Apple Intelligence: German language support from 2025 after all

Apple's new AI functions under the umbrella term Apple Intelligence are to master the German language from 2025. This was never planned otherwise.

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Apple Intelligence in German language

German language support for Apple Intelligence is now to be released in 2025 after all.

(Image: Apple, Montage: ho)

3 min. read

Apple will support the German language in Apple Intelligence from 2025. This was stated by Bob Borchers, Vice President for Worldwide Product Marketing, during a visit to Germany in Munich in an interview with heise online. Of course, this does not mean that the iPhone manufacturer will be able to agree on framework conditions with the European Commission by then so that the company feels confident enough to actually activate the new AI functions. However, language support is an essential prerequisite for quickly releasing the new functions in German. And Mac users will be able to use them as soon as they become available.

The iPhone event on September 9th initially led to uncertainty among some users. In its presentation, Apple presented the further roadmap for Intelligence. This envisages starting with US English language support in October and covering other English language regions by the end of the year. Support for other languages was promised for 2025 – but there was no mention of German in the list. "This was not a complete list, but only a few examples were mentioned," Borchers clarified to heise online.

The new iPhone 16, iPhone 16 Plus, iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max will be released on Friday. The A18 and A18 Pro chips built into them are specially optimized for the needs of Apple Intelligence. Apple advertised Apple Intelligence as one of the main features of the new model generation in its keynote video.

Shortly after the first announcement of Apple Intelligence at the WWDC developer conference in June, Apple announced that it would initially postpone its release in the EU, as the exact requirements of the Digital Markets Act (DMA) in terms of interoperability were still too unclear. However, Apple has repeatedly emphasized that it is working with the EU to find solutions. This means that it will still be possible for German-speaking users to use German language support on their iPhones and iPads as soon as it is completed. However, they will probably not be able to use the US English version for now, at least after the launch in October.

There is no news to report so far regarding the talks with the Commission, as Borchers explained when asked. However, he emphasized that the outstanding issues only concern the iPhone and iPad, which have been classified as very large platforms by the EU. Mac users in the EU will be able to use Apple Intelligence in US English from the start in October. As soon as German language support is made public in 2025, this will also be available to them.

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This article was originally published in German. It was translated with technical assistance and editorially reviewed before publication.