view hides the title bar and the timer options. In this view the note is only movable and scalable using ComfortResize, but this view is useful because all the space it uses is available for displaying the note. Another option allows to hide the scroll bars to have more space for the note. The acoustic signal of the timer can be changed in a hidden setting inside the file ac'tivAid.ini in the settings directors. Below [QuichNoteX] the following line has to be added: SoundFile = C:\pfad\datei.wav QuickNote only supports one note. If more notes are required, the script can be duplicated using the button "Duplicate QuickNote script". The duplicated scripts work completely independent and can be configured freely. Duplicated QuickNote scripts are numbered serially (QuickNote1, QuickNote2, ...). The duplication of the script is not possible for the PackAndGo version. If a wildcard (*) is set in front of the path, QuickNote first tries to find the file in the folder of the currently active Explorer window. If it is not found, the global file is opened. This setting is useful for notes in folders of a project. The colors of background and text can be changed by inserting the hexadecimal value or by selecting it by mouse (double click on the color field). In addition to the hidden setting SoundFile, there are these additional ones: UndoFile = xxx ; Defines the path of the undo file. MaxUndos = 50 ; Defines the maximum number of stored UNDO steps TimerMenu = xxx ; Allows to manually modify the timer menu. Default setting: TimerMenu = 1m, 2m, 3m, 4m, 5m, 6m, 7m, 8m, 9m, 10m, 12m, 15m, 20m, 25m, 30m, 40m, 45m, 50m, 55m, -, 1h, 1½h, 2h, 3h, 4h, 5h, 10h, -, 1d, 2d, 3d, 4d, 5d, 6d, 7d ShutdownDelaySeconds = xxx ; Number of seconds for "Show note window for X seconds at shutdown" The following shortcuts are available when editing a note: Ctrl+Del: Delete word behind cursor Ctrl+Backspace: Delete word before cursor Ctrl+A: Select all Ctrl+D: Insert date Ctrl+L: Insert line Ctrl+R: Execute selection (URL, path, ...) Ctrl+Z: Undo Ctrl+Y: Redo Ctrl+S oder Escape: Close note Ctrl+E: Export selection Ctrl+P: Print note Ctrl+K: Toggle compact mode Ctrl+F: Search text F3: Search next Shift+F3: Search previous Drag&Drop: Insert file path Ctrl+Up/Down: Scroll Default-Hotkeys: F12: Toggle note window

6.13. Eject - Ejects CDs or other media

Eject can be used to define 11 hotkeys for opening and closing the CD trays. Using DevEject (from c't 16/03) also memory cards can be ejected from multi card readers. In combination with the tool RemoveDrive (by Uwe Sieber) it also allows to perform a safe remove of USB sticks. For all operations a transparent on screen display similar to the one of OS X can be displayed. Since version 0.6 the wildcard (*) can be used as a special drive symbol. This allows to remove the currently selected drive. This option recognizes a selected link on the Desktop as well as an active Explorer window or a selected drive in "My Computer". It is also possible to eject multiple drives by writing them in a comma separated list. "AllCD" is a keyword to eject all CD drives. To eject drives using DecEject, a drive name has to be created by using the button "Custom devicenames". In the dialog a device can be connected with a drive name. In the left column the name has to be given (e.g. USB-Stick). The right column can be filled in multiple ways. If the name is a drive letter, the device ID pressing the arrow button (->) tries to find the drive ID. In the drop down list all device IDs are listed. Remark that in this list also non drives like external WLAN-devices or keyboards are listed. The selected device ID is used as parameter -EjectID for DevEject. Alternatively this parameter for DevEject can be entered manually (no ' or \ is allowed in this name). Also the drive letter can be entered, if the device ID does not work or if it looks to risky for you. The tool RemoveDrive by Uwe Sieber can be called by typing "RemoveDrive X:" in the field "assigned device", where X is the drive letter. This tool is always able to remove external USB drives if no open handle is left. With the additional option "RemoveDrive X: -l" (loop) RemoveDrive keeps trying to remove the drive continuously. This improves the reliability, but can cause the Eject display to stay on screen if RemoveDrive is not successful. The user defines devices can be selected in the drive drop down list inside the configuration of Eject. Default-Hotkeys: ScrollLock Eject first optical device Ctrl+Shift+E Eject selected device (*)

6.14. MusicPlayerControl - Hotkeys for Media-Player

This script allows to control WinAmp, iTunes, FooBar 2000 and Windows Media Player with global hotkeys. If MusicPlayerControl does not work together with iTunes, a re-installation of iTunes most times can solve the problem. MusicPlayerControl can also simulate the media keys of an extended keyboard. This is only done if the option is active and none of the supported players had been available. Because there are no media keys for the special Controls, they do only work for the supported applications that are supported. When no supported application is found, a BalloonTip with a message is displayed. For support of programs that do not have an entry in the Registry, the file ac'tivAid.ini has to be edited and the corresponding setting has to be inserted below [MusicPlayerControl]. The corresponding name is shown in an InfoScreen if the program is activated, but no executable is found. <Programmname>Path = <Pfad> Default-Hotkeys: Win + Cursor left: Previous title Win + Cursor right: Next title Win + Del: Pause Win + Shift + Cursor left: Rewind (Not working for all player software) Win + Shift + Cursor right: fast-forward Win + Shift + Cursor up: WinAmp/iTunes volume up Win + Shift + Cursor down: WinAmp/iTunes volume down Win + End: Stop Win + Home: Play

6.15. MiddleButton - Assign actions to the middle mouse button (wheel)

Offers a selection of actions that can be assigned to the middle mouse button. Single window- or element classes can be defined as exceptions, where the middle mouse button keeps the original function. For class names also wildcard (*) is allowed to allow groups of element classes to be caught. Example: MozillaWindowClass* When problems with menus of Firefox occur, the adding of element class MozillaDropShadowWindowClass helps, which is added by default since ac'tivAid version

6.16. FreeSpace - Shows the free disk space in the title bar of explorer

Vista restrictions: Displaying of the free space in the title bar only works with classic XP Design. FreeSpace changes the title bar of all Explorer windows and displays the amount of free space of the current drive.

6.17. WindowsControl - Minimizing, maximizing and closing windows

WindowsControl allows to define hotkeys for essential window operations as minimizing, maximizing, closing and changing the size to special formats. Additionally there is an option to kill a program without waiting for a response. This is useful for hanging applications. The option "Window always on top" toggles the always on top mode for a window, that means it cannot be covered by other windows. Default-Hotkeys: Win + Space: Minimize window Win + Alt + Ctrl + Space: Maximize window Win + Alt + Ctrl + left: Maximize window on left half of the screen Win + Alt + Ctrl + right: Maximize window on right half of the screen Win + Alt + Ctrl + up: Maximize window on upper half of the screen Win + Alt + Ctrl + down: Maximize window on lower half of the screen Win + H: Maximize window only in vertical range Win + W: Maximize window only in horizontal range Win + X: Close program/window Win + Shift + Home: Toggle always on top mode (AOT) Win + Shift + Del: Kill process (Remind: not saved data is lost)

6.18. RecentDirs - A menu with recently used folders

Vista restrictions: works fine, but not yet tested wit Office. In most file dialogs Windows provides access to the recently used files and folders. Most times the files listed here are not required and slow down the process. RecentDirs provides a context menu that only reads the links to directories listed in the "Recent" directory and sorts them chronological. The last used directory is found at the top of the menu. Because Microsoft Office has its own directory to store recent files, both directories are read and the results are sorted chronological. Selecting a directory activates this directory in the active dialog or Explorer window. If no Dialog or Explorer window is active, a new Explorer is opened. By pressing Ctrl, Shift or Windows during selection this behavior can be forced. Additionally RecentDirs allows to tidy up the "Recent" directories of Windows and Microsoft Office. This speeds up RecentDirs as well as the internal Windows function. The tidying up is done on every call of RecentDirs and can additionally be scheduled every 5 minutes in background. Using "alternative presentation" affects the layout of the menu. Further details are shown in the ToolTip of the option. Default-Hotkeys: Win + Del: List recently visited directories

6.19. PackAndGo - Compile ac'tivAid for distribution

This extension allows the creation of a compiled EXE version of ac'tivAid. It takes care of compiling the additional scripts like QuickChangeDir Indexer and the UserHotkey scripts and creates a single EXE file where all scripts are embedded. So only the EXE file has to be distributed. All required files, like this ReadMe and the icon files are extracted during the first launch. All settings that are set at compiling time are stored, too. For the extension HotStrings remark that HotStrings cannot be modified in the compiled version. After compilation the EXE file can be moved automatically or an application or script can be called. This is useful for administrators that only pass the EXE version and make them available in a commonly available directory. Using a script would allow to automatically spread the new file via Mail. The option "Enable uninstall of the exe-file" configures whether the EXE version writes uninstall information to the registry on first launch. This would allow users to uninstall ac'tivAid like other software.

