Apple and OpenAI: Allegedly no money for ChatGPT

Apple integrates ChatGPT prominently in iOS 18 & Co and allegedly pays nothing for it. OpenAI is hoping for more awareness and subscriptions.

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ChatGPT app on a smartphone

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This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

Apple is taking a two-pronged approach to the deep integration of AI into its own operating systems: in addition to its own "Apple Intelligence", iPhone users will be able to access OpenAI's ChatGPT via Siri and other functions, as Apple announced at the beginning of the week. iPhone, iPad and Mac users will be able to use ChatGPT (with the latest GPT-4o model) free of charge and without the need for an account. According to two US media reports, no money will flow from Apple to OpenAI for this.

In Apple's view, it is ultimately more valuable for OpenAI to be available as a system function on at least one hundred million devices as a result of the deal, as the financial news agency Bloomberg reports, citing informed persons – a view apparently shared by OpenAI. The service is speculating that this will attract more subscribers who pay over 20 euros per month for ChatGPT Plus, adds The Information.

The free use of the chatbot by many Apple users could be both costly and inconvenient for OpenAI, as the AI models run on Microsoft servers. Whether part of the deal between OpenAI and Apple is also a possible limitation of ChatGPT requests originating from Apple devices remains open for now.

At the same time, it is planned that Apple users will be able to sign up for a paid OpenAI subscription to use additional functions. Both providers have so far left open exactly what this involves. If users take out a subscription for ChatGPT in the iPhone app, Apple is likely to earn up to 30 percent commission. It is possible that there will then also be an option to take out a ChatGPT subscription in the Apple operating systems.

Apple is ultimately hoping to earn money by integrating external AI models in the future, according to the reports – similar to the billion-dollar search deal with Google. The iPhone company is apparently also planning to integrate other AI services into the operating system, such as Google Gemini, and talks are reportedly already underway with Anthropic (Claude).

However, the system requirements for using Apple Intelligence and the ChatGPT integration are high: this requires at least an iPhone 15 Pro or Pro Max, meaning that only a small proportion of all iPhone owners will be able to access it from the fall. Apple Intelligence runs on Macs and iPads with an M1 chip or higher.

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