"Age of Mythology Retold": Microsoft shows first gameplay scenes

Microsoft has shown the first gameplay scenes from "Age of Mythology: Retold". The strategy game is set to be released this year.

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Screenshot aus "Age of Mythology Retold"

Screenshot aus "Age of Mythology Retold"

(Image: Microsoft)

2 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

A trailer for "Age of Mythology Retold" shows the first gameplay scenes from the upcoming strategy game. "Age of Mythology Retold" is a new edition of "Age of Mythology", which was released in 2002: a spin-off of the "Age of Empires" series in which mythical monsters take the place of archers and swordsmen.

Players can choose between the Greek, Norse, Egyptian and Atlantean pantheons. In addition to numerous monster creatures (including centaurs, mummies and trolls), special abilities are available that can be used to summon thunderstorms or trigger earthquakes, the developers write on the strategy game's Steam product page.

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The factions in "Age of Mythology Retold" can be controlled in several campaigns, with a total of 50 missions. These include the siege of Troy, the Egyptian Osiris and Midgard. While the campaign is played against the AI, there will also be a multiplayer mode.

Age of Mythology Retold was announced two years ago, but no gameplay scenes were shown at the time. It is no surprise that the gameplay shown now is reminiscent of "Age of Empires 4". However, fireballs, lightning storms and giant units bring additional action to the game.

"Age of Mythology Retold" is being developed by several studios under the supervision of "World's Edge", the administrator of the "Age of Empires" brand. The game will be the first "Age" game to be released simultaneously for PC and Xbox consoles, Microsoft announced. Like all of Microsoft's own productions, "Age of Mythology Retold" will be part of Microsoft's Game Pass games subscription right at launch. "Age of Mythology Retold" is set to be launched on September 4, 2024.