6.20. LeoToolTip - Translate selected word

LeoToolTip is able to look up the selected word on "http://dict.leo.org". The translation is shown in a ToolTip or in a menu that can either be called by a hotkey or by selecting text with the middle mouse button. The latter has to be activated in the configuration and is only available when MouseClip is active. To display the ToolTip for a longer time, the mouse cursor has to be moved on the ToolTip. When the ToolTip is left, or it is clicked on the ToolTip it disappears. Clicking with the right mouse button on the ToolTip opens the corresponding page at leo.org in the default browser. In the configuration, also the server that should be used for the requests can be chosen. "dict.leo.org" and "pda.leo.org" are available. "dict.leo.org" is the regular website that submits more data than "pda.leo.org" which is a page optimized for PDAs and gives equal results more quickly especially for slow internet connections. This advantage comes together with the disadvantage that using it for many requests in a short time can cause a ban of 2 Minutes from leo.org. In this case a ToolTip with this information is shown. Another disadvantage is that new languages are added later. This is why German-Italian is only available over dict.leo.org. LeoToolTip only supports translations for languages that use ASCII letters, because AutoHotkey presently does not support Unicode-Text, which would be required for German-Chinese translation. An alternative to the ToolTip is displaying the results in a menu, where a translation can be chosen to directly replace the selected text with. As an option the text can also be copied to the clipboard. In general the display is limited to the first 5 hits. This limitation is the result of an agreement with Leo.org, to have the permission to continue offering LeoToolTip. By default an input dialog is shown, when nothing is selected. At "Additional settings..." it can be changed and ac'tivAid tries to select the word under the cursor and look this one up. Please note chapter 3.2., when problems with the internet connection appear. Beside the settings in the configuration dialog there is a hidden setting that can be done in the file ac'tivAid.ini. It has to be provided below section [LeoToolTip]. HistoryFile = file.txt ; all found and chosen selections are written to the file provided HistoryFileOnMenuCall = 1 ; Additional settings for the history file 1: only write to the file when the entry in the context menu is selected 2: only "search item=translation" is added 3: the selected menu entry is added formatted and always with the foreign language at first Default-Hotkeys: Ctrl + Shift + L translate selected word using German-English dictionary

6.21. ThesauroToolTip - Synonyms for German words

ThesauroToolTip looks up the selected word at http://www.openthesaurus.de. The result is shown in a ToolTip or in a menu that can either be called by a hotkey or by selecting text with the middle mouse button. The latter has to be activated in the configuration and is only available when MouseClip is active. To display the ToolTip for a longer time, the mouse cursor has to be moved on the ToolTip. When the ToolTip is left, or it is clicked on the ToolTip it disappears. Clicking with the right mouse button on the ToolTip opens the corresponding page at openthesaurus.de in the default browser. Older versions of ThesauroToolTip had used the more comprehensive "Wortschatz- Projekt" of the University of Leipzig. Unfortunately the websites had been modified in a way that AutoHotkey is not able to access them in the moment. Please note chapter 3.2., when problems with the internet connection appear. Default-Hotkeys: Ctrl + Shift + T show Synonyms for the selected German word

6.22. AutoShutdown - Dialog to shutdown or logoff the system

AutoShutdown can be used to specifically shut down the computer. In difference to PowerControl a security dialog is shown, that is automatically confirmed after a configurable time. This allows to abort an accidental activation of the shutdown. Another option is to automatize the shutdown completely. Either a schedule can be created (e.g.: every working day at 7 pm and on weekends at 10 pm) or the shutdown can be initiated dependent on program windows. The last option can be interesting for backup software or other time consuming processes, that are not able to shut down the computer by themselves. The dialog for "Program and window controlled shutdown" multiple rules can be combined. Example: the disappearing window "Copy ..." only initiates the shutdown, if a window "Backup" is present. The + button can be used to capture the data of an currently active window and inserts this information into the text fields of the dialog. To have the ability to test the behavior without accidentally shutting down the computer, there is a test mode which only displays what would happen. To execute one or more commands before shutting down, there can be created entries as UserHotkeys using the special command <OnShutDown>. More information can be found at UserHotkeys. Default-Hotkeys: Win + Q: Shutdown computer with security dialog Win + Ctrl + Shift + Q: Shutdown computer directly

6.23. ComfortResize - Change the size of all windows and move them

To resize or move windows more comfortable, ComfortResize allows to perform these actions within the complete window. Therefor the window is virtually divided into nine parts. When clicking in the eight parts at the border of the window it can be resized, inside the one in the middle it can be moved. Optionally it is possible to limit the resize and move operations by the screen borders. Additionally six hotkeys can be selected to scale the window to a user defined size. This for example is useful for web developers in combination with browser windows to simulate different screen resolutions. Depending on the graphics card and the system artifacts may occur on the screen, but the will disappear when the mouse button is released or the mouse does not move. Optionally the speed of the movement can be slowed down, which prevent or at least reduces the artifacts. Beside the settings in the configuration dialog there is a hidden setting that can be done in the file ac'tivAid.ini. It has to be provided below section [ComfortResize]. If you use "Right and left mouse button" and the right mouse button does not work correctly in other programs you could enable an alternative behavior in the additional settings menu. Default-Hotkeys: Win + right mouse button: Resize or move window Win + Shift + right mouse button: Resize or move window using the grid Win + Ctrl + right mouse button: Resize or move window toggle limit on screen Win + Alt + Numpad-6: Resize window to 640x480 Win + Alt + Numpad-8: Resize window to 800x600 Win + Alt + Numpad-1: Resize window to 1024x768 Win + Alt + Numpad-2: Resize window to 1280x1024 Win + Alt + Numpad-4: User defined size Win + Alt + Numpad-5: User defined size

6.24. DriveIcons - Create links to drives on mounting

Vista restrictions: Ejecting using the Recycle bin does not work yet. 64-bit systems restriction: It is not possible to arrange the icons on the right side like OS X does it. DriveIcons provides a handy function, known from Linux and MAC systems. When a CD is inserted or an external media is plugged in, a link is created on the desktop. It is even possible to arrange the icons on the right side of the screen (this option is not available for 64-bit systems). Instead of the desktop, the links can also be created in the Quick Launch area or inside a user defined directory. Drives where no link should be created can be excluded by name. Manually created links are recognized by DriveIcons. If there is need for an additional link to a drive the path of the link has to be like "C:". It is not allowed to end with ":\". These links are handled by DriveIcons. Like the original Mac version, it is also possible to eject drives by dropping them on the Recycle bin. This is managed by monitoring the links (which can be disabled). If a link is deleted manually, DriveIcons tries to eject the drive using the extension Eject, which has to be installed. Some CD/DVD burning programs like Nero Burning Rom continuously check the status of CD/DVD drives like DriveIcons does. This causes both programs to react with delay and causes problems with burning media. For this reason a list of programs can be given to disable the status requests when these programs are active. To include a program in the list, it is recommended to disable DriveIcons (by unchecking the checkbox left to the description and applying this setting). After disabling DriveIcons start the program that should be disabled and call the configuration of DriveIcons. Click on the + button, activate the program that caused problems and press enter. Now the exception list should contain the class of the program. To prevent other users having the same problem it would be nice of you to inform us so we can extend the default list of excluded applications. Another problem in combination with DriveIcons can occur using the personal firewall Outpost. In general it is recommended to activate the option "Allow NetBios communication" when using AutoHotkey scripts. Also some special drives (e.g. VPN) can slow down the system. In this case, only excluding these drives in the configuration solves the problem. The entry "SkipIcons = x" in ac'tivAid.ini below [DriveIcons] defines how many spaces for icons are left blank atop, before the drive icons are displayed.

