Lenovo: Motorola cell phones will be sold in Germany again

Lenovo was no longer allowed to sell its Motorola cell phones in Germany because of a patent lawsuit. The dispute has now been settled.

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Motorola cell phone on table

(Image: Lenovo)

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Motorola cell phones are back on sale in Germany: Current models of the smartphones built by Lenovo can be purchased again in the official dealer store after they were unavailable for several months due to a patent lawsuit. Independent dealers can now also be supplied with new devices again.

The US company InterDigital had filed a lawsuit against Lenovo at the Munich Regional Court. At the beginning of May, the court ruled that Lenovo infringed the US company's 4G and 5G mobile phone patents (case number 7 O 12029/23). InterDigital obtained a purchase ban on Motorola cell phones. In addition to the cell phones under the Motorola label, tablets and notebooks with mobile access manufactured by Lenovo were also affected.

Lenovo and InterDigital have now "discontinued or terminated" their legal disputes, Lenovo announced in a statement. The two parties "are conducting arbitration proceedings to determine the terms of a license for InterDigital's patents," it continued. Lenovo did not want to comment on the background of the case when asked.

Lenovo previously argued that InterDigital had not offered the license on "fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory terms" ("FRAND") – an obligation for the granting of standard patents. Lenovo therefore accused InterDigital of not complying with valid regulations by offering allegedly unfair conditions.

InterDigital is one of the most notorious patent exploiters in the USA. The extent to which InterDigital provides its patents on FRAND terms has been the subject of numerous court cases for over a decade. InterDigital has already fought in court with companies such as ZTE, Huawei, Oppo, Nokia, Samsung and Microsoft.

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This article was originally published in German. It was translated with technical assistance and editorially reviewed before publication.