Children with iPad and iPhone: "The tablet as a babysitter should be taboo"

What risks do children face when using iPhones and iPads, and how can parents provide sensible support during the first contact? Expert Sabine Eder answers.

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Child with tablet - here learning

Child with tablet - here learning.

(Image: insta_photos/

9 min. read
  • Joachim Kläschen
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

Sabine Eder is a media educator and managing director of the Blickwechsel e.V. association. The organization offers advanced training and specialist advice on media education for daycare centres and schools. In an interview with Mac & i, Eder explains how parents should approach their children's tablet and smartphone use.

Mac & i: At what age should children first come into contact with smartphones or tablets?

Eder: The recommendations vary. Many experts recommend that children should have their first experience with smartphones or tablets at preschool age at the earliest, i.e. from around the age of five. But the reality is different. As mobile media are used everywhere, young children's interest is aroused at an early age: after all, they want to know what their parents or siblings are holding in their hands.

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