6.25. FileRenamer - Rename multiple files or folders

FileRenamer provides multiple possibilities to rename files and folders automated. It is called inside Explorer by the hotkey and uses the previously selected files. The dialog that is displayed provides multiple options to define the renaming scheme. The following replacement characters are available for renaming. \f - the original file name or folder name \x - the original extension \n - an automatic numbering \d - the date (configured below) \t - the time (configured below) \c - content of clipboard or corresponding row of clipboard The numbering can be configured as well as the date and the time. For date and time different sources can be chosen. A manually entered time is possible as well as the time of the last modification, the time of creation, the EXIF date for images or the current time. A combination of text and replacement characters is also possible. "testimage.gif" using "Image \n.\x" results in "Image 001.gif" "Document.doc" using "\f_Original.\x" results in "Document_Original.doc". The default setting for numbers automatically adds leading zeros. File number 5 would be numbered 005. To adjust the number of leading zeros, the starting value has to be adjusted (e.g. 00001). Replace can also be used with regular expressions, when the search value starts with "RegEx:". Example: Replace in filename (\f) RegEx:(\w+) with '$1' Result: Every word is surrounded by a single quote All filenames can be copied by clicking on the list and pressing Ctrl+C. These can be pasted into a text editor and edited. After editing, all of them can be copied to the clipboard again and assigned to the files by putting \c for "new filename". This causes every row of the clipboard to be assigned as filename. FileRenamer reloads the clipboard on changing the field "new filename" or on pressing Ctrl+V Using Alt+up/down and Alt+Home/End or using the context menu, entries can be sorted manually. Date format (case sensitive): d Day of the month without leading zero (1 - 31) dd Day of the month with leading zero (01 – 31) ddd Abbreviated name for the day of the week (e.g. Mon) dddd Full name for the day of the week (e.g. Monday) M Month without leading zero (1 – 12) MM Month with leading zero (01 – 12) MMM Abbreviated month name (e.g. Jan) MMMM Full month name (e.g. January) y Year without century, without leading zero (0 – 99) yy Year without century, with leading zero (00 - 99) yyyy Year with century. (e.g. 2005) gg Period/era string for the current user's locale (blank if none) Time format (case sensitive): h Hours without leading zero; 12-hour format (1 - 12) hh Hours with leading zero; 12-hour format (01 – 12) H Hours without leading zero; 24-hour format (0 - 23) HH Hours with leading zero; 24-hour format (00– 23) m Minutes without leading zero (0 – 59) mm Minutes with leading zero (00 – 59) s Seconds without leading zero (0 – 59) ss Seconds with leading zero (00 – 59) t Single character time marker, such as A or P (depends on locale) tt Multi-character time marker, such as AM or PM (depends on locale) Because AutoHotkey currently does not support Unicode, it is not possible to process unicode filenames in ac'tivAid. Files containing special characters can not be handled by FileRenamer (Turkish, East-European languages, ...). Default-Hotkeys: Ctrl + U: Rename files selected inside Explorer.

6.26. KeyState - Displays the status of CapsLock, ScrollLock and NumLock

Provides displaying the state of caps lock, scroll lock and num lock key, in different ways. There are two permanent display options: a system tray Icon or a display in the title bar of the active window. Also one temporary display (an OSD) is available. The OSD is shortly displayed time, when the keystate is changed. Additionally an acoustical signal can be activated that helps to recognize accidental pressing of caps lock while blind writing. The windows where the title bar display or complete KeyState should not be displayed can be configured by adding the window classes to the appropriate field. To detect the window class the + button has to be pressed. Afterwards the window of interest has to be active and has to be confirmed by pressing enter. Also window titles are allowed to be entered. The often mentioned desire for a display of the Insert key state cannot be managed within ac'tivAid, because the state is not managed by the system, but instead by the applications themselves, and there is no consistent way to obtain this information. When the Insert key is not needed it can be deactivated using RemapKeys. Beside the settings in the configuration dialog there are hidden settings that can be done in the file ac'tivAid.ini. They have to be provided below section [KeyState]. IconFile = C:\pfad\icons.icl ; User defined ICL file providing the icons for the status displayed in the tray. SoundFile = C:\pfad\datei.wav ; Audio file for the acoustic signal Additionally inside the ini file below section [activAid] full screen applications can be listed for which no OSD is displayed. FullScreenApps = Parts of the window name or the class, comma separated

6.27. MultiClipboard - Multiple clipboards

MultiClipboard provides a total of 9 clipboards accessible by hotkeys. Each clipboard has its own hotkey for copy and paste. Because the clipboard contents are stored on disk, all clipboard contents are available even after a system restart. Optionally the clipboard contents can be deleted on restart. The main hotkey displays a menu that displays the first 60 characters of each clipboard. Pressing the Shift key while choosing an entry inserts the content of the selected clipboard and also the content of all clipboards above. The option "Monitor Ctrl+C and Ctrl+X" copies the selection on clipboard No. 1 and moves all other clipboards down by one. The monitoring causes some problems in combination together with Excel, when no printer is installed or the standard printer is not available. A workaround is to install a simple Textprinter. That has to be defined as default printer. Another problem in connection to Excel and the monitoring of the clipboard is the fact that the monitoring causes Excel to put the copied part to clipboard additionally as an image. Unfortunately Excel seems to run into problems and does not copy any longer but causes a warning message instead. This can only be avoided by excluding excel.exe from monitoring using the hidden setting ExcludeApps (see below). Beside the settings in the configuration dialog there are hidden settings that can be done in the file ac'tivAid.ini. They have to be provided below section [MultiClipboard]. AdditionalClipboards = X ; Number of additional clipboards for additional setting "X additional clipboards in menu". (default = 10) ClipSizeLimit = X ; Limitation of the monitoring of clipboard to X MB. Default value is 16 (MB), 0 means no limit. ExcludeApps = App1,App2… ; Inhibits monitoring Ctrl+C/X for some processes. (e.g. Excel.exe) Default-Hotkeys: Ctrl + Alt + Shift + 1-9: Stores the selected object on MultiClipboard X Ctrl + Shift + 1-9: Inserts the content of MultiClipboard X Ctrl + Shift + 0: Displays a menu with all clipboards

6.28. NewFile - Create a new file

Creates a new file inside the current directory. This file can be renamed and edited. It is only useful for text files, not for binary files. Default-Hotkeys: Ctrl + Alt + N: Creates a new file inside Explorer.

6.29. PastePlain - Insert clipboard without meta information

Inserts the content of the clipboard at the current cursor position, without additional information like font family, font size or embedded images. An additional hotkey allows to strip line breaks. Both hotkeys can be switched to copy selected text unformatted to clipboard instead of pasting the text. So Ctrl+V can be used as normal to paste unformatted text. Additionally there is an option to filter text before pasting. Each line is handled extra. Regular expressions are also allowed. They have to look like these: /search/replace/ ("search" is replaced by "replace") /ä/ä/ (replaces ä by ä) /<[^<>]+>// (removes HTML tags) The important thing to be recognized as regular expressions is the "/" at the beginning and end of each line. To use "/" as a character "\/" has to be used. Further information on regular expressions can be found in the documentation of AutoHotkey. http://www.autohotkey.com/docs/commands/RegExReplace.htm The option "Restore Clipboard after paste" does not change the content of the clipboard, so after inserting the plain text, the formatted text is still in the clipboard. Sometimes this causes delays during insertion if the clipboard contains a lot of information. For this reason, this option is disabled for all Adobe applications, which means after pasting, the clipboard only contains the plain text. Default-Hotkeys: Win + V: Paste plain text from clipboard Win + Shift + V: Paste plain text without line breaks from clipboard

6.30. PowerControl - Power management options

Vista restrictions: The password protected screensaver does not work properly. Provides hotkeys for shutting down the computer, logging off or saving power otherwise. Most actions are performed immediately without security check. If the shortcuts for the screensaver do not work, it has to be activated in the system control. The timeout can be set to any value. To prevent unwanted activation it should be set to a high value. The password protection for password protected screensaver is not active within the first 5 seconds. Within this time, the screensaver can be deactivated without password. Default-Hotkeys: Win + Ctrl + Page down: Shut down computer Win + Ctrl + Page up: Restart computer Win + Shift + Pause: Standby Win + Ctrl + Pause: Hibernate Win + Ctrl + End: Log off Shift + Pause: Start screen saver Shift + Alt + Pause: Start password protected screen saver Win + NumLock: Set monitor to standby mode Win + Shift + NumLock: Power off monitor (if provided)

6.31. ExplorerShrinker - Scales the explorer window to optimal size

Minimizes Windows Explorer in a way that only the required space is used. In the moment it only works reliable for Windows XP and Vista. ExporerShrinker does not work if list view is active in Explorer. But it also works together with WinRAR. Options: - "Also change height": Changes the height of the window to eliminate space below the last file. The window is never resized to be larger than the screen. - "Minimum height": When no files exist in a directory the display area would be set to 0 pixel height. This option forces a minimum height that the area keeps visible. The default setting equals two rows (at normal font size). - "Reposition window if necessary": When the window is getting larger than the screen border, the window will automatically be moved to be completely visible. - "Automatically adjust column widths": The columns of the detail view are set to optimal width by pressing the hotkey Ctrl+Numpad-Plus. This allows to get the optimal window size even with detail view activated. - "X-Mouse mode": This option has nothing to do with the resizing. It is a kind of Explorer limited "Focus follows mouse" function. If the folder view is visible, the active area follows the mouse cursor. This allows to scroll using the mouse wheel without the need of clicking into the area. Default-Hotkeys: Ctrl + Numpad-Minus: Optimize window size

