Data protection officer clarifies conditions for video surveillance
Data protectionists are critical of the calls for more video surveillance at Christmas markets.

(Image: Roman Babakin/
The President of the German Showmen's Association, Albert Ritter, is calling for more video surveillance at Christmas markets. He told the Rheinische Post newspaper. In his view, data protection should not be a protective shield for perpetrators. Such statements raise eyebrows among data protection experts.
This includes the State Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information in North Rhine-Westphalia, Bettina Gayk, who contradicts his statements: "Data protection should rather ensure that civil liberties are carefully weighed up against security concerns. The risk situation at some attractive Christmas markets in large cities is often very different to that of tranquil daytime events in the countryside".
Assessment of the risk situation is crucial
In principle, the police and regulatory authorities are allowed to monitor Christmas markets using video surveillance. "However, mere suspicions that something like this could happen are not enough to justify a significant restriction of fundamental rights for a large number of people through large-scale surveillance," emphasizes the data protection officer. It is therefore important to assess whether the risk situation is sufficient.
As a condition for more video surveillance, for example, "findings from previous events" are required that indicate a higher threat level. "Or there is a concrete threat situation, for example because an attack has already been announced," says Gayk.