AMD Radeon: RX 8000 graphics cards allegedly not coming until 2025

Radeon graphics cards from the RX 8000 series are not expected until CES. New GeForce GPUs are also likely to be a long time coming from Nvidia.

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Two Radeon graphics cards side by side

AMD's reference designs of the RX-7900 graphics cards.

(Image: c't)

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This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

The year 2024 could be less spectacular than expected when it comes to graphics cards. AMD is reportedly not announcing its Radeon RX 8000 series until the CES electronics trade fair in early January 2025. Typically, new graphics cards or processors are not available directly at CES, but are released a few weeks later.

The date is given by the X account "@Kepler_L2", which has often been correct about rumors in the past. According to this, graphics cards with the Navi-48 graphics chip will make the start. According to previous speculation, this is an upper mid-range GPU – AMD is not expected to launch high-end graphics cards in the 8000 series.

Cheaper RX-8000 graphics cards with the Navi-44 GPU are expected to be released in the second quarter. The Computex hardware trade fair at the end of May 2025 would therefore be a suitable date for the announcement.

Meanwhile, there is uncertainty surrounding Nvidia's presentation of the GeForce RTX 5000 series, also known as Blackwell. The rumor mill fluctuates between a launch in late 2024 or early 2025. With luck, at least the GeForce RTX 5080 could be available for Christmas – this model is expected to be the first, followed by the GeForce RTX 5090 and other graphics cards later.

Meanwhile, Intel is working on the second Arc generation, codenamed Battlemage. It was originally expected to be unveiled in summer 2024, but this is no longer the case. In an interview with PC World, Intel Fellow Tom Petersen said that we will "hopefully" see the Battlemage graphics cards before CES 2025.

Currently, thousands of software engineers are said to be working on the firmware and drivers for the new generation of graphics cards.

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