6.32. AppLauncher - Fast launch of start menu entries

AppLauncher allows to look up applications from the start menu or from other directories (like QuickLaunch directory or Desktop) by typing parts of their name and launch them. By default AppLauncher only displays Applications and filters uninstall programs. More on this is explained later. Applications started by AppLauncher are entered in a history, which is shown when starting AppLauncher before typing anything in the search field. The idea for this extension, as well as some parts of it emanate from the script "320MPH" by Rajat, which can be found in the directory "extensions\UserHotkeys-scripts\". In the configuration dialog the paths that should be indexed can be defined. Also the number of history entries, the number of hits and some parameters that define the appearance can be set. Using the "More settings" dialog that can be found at "Additional settings" various extended settings can be modified. The indexing is restricted to extensions mentioned in the second list. But the list corresponds to the extensions of the target of links. That means, when lnk files that link documents should be indexed, doc has to be added instead of lnk. Because AutoHotkey cannot always determine the target of a shortcut (e.g. for special shortcuts of current MS-Office-Versions) the extended configuration allows to decide whether the target of the active entry should be shown beneath the search field or not. Another setting allows to set whether the script should automatically adjust the column width regarding to the results or the width of the window, or if no adjustment should take place. When the AppLauncher window is visible, a rebuild of the index can be initiated by pressing Ctrl+R or F5. When pressing the Alt key while launching an application, RunAs is called and asks for the user account the application should be started with. When pressing the Shift key, the application is not started, but instead the folder of the link is opened. AppLauncher automatically indexes all available extensions of ac'tivAid. The indexing is not connected to the AppLauncher-Indexer, but happens every time the configuration window is created. This option can be switched at the "More settings" dialog. When the option is set to gray/green, only the commands for opening the simple configuration windows are included in the index. Using Ctrl+Del single Applications can be deleted from the index. When the history is shown, the Link is only deleted from history, otherwise the path is entered into the file ExcludedFiles.dat and does not appear again even after re-indexing. The file ExcludedFiles.dat can also be edited manually to exclude complete paths. Therefor the path has to end with a backslash "\". List entries can also be renamed using the F2 key. This can be used to rename meaningless entries and does not rename the file, but adds an entry in the file CustomNames.dat. This file is only considered during indexing. This is why the index is rebuilt after closing the AppLauncher window. The file CustomNames.dat can also be modified manually to add special entries that automatically add a prefix or a suffix to every entry inside a specified directory. This is done by the following type of entry: %A_ProgramFiles%\Folder\::prefix ### suffix The context menu can be extended by entries that launch applications with the link as parameter. This is useful to use in combination with the MachMichAdmin script of Johannes Endres (c't). To extend the menu, add the following lines into AppLauncher.ini [OpenWithApplications] Application1=c:\windows\MachMichAdmin.cmd Application2=<other runwith application paths can be added here> For using AppLauncher on an USB-stick, it may happen, that ac'tivAid is run from different drives with different names. Using the extended setting "Use path variable in index" replaces the Drive ac'tivAid is running by %Drive%. Additionally standard variables like A_Desktop, A_Programs, ... are replaced. This option is not applied for existing paths inside the list. The paths has to be removed and re-added. Afterwards the index is rebuilt. Eventually the file ExcludedFiles.dat has to be modified by hand or deleted and built again by pressing Ctrl+Delete inside the result window. Default-Hotkeys: Ctrl + Alt + Space or AltGr + Space: Launch AppLauncher Shortcuts inside AppLauncher: Ctrl + Alt + Ecexute/Double click: Run as ... Shift + Ecexute/Double click: Open directory of entry in Explorer. Ctrl + Ecexute/Double click: If the option is active, entry is only saved to history with Ctrl key pressed. Ctrl + C: The path of the selected entry (using tab or mouse click) is copied to clipboard. Ctrl + Shift + C: Copies the real path (target of the link) to clipboard, also when the focus is at the search field. Ctrl + R / F5: Start indexing. Ctrl + Delete: If the command history is shown, remove the current entry from history otherwise remove it completely from the index.

6.33. EmptyRecycler - Empty the recycle bin

Allows to empty the recycle bin using a hotkey. Of course this only happens after a security check. Default-Hotkeys: Windows + Ctrl + Delete: Empty recycle bin

6.34. RemapKeys - Remap CapsLock / simulate the windows key

This extension allows to remap the caps lock key. Many Users do not need this key, why it often is useful to map the Shift key on it to prevent accidental activation. Additionally the Insert key, the Num lock key and the Scroll lock key can be remapped and the comma key in the Num block of the German keyboard layout can be said to send a dot. The simulation of the Windows key is interesting for keyboards that lack this key. For example also when using Remote-Desktop or Virtual PC on a Mac. The option "only if held for a second" is useful if the default function of the key is still needed. The default function is triggered when the key is pressed shortly, the Windows key is triggered when the key is hold down for a longer time. If this option is inactive, the key generally behaves like the Windows key. Another possibility to deactivate keys is using UserHotkeys and defining a hotkey that is set to "<Send>". The option "Reset CapsLock state" corresponds to the case where ac'tivAid is deactivated or activated again. With this option active, the state of caps lock is reset when another function is assigned to the CapsLock key. A similar option is also available for NumLock which activates or deactivates the numblock on every start or reactivation of ac'tivAid. The option "Avoid unintentional enabling of CapsLock." deactivates the remapping and makes sure that CapsLock is not activated, when the caps lock key is used together with another key to make this upper case. The option "Shift does not produce lower case letters in CapsLock mode" allows to only write capital letters when CapsLock is active. Normal behavior would cause lower case characters when Shift key is pressed. Remark: RemapKey only works when ac'tivAid is active. That causes the keyboard to react in the default way on the login screen or for other users. To remap the keyboard for the complete system, the keyboard can be adjusted in the registry. The tools "remapkey.exe" that is part of the "Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Tools" by Microsoft or "SharpKeys" by RandyRants can give a helping hand. - http://tinyurl.com/3ae78y (Resource Kit Tools) - http://www.randyrants.com/sharpkeys/

6.35. LookThrough - Punches a hole into application windows

Vista restrictions: Only works with classic XP Design. This extension is not suitable for slow computers. Using a hotkey, a hole is punched into the windows below the mouse cursor to allow to look onto the Desktop. This hole follows the mouse and Drag&Drop actions are possible with Desktop elements. There are two options for configuration: 1. The hole is active until the hotkey is released. 2. The hole is toggled using the hotkey. Option one has the disadvantage, that only single keys are working and no combinations like Ctrl+F9 are allowed. Additionally there are some applications (like Safari) that permanently refresh their window content and thereby also eliminate the hole. It is not possible to look through these windows.

6.36. ExplorerHotkeys - Hotkeys for explorer

Vista restrictions: Toggling between the views does not work yet. This extension provides additional useful hotkeys for Explorer that for example allow to toggle the folder view or duplicate files. The "Filmstrip" view only works when "Show common tasks in folders", an option inside the "Folder Options", is active. At "Folder Options"->"View" you can decide whether system files should be displayed when showing hidden files using the option "Hide protected operating system files" (SuperHidden). The format for duplicating files defines the name of the new file. \F is the placeholder for the original filename, \N is a counter. Default-Hotkeys: Ctrl + Shift + 1: Thumbnails Ctrl + Shift + 2: Tiles Ctrl + Shift + 3: Icons Ctrl + Shift + 4: List Ctrl + Shift + 5: Details Ctrl + Shift + 6: Filmstrip Ctrl + Shift + H: Toggle display hidden files Ctrl + Shift + E: Toggle display extensions Ctrl + O: Toggle display Folders bar Alt + Cursor up: Directory up Alt + Cursor down: Switch do folder/Open file Ctrl + D: Duplicate Explorer window F3: Search file list Ctrl + Shift + D: Duplicate file Shift + Mousewheel: History forward/back

6.37. ScreenLoupe - Magnify the screen at the mouse cursor position

Vista restrictions: Only works with classic XP Design, Aero is not supported. This extension magnifies the content of the screen around the mouse cursor. The size of the 'loupe' can be defined freely. The size 1/1 (one whole) allows to define a size of the complete screen width/height. Providing 1/1 for both, width and height, enlarges the complete screen allowing an magnifying effect similar to the one of Mac OS X. The ScreenLoupe does not magnify everything. ToolTips and windows that are always on top and located "above" ScreenLoupe like a later called QuickNote are not magnified. When pressing Alt+Shift, the height and width of ScreenLoupe can be adjusted. Default-Hotkeys: Ctrl + Shift + Numpad* Toggle ScreenLoupe Ctrl + Shift + NumpadPlus Increase magnification Ctrl + Shift + NumpadMinus Decrease magnification Alt + Shift Hold Loupe for changing size

6.38. PasteSerial - Paste serials from clipboard without dashes

Some applications do not allow to paste the serial you obtained via e-mail via clipboard, because the dashes in the e-mail text are not accepted in the registry window. PasteSerial inserts the serial number without dashes at the current position. Optionally the dashes can also be replaced by tabulator presses to allow switching of input areas.

6.39. Calendar - Quick overview for months and years

Calendar and day calculator THIS IS NOT A SCHEDULER! The calendar just serves for a quick overview to find a certain date. It is not intended to save appointments, pop up a reminder window or else. For these tasks, better use programs like Thunderbird, Outlook, Google Calendar, ... Functionality: By pressing the button labeled with the currently selected date you can insert it in the last active application (select a different format from the drop-down-list below if desired.). The calendar view is closed automatically. Without inserting a date string, you can close the view by pressing the escape key, ALT-F4 or the small red cross in the upper right corner. The day calculator The calculator offers three different input fields: start date, end date and day difference. One of them is always "read-only" and will show the calculation result of the two other fields. Negative day difference: You may discover that the day difference is negative. This is because days are ALWAYS computed beginning with the start date (that´s why it is called start date). If your end date lies BEFORE the start date, you´ll end up with the amount of days passed until the start date. What is a Master-Hotkey? This extension optionally makes use of the so called "multi-level hotkeys". If you press the master hotkey, this does NOT instantly cause any action but prompts you to press another key to execute the desired function (two levels of activation). This is useful in cases where your extension offers various, slightly different services. You have to define (and to remember) only one hotkey combination for all these services and have more hotkeys left for other functions. For example, you can open three different views of this calendar. Without multi-level hotkeys, you would define three hotkey combinations. Now, you simply define one single master-hotkey which introduces the selection of three different single keystrokes - one for each view. If you press the proper key within the (configurable) amount of time, you get your view. Pressing any other key or no key at all, the system returns to its normal behavior. Please note: If you decide not to define any master hotkey at all, you will automatically use the common single-level hotkey activation method. In this case, please define a hotkey combination for the different functions. Instead, if you use multi-level hotkeys, you should define a key combination ONLY FOR THE MASTER HOTKEY. There is currently no way to use key combinations for the second stage - just use single key strokes here! Because of technical reasons, the definition of key combinations for the second stage cannot be detected.

6.40. TransparentWindow - Provides window transparency

XP restrictions: The automatic transparency together with a lot of windows causes a slow reaction of the system. 1. Window transparency Turning the mouse wheel + windows key renders the active window transparent by amounts of 10 percent. (by 1 percent if you additionally hold the shift key) This way the window behind the active window becomes visible. But even if its set transparent completely (0 percent), the window remains functional and clickable. Of course such a window can get lost very easily. Thats the case the "Reset all transparency effects"-hotkey is for. (default: "Windows + Ctrl + T") Press it and all transparencies set to any windows will be reset. 2. Pixel transparency Hitting the "Pixel transparency"-hotkey (default: "Windows + Ctrl + left mouse button") all pixels of the same color the mouse cursor currently points at will be rendered invisible. And anything behind will be visible. Contrary to the window transparency a click onto an invisible pixel will actually hit the window behind! 3. Pixel transparency and always on top - combination This hotkey (default: "Windows + Ctrl + Alt + left mouse button") will apply window transparency (default 25%), Pixel transparency and "Always on Top" to the window. This mode is meant for small dialogs like e.g. progress bars when copying files or doing downloads. This way the dialog can be kept in the view without distracting the user too much. To turn off this effect press the hotkey for "Reset transparency effects of window" (default: "Windows + Shift + left mouse button"). Note that you have to press this hotkey at a spot of the window that is still visible, because as stated before otherwise the window in the background would receive the click. 4. Automatic transparency This mode adjusts the transparency of all visible windows. That might be a little troublesome on versions below Windows Vista because lots of transparent windows have high performance impact which might slow down your work flow considerably! But this applies to Vista as well if you turned off "Aero" like in VMware or classic theme of Windows. The transparency will be adjusted with the current state of the window and the settings from the configuration dialog. Active windows shall have no transparency (slider rightmost), otherwise working might appear a little sluggish. The slider "Same application" adjusts how windows of the same type are drawn. E.g. a couple of Explorer windows. Remark: This only applies to windows that are not covered (even partially) by another application. Is there a Notepad between two Explorer windows the bottom window will be rendered like an inactive one. Furthermore you still have the option to ignore certain windows in the automatic mode or draw them with a default transparency. TransparentWindow will also try to ignore windows with transparent skins or themes (but Vista Aero windows) automatically as they might appear black. So if that happens with an application just put it to the ignore list.

6.41. UnComment - Adds or removes comment characters to the selected text

Prepends the defined comment characters in front of every line of the selected text or removes them, when present. The default settings use hotkey Ctrl+Alt+C to prepend "//" to the selection. When "//" is present at the beginning of the selected row, it is removed. The setting "toggle comment on/off" allows to disable this behavior and to enter a different hotkey with the function to uncomment the selection. The option "ask for change if nothing selected" allows to change the comment characters without the need of opening the configuration dialog but instead calling the UnComment hotkey without anything selected.

6.42. CharacterAid - Aids to type special characters more simple

Allows to create special ASCII characters by multiple pressing of the related key. Thereby a list of characters is switched. The first time a character is replaced after the third key press (adjustable in configuration). For example with default settings, pressing the key "a" seven times results in a "æ". Atop the character lists in the configuration, additional hidden character lists can be created inside the file ac'tivAid.ini. They have to be provided below section [CharacterAid]. Character1 =a ;defines the key of the keyboard CharacterList1 =äâàáæå ;defines the character list Use1 =1 ;allows temporary deactivation The number in the name (in the example the 1) has to be given continuously. In default settings the numbers 1 to 20 are assigned. In total 30 lists are supported. Remark: The default setting only is added to the ini file when something is changed and saved in the configuration. Beside these settings and the ones in the configuration dialog there is another hidden setting that can be done in the file ac'tivAid.ini. It has to be provided below section [CharacterAid]. ExcludeApps = App1,App2… ; Applications where CharacterAid is deactivated. By default ExcludeApps is set to Calc.exe to be able to enter number that contain repetitions.

6.43. TextAid - Special operations on selected text

The first part allows the conversion of upper and lower case inside selected text. Available options can convert the complete text to lower case or to upper case. Also an option is available to begin every word with a capital letter or to toggle case, which means every upper case character is lower case afterwards and every lower case character is upper case. Especially for Wiki users the option CamelCase can be of interest, which removes all spaces of the selection and converts the following character to upper case. The inverse of this function adds a space in front of every upper case character inside a word. The second part allows to apply a regular expression onto the selected text. The default setting removes all characters that are neither in the alphabet nor a digit. In the third part two hotkeys can be defined. The first one swaps the character left of the cursor with the one to the right. The second hotkey flips the direction of slashes. If a slash (/) is found in the selection, all slashes are replaced by backslashes(\). Otherwise all backslashes are replaced by slashes. The "Reformat selection" selection provides three hotkeys that allow to - add text to each line of the selection - enclose the selection with a single character - reformat text line (removes all line breaks and insert new ones after a specific number of characters, with respect to words) There are "More" options that can be modified by pressing the button. The options are self explaining. The Option "Select text afterwards" that can be found at "Additional settings" determines whether the text is reselected after transformation or not. "Edit text with an external text editor" provides a hotkey to edit text of text fields in an external editor. When the text is saved inside the editor, TextAid automatically refreshes the text in the text field. This function has the following restrictions: - The editor has to be a discrete program which makes it possible for TextAid to check whether it is still running or not. JEdit for example does not work because the editor is started using javaw.exe which causes TextAid to assume that the program is closed, because javaw.exe does not create a window. - Because AutoHotkey does not have direct access to forms inside a browser, the modified text is added in the active field. So moving the cursor to another field during editing causes the text of this field to be replaced. Beside these settings and the ones in the configuration dialog there are other hidden settings that can be done in the file ac'tivAid.ini. They have to be provided below section [TextAid]. ControlSendApps = Windows that contain one of the strings of this comma separated list in the class name, are accessed in background without the need to activate the main window. The default browsers Firefox, InternetExplorer and Safari are already in this list. Opera does not supported background access. AlternativePasteApps = Windows that contain one of the strings of this comma separated list in the class name, are not controlled using Shift+Insert instead of Ctrl+V. Because Firefox sometimes inserts the text twice on Ctrl+V. TabWidth = 4 Sets the number of Spaces a tabulator is replaced with during "Reformat text". Additional setting "Edit text with an external text editor: Show info window": Displays a BallonTip to inform what TextAid is doing during editing in an external editor.

6.44. RemoveDriveHotkey - Removes external drives with a two level hotkey

RemoveDriveHotkey is a hotkey extension for the program RemoveDrive.exe by Uwe Sieber. It allows to control RemoveDrive using two level Hotkeys. The first Hotkey activates an information window where the removable drives can be displayed. During this window is displayed, the removing process is initiated by pressing the drive letter. The success or any error is displayed afterwards. Many thanks to Uwe Siebers for allowing the use of RemoveDrive in this context. The required software is available on the website of Uwe Sieber (http://www.uwe-sieber.de/usbstick_e.html at section "Download: RemoveDrive").

6.45. DateTimeDisplay - Displays a window with date and time

This extension displays an InfoScreen containing date and time. The displaying format can be defined inside the settings. The colors can be defined via hexadecimal value or using a color chooser (double click on the color field). If Windows is not used with default fonts or long date or time formats are chosen, the information may be truncated. In this case the size has to be adjusted manually by setting a "Custom size". Date format (case sensitive): default: yyyy-MM-dd d Day of the month without leading zero (1 - 31) dd Day of the month with leading zero (01 – 31) ddd Abbreviated name for the day of the week (e.g. Mon) dddd Full name for the day of the week (e.g. Monday) M Month without leading zero (1 – 12) MM Month with leading zero (01 – 12) MMM Abbreviated month name (e.g. Jan) MMMM Full month name (e.g. January) y Year without century, without leading zero (0 – 99) yy Year without century, with leading zero (00 - 99) yyyy Year with century. (e.g. 2005) gg Period/era string for the current user's locale (blank if none) Time format (case sensitive): default: HH:mm h Hours without leading zero; 12-hour format (1 - 12) hh Hours with leading zero; 12-hour format (01 – 12) H Hours without leading zero; 24-hour format (0 - 23) HH Hours with leading zero; 24-hour format (00– 23) m Minutes without leading zero (0 – 59) mm Minutes with leading zero (00 – 59) s Seconds without leading zero (0 – 59) ss Seconds with leading zero (00 – 59) t Single character time marker, such as A or P (depends on locale) tt Multi-character time marker, such as AM or PM (depends on locale) Default-hotkeys: Win + Alt + D Display the DateTimeDisplay InfoScreen

6.46. ScreenShots - Allows to take shots from the screen

Vista restrictions: Nearly completely operative, but depending on the system sometimes problems with deactivation of font smoothing. Additionally some windows are not captured completely because AutoHotkey receives the wrong window size. ScreenShots allow to take a screen shot of the complete screen, a single window or an interactive selection using user defined hotkeys. The screen shot can be put into clipboard or directly stored in a file in different formats. The options: - Size down to: directly resizes the screen shot. The following options are available: x% : Scale to x percent. 100% means no change. a/b : Relational scaling. 1/2 equals 50% w*h : Resize screen shot proportional to fit inside the box given by the "w"idth and "h"eight in pixel (e.g. 640*480), no enlargements. w*? : Limits only the width to "w" pixels, no enlargements. ?*h : Limits only the height to "h" pixels, no enlargements. - capture mouse cursor: Defines whether the mouse cursor is visible in the screen shot or not. - Acoustic feedback: The screen shot is confirmed by a camera sound. - Visual feedback: The screen shot is confirmed by flashing the captured area. - save to ...: There are three possible choices. The screen shot can be put into the clipboard like normal windows behavior. Otherwise a file in the chosen format is saved in the given folder. If the file already exists, it is not overwritten, but instead a number is appended to the filename. When providing leading zeros for the counter, the numbers are padded with leading zeros in the file name. The option "Save to file and clipboard" creates a file and puts the screen shot to clipboard. The different areas: - Interactive selection: More information below. - Complete monitor: Screen shot of all monitors. - Active window: Screen shot of the active window. By default covered windows are captured as they are. If the option "Disable support for partly hidden windows" is unchecked, also the hidden parts are visible in the screen shot. Some programs cause black screen shots with this option unchecked. The option "'Active window' includes visible context menus" only works fine when no Alt key is part of the hotkey. - Client area of active window: Screen shot of the current window, but without title bar, menu bar and window border. - Window element under mouse pointer: Screen shot of a single window element. Examples for window elements: button, list, input area, tool bar, ... The interactive selection: The interactive selection can be used to define the exact area of the screen that should be captured. The selection is done with pressed left mouse button. Afterwards the selection can be moved or resized. Enter or double click inside the selection takes the screen shot. Esc aborts the interactive selection. Clicking on a window outside the selection adjusts the selection to this window. Additionally at the top of the selection the name of the selected window and a checkbox are shown. The checkbox defines whether the selected window should be captured without other overlapping windows. With the checkbox deactivated, the selected area is captured as seen. When the selected window has transparent parts, it is always captured as seen, because otherwise the screen shot would be black. The default transparency of Vista does not apply to this restriction. When the complete screen is selected by clicking on the desktop, there are three possibilities to select a new area. The area can be moved to be able to click outside of it, when pressing the Ctrl key, a new selection can be started inside the active one or the selection can be deleted by pressing the Delete key. Moving the mouse cursor to the lower right edge of the selection displays an input field where the resize options can be defined. The same rules like explained above at "Size down to" apply here. During interactive selection mode the following hotkeys are available: Space: Pressing it together with left mouse button while selection is done allows to move the selection during creation. Ctrl: Switches off the move mode to allow creating a new selection inside the old one instead of moving it. Shift: Switches to element selection mode (mouse cursor is a hand), to allow selecting window element like buttons. Arrow keys: The arrow keys allow to move the selection pixel by pixel. With Ctrl pressed it moves 10 pixels in a step. With Shift pressed, the height and width can be modified pixel by pixel or together with Ctrl key each time 10 pixels. Shift+Enter: Switches the configuration whether the screen shot is put to clipboard or saved in a file. Ctrl+C The selection is put directly to clipboard Del Deletes the selection. Additional there are various settings at "Additional settings ...": "Turn off font smoothing" and "Only turn off ClearType" are useful when the screen shots are taken for printing afterwards, because especially ClearType can be disturbing when printing them. However Vista has some areas, that generally use font smoothing without a possibility to manipulate it. In case an opend menu should be captured, there is an option to activate an delay of some seconds (default: 4s) to be able to open the menu. The option "'Active window' includes visible context menus" expands the area to capture opened context menus. This option only works correctly when the Alt key is not part of the hotkey, because the Alt key closes the context menu. Unfortunately ScreenShots has a limitation regarding to ac'tivAid itself. It is not possible to capture menus of ac'tivAid because AutoHotkey menus always pause the scripts. ScreenShots collaborates with the extension ReadingRuler. If the starting position is displayed, the area between the starting position and the current position is passed to ScreenShots. That is especially useful for users whose computers have problems with the interactive selection (delayed response). The collaboration only refers to the following hotkeys: - Interactive selection: The selection of ReadingRuler is adopted for the interactive selection. It can be adjusted and other settings can be done, too. - Directly last interactive selection: The ScreenShot is directly taken using the selection of ReadingRuler. Beside the settings in the configuration dialog there is a hidden setting that can be done in the file ac'tivAid.ini. It has to be provided below section [ScreenShots]. DimTransparency = 50 ; The value between 0 and 255 defines the transparency of the area outside of the selection. OFF completely switches the transparency off, which might be useful for slow graphic cards.

6.47. AutoDeactivate - Deactivate ac'tivAid automatically

ac'tivAid can bother a lot when using software that provides a lot of hotkeys itself, where ac'tivAid has negative effect on the handling. AutoDeactivate is able to deactivate ac'tivAid when one of the given programs is active. It is reactivated when another program, that is not listed, becomes active. Programs can be added to the list using the "+" button. After pressing the button, a window of the program has to be activated and afterwards the enter key has to be pressed. To add full screen applications, they has to be activated by the mouse. Either a link has to be available to start it, or the program is already running and the task can be activated from the task bar. After pressing on the "+" button, the application has to be started or activated via mouse (the keyboard is inactive). When it is active it can be added to the list by pressing enter. Normally the ac'tivAid window is displayed in front of the full screen application afterwards. If ac'tivAid does not appear, the application should nevertheless be inside the AutoDeactivate list and the keyboard is functional again. It ac'tivAid should not be deactivated completely, but only single extensions, the option "Just deactivate selected extensions:" allows to select extensions in a list that should be deactivated.

6.48. VolumeSwitcher - Switches the volume between two values

If you change from headphones to speakers every then and now you might have favorite volume settings for each situation. VolumeSwitcher allows to change between two of those settings using hotkeys.

6.49. CalculAid - Improves working with the windows calculator

Searching the windows calculator in the depths of the Start menu can be bothersome (maybe less bothersome with AppLauncher but..). And if you setup a key at the shortcut (right click on the link > settings > shortcut key): you are not able to open more than one calculator! With CalculAid you can open as many calculator as you want and do much more: If you select a number and hit the CalculAid-Hotkey (Ctrl+Alt+R by default) the number will be put into the calculator so that you can calculate with it immediately. If you took the number from an editable field you can insert your calculation by just hitting Ctrl+Enter in the calculator (which will be closed doing so). Additionally you can toggle from scientific to normal view by pressing the Tab key. The current number will be kept. The calculation will be lost though. Hotkeys added to calculator: Ctrl+Enter: closes calculator, inserts result Tab: toggles between scientific and normal view G: turns On/Off number grouping Ctrl + G: turns On/Off switching number grouping characters Esc und Ctrl + W: closes calculator (optionally) The default hotkeys of the calculator remain (except for Esc) untouched. You can view them by hitting F1 in the calculator. But maybe interesting to know are the followings ones: Ctrl+C: puts the current number into the clipboard Ctrl+V: pastes a number from the clipboard into the calculator (if you turned on to switching number grouping characters this will apply as well) Backspace : delete last digit F9: +/- switch positive/negative Delete: delete number (or optionally delete calculation) Furthermore you can insert a simple calculation into the calculator: For instance if you selected 13+7= and press the hotkey: the calculator pops up with 20. The options: - switch number grouping characters (from 1,000.00 to 1.000,0 or vice versa) With this enabled all commas and dots in a number sent to the calculator will be exchanged. Thats useful if you changed your decimal separator or work with a document that has a different decimal separator. - Place new calculator at cursor position: Especially useful for multi monitors: So you don't have the calculator on the other side of you workspace but where you actually look at. - Make new calculator Always On Top: A new calculator will be set to be "always on top" so you see it in front of all other windows. Other windows cannot occlude the calculator anymore unless they are "always on top" as well. - Additional keys to close the calculator: Usually you can only close the calculator with the little x to the upper right, via Alt+F4 or with the Menu. If that takes to long for you, you can enable extra keys that usually close such windows here. - Make "Del"-key delete the whole calculation (C) To delete the current number maybe was useful back at the times you had a calculator in your pocket. Now backspace delivers a much more elegant way to correct your input. So "Del" is free for another function such as delete all (C-button in the calculator). That is also useful if you use "Esc" to close the calculator.

6.50. ClipboardFilesManager - Delete/Backup files in Clipboard

This extension provides a simple option to collect files in one folder. The files copied to clipboard can be copied or moved to the folder or they can be deleted. There is also an option to create a subfolder that also can contain date variables. To copy/move the files to. Default-Hotkeys: Ctrl + Alt + 1: Copy files Ctrl + Alt + 2: Move files Ctrl + Alt + 3: Delete files

6.51. MultiMonitor - Hotkey to move windows between different monitors

When using multiple monitors on one PC, maximized windows cannot be directly moved from one monitor to the other, but have instead to be resized, moved and maximized again. This extension provides hotkeys to move an application to the next monitor or to a specific one and preserves maximization. Default-Hotkeys: Win + Shift + 1-9: Current window directly to monitor 1-9 Win + Shift + N : Current window to previous monitor Win + Shift + M : Current window to next monitor

6.52. LimitMouse - Limit mouse to windows or monitors

This extension provides hotkeys to limit the mouse cursor to a monitor, a window or the client area of a window. This is helpful to protect areas of the screen to be clicked. By default, the hotkeys are used to toggle the options. When problems occur, using the system Routine, an alternative mode can be used instead of the system routine. Temporary horizontal/vertical limiting the mouse should be assigned to a key which does not produce output like Shift or Ctrl.

6.53. MouseWheel - Enable Mouse wheel also for inactive windows

Using this extension allows to use the mouse wheel also inside inactive window classes (e.g. the tree view) and inactive windows. Window elements or complete windows can be excluded, although it cannot be guaranteed that they work correctly afterwards. Additionally the exclusion list allows to set a different scrolling behaviour for some windows. To do this, two equals signs (==) had to be set as first characters and no wildcard (*) or tabulator is allowed in that row. Example: ==ConsoleWindowClass When the scrolling slows or reacts lazy down with MouseWheel active, the "Smooth-scroll list boxes" option, should be deactivated. It can be found in the "System Properties", tab "Advanced" at the "Performance" settings. In Vista first "Extended system settings" has to be clicked. The same applies to browsers: InternetExplorer: Tools > Internet options > Advanced > Use smooth scrolling Firefox: Tools > Options > Advanced > Use smooth scrolling Opera: Tools > Preferences > Advanced > Browsing > Smooth scrolling

6.54. EditWith - Edit selected file

This extension allows to open files selected in Explorer with an freely selectable program. If no program is provided, each file is opened with the default program for editing. This is the program displayed as "Edit" in the Explorer context menu. If an editor is given, the option "The specified editor can edit multiple files at once" decides whether all files are passed together, or if they are opened one by one. When different editors are needed, no editor should be chosen in the ac'tivAid configuration, but instead the options of the file types should be modified by adding the corresponding "edit" action (in addition to the often existing open and print actions). They can be modified in "Folder Options" > "File Types". Selecting the file type and pressing the "Advanced" button afterwards allows to add or modify the edit action. The name has to be edit. The program can be given like this: "C:\Program Files\EDITOR.EXE" "%1"

6.55. MinimizeToTray - Minimize windows to tray icons

This extension minimized a window to an icon in the system tray and adds it to the menu of minimized windows. The window can be displayed again by using the restore hotkey or by double click (optional single click) on the icon. The menu is added to the tray menu of ac'tivAid, as a submenu of MinimizeToTray. It is also possible to show this menu using the hotkey. In the configuration in part activAid the menu can be selected as a tray click option. Another hotkey minimizes the active window and does not create an icon. That means it is completely hidden. To restore it, only the menu of hidden windows or the restore hotkey can be used. This extension is based on the Script http://www.autohotkey.com/docs/scripts/MinimizeToTrayMenu.htm and the library http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/topic21991.html Default-Hotkeys: Windows + T Minimize window to system tray icon Windows + U Restore last minimized window Windows + Alt + U Restore all windows minimized by MinimizeToTray Windows + Shift + U Show menu of all windows minimized by MinimizeToTray

6.56. JoyControl - Control windows with your joystick

This extension allows the usage of any joystick or game pad as an input device capable of controlling the mouse cursor and performing various ac'tivAid actions. You can save different button configurations and switch them easily, optionally being notified about it by an InfoScreen or BalloonTip. If your game pad supports more than one analog sticks, you can use the second one to move the active window. You can switch the functions of the sticks in the configuration dialog. Additionally each stick has its own speed, threshold and pulse (how often the movement will be performed (in ms)), which also can be changed by holding a button (look for the 'JC: Slower' and 'JC: Faster' actions). Doing this will multiply the speed value with the values configured under 'Speed Toggle'. The wheel, arrow-keys an pov-keys pulse is the time in ms between checks for buttons assigned to those actions respectively. The lower the value the faster and more precise the reaction will get. Each button can either perform a single "Hold"-action or two distinct "Instant"-Actions. "Hold"-actions react on the push and release of a button, "Instant"-Actions are triggered by a short or long push. Some actions require a parameter with further details on the action. Some JoyControl actions in detail: JC: Scroll mode As long as the button is hold down the analo gstick scrolls the mouse wheel instead of moving the cursor. JC: Activate other p. The profile given as parameter will be activated. For a hold-action please remember to assign this action to the same button in the 'target' profile. JC: Center window Centers the active window around the mouse cursor. JC: Next Task Activates the next windows task (like Alt+Shift+Tab) JC: Push a Key Expects the key to be pushed as parameter. Check list in section HotStrings for details. Tip 1: If you can't calibrate your joystick correctly anymore, increase the threshold to avoid unwanted movements. Tip 2: As long as a "JC: Activate other profile"-"Hold"-action button is pushed, all other buttons will perform a different action. This way the arrow keys could be used as WinAMP control buttons instead of their default function while holding the button. Known Problems: - The AutoHotkey menu feature kills the functionality of ac'tivAid, most notable with JoyControl. This extension won't work if any menu created by ac'tivAid is shown. - In some not reproducible cases the minimize/maximize/close buttons freeze ac'tivAid the same way. This behavior seems to be depended on the Windows theme choice (the windows classic theme is a safe way to go) and occurs mostly when clicking on the border of those buttons. A short mouse movement fixes this problem.

6.57. VolumeControl - Hotkeys for changing the system volume

This extension allows to control the volume settings of the system. Similar to OS X the volume can be displayed in an OSD that is faded in and out. The device number and the component can be chosen freely. By choosing the WAVE component, also the volume of SPDIF-output can be controlled (only XP). When the acoustic signal is activated, an extra key can be defined to suppress the signal (especially in situations where it would disturb). VolumeControl (previous a part of MusicControl) has been adapted to Vista completely. For this reason, the previously recommended compatibility mode of AutoHotkey.exe should be reset. This option is suggested by VolumeControl during the first start. It also can be done manually inside the settings of AutoHotkey.exe (or ac'tivAid.exe). Default-Hotkeys: Win + Cursor up: System volume up Win + Cursor down: System volume down Pause key: Toggle mute

6.58. SpeechAction - Control Windows by voice

With this extension it is possible to use the Windows Speech Recognition API to control windows. This requires the Microsoft Speech API (short SAPI) to be installed (you can find the download link in the configuration dialog). The voice input can be activated in two way: with a certain key word (by default 'computer') and/or with a push of a key. If both conditions are required, both must me met. If the keyword has been recognized a audio signal will notify you about entering the command mode. As long as your in this mode (lasts about 3 seconds) only those words defined as voice commands will be recognized. A good choice of words with different sound characteristics and the training of the speech recognition engine (Control Panel > Speech > Speech recognition) improves the accuracy of recognition noticeable. Furthermore a speech command does not have to be a single word, but must never contain one of the other commands (not "WinAMP" and "WinAMP Playlist"). It is possible to send the text spoken after the command as parameter to the chosen action. Doing this you should know you won't be recognized very well, because the dictionary is much larger listening to every possible word. Nonetheless this allows for example "Computer! Google! Magazin für Computer Technik" by using a UserHotkey linking to google with %ActionParameter% as search term.

6.59. TypeWith9Keys - On screen Keyboard for text input with T9

This extension allows very fast on screen text input, based on numbers. More than one letter is assigned to a number key. The letter fitting best to the whole word is chosen. Users sending often short messages, will get used to the handling quite fast: you write by clicking the numbers (or if you are using JoyControl by pushing arrow keys and space) and the shortest, most often written and to the numbers matching word will be shown in the field at the top left. Other more unlikely words also matching the numbers can be found in the drop-down box below. If you've finished a word accept it by pushing the space button (the zero-key). Typing errors can be fixed with either the big "<"-button, erasing the last word, or with the small "<"-button, erasing the last letter. If you want to delete the whole last sentence right click on the big "<"-button. Digits and additional chars are accessible via the buttons "1" and "*". "Abc" controls the automatic upper and lower case. Its substantial to have a good dictionary for writing with TypeWith9Keys. With ac'tivAid comes a list with the 10.000 most often used German words, but also the possibility to create own dictionaries by reading through txt files. Most suitable are ICQ-log-files or emails, basic text where every word counts and can be prioritized this way. But you can also import word list, text files where each line has only a single word, ordered descending by priority. But be aware AutoHotkey does not support Unicode yet, so you may want to convert your text files to ANSI first. If one of your applications does not support key push simulations its also possible to save the entered text in the clipboard. Especially for users of JoyControl this extension can be useful.

6.60. RealExpose - Exposé clone

RealExpose is a remake of the Mac OS task chooser Exposé. Basically it shows all open (and not minimized) windows tiled and scaled to thumbnails on the whole screen, making each window completely visible (even if its to small to read). A click on one of the thumbnails activates the corresponding window. Because of the graphic effects (animation, scaling etc) this extension eats a certain amount of you CPU on activation, but this can be adapted to your situation in the configuration dialog.

6.61. Surrounder - Inserts surrounding-characters context sensitive

With Surrounder you set typical surrounding characters around your selection without learning extra hotkeys. If there is nothing selected it works like without the extension. For instance: You have "a text" selected and press "(" you get "(a text)". With no selection it will just print "(". This works with all types off brackets, single characters like apostrophe and quotation marks as well. Now with the + at "single characters" you can even add any character you like. The back tick ` and percent sign % are handled separately as they are special AutoHotkey characters. So this is rather useful for scripters and programmers. If you check the back tick please note that there are some more changes made to that key: 1. the key acts on the 1st keystroke 2. the back tick is already written without pressing shift! 3. you won't be able to write letters like é or á anymore (see CharacterAid) Of course with Surrounder you loose the possibility to replace selected text with the enabled keys! But if you once get into it its awesome handy! Especially the round and square brackets can be hit a little better as they are on 2 keys. Remark: Unfortunately functions of other ac'tivAid-extensions that use the same keys will be disabled! That for instance applies to the apostrophe of CharacterAid or any HotString that contains a character thats enabled in Surrounder.

6.62. FileHandle - Shows open file handles

FileHandle is basically an extension to other extensions. It offers the ability to check if a file has been opened by another program and still blocks accessing it. Often this prevents deleting or renaming a file, but also removing external storage devices. FileHandle can close the process, kill the handle or switch to the blocking application. Only RemoveDriveHotkey is currently using this feature. "SysInternals Handle" is mandatory to FileHandle.

6.63. InputBlocker - Blocks mouse and keyboard input

With InputBlocker your are able to block the mouse and keyboard input with a hotkey or by a specific inactivity time. Programs are still running but can't be controlled. You can release the blocking by blindly typing the specified password. You'll only see reaction if the password is accepted. If you don't have specified a password, you have to press Enter to realease the blocking. The blocking is realized by several tricks, which don't work in any situation. The blocking of Ctrl+Alt+Del is done by banning the task manager. This does not work in Vista and XP within a domain because there the task manager does not launch directly. But the blocking is still active if you returen to the last user account and you even can't use the task manager to bypass the blocking. Only a regular reboot can turn of the blocking. Therefore InputBlocker is not a reliable tool to protect your Computer from unallowed access but only to avoid or make it difficult to controll the actual user account. Due to the ability to launch programs before blocking InputBlocker is a perfect companion for face recognition from c't 13/08 (page 168). You just have to choose FaceRecognitionApp.exe and to enter there the same password like in InputBlocker. You should add an ~ to the password in InputBlocker as this sends the Enter key after the password which improves reliability. FaceRecognitionApp sends the password to InputBlocker through simulated keyboard input as soon as the face is identified. If the recognition does not work you could also enter the password manually.

6.64. CronJobs - A time-based scheduling service

CronJobs can perform ac'tivAid functions on a regular basis. If you want to use it to execute external programs, you have to create an entry in UserHotkeys so you can select it in CronJobs. May be you have to close the configuration window and reopen it to see new entries in CronJobs.

7. Integration of own extensions and functionalities

The explanation of the integration of own extensions is only available in German language in the file "Eigene Erweiterungen.txt" in the directory "development". At the moment these explanations are only available in German. To add own functions, includes, hotkeys or HotStrings, a file settings\includescript.ahk can be created, that will be loaded to ac'tivAid after the initialization of the extensions.

8. Support for multiple languages

By default ac'tivAid supports German and English language. For all German systems, the German language is active, for all others the English language is active by default. Additionally the Language-File Creator.ahk in the directory development allows to extract all language variables of ac'tivAid and all extensions to create a special language file that can be translated. Adding this file in the directory settings/languages, provides the additional language in the selection.

9. Overview of shortcuts

An overview of all used hotkeys can be displayed using the help menu (in the menu bar of the configuration) The overview cal also be toggled using the hotkey (default: Win+Ctrl+F1). To print the list, it has to be copied and pasted to a text editor which then can be used to print the list. When the cursor is inside the list, Ctrl+C copies the complete text.

10. Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

The German FAQ of ac'tivAid can be found at: http://www.heise.de/software/download/special/activaid_forte/10_11 The website can be called using the menu entry in the help menu.