On track: "GTA 6" still scheduled for release in fall 2025

The world's most anticipated video game is still set to be launched in 2025. This was confirmed by publisher Take-Two when it announced its business figures.

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Screenshot from "GTA 6

"GTA 6" is still scheduled for release in fall 2025.

(Image: Rockstar Games)

2 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

The development of "GTA 6" is apparently still on track. The latest annual report from publisher Take-Two shows that the world's most anticipated video game is due to be released in fall 2025 - as Take-Two last announced in May. Previously, the game had been roughly scheduled for release in 2025.

In the past three months up to June 30, US publisher Take-Two generated revenue of 1.34 billion US dollars, an increase of 4 percent compared to the previous year. Nevertheless, the bottom line is a net loss of 262 million US dollars.

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"GTA 6" is considered a game changer in the industry: its predecessor "GTA 5" is the most profitable entertainment product of all time. Analysts hope that "GTA 6" will give the recently stumbling games industry a new lease of life by boosting sales of games consoles, for example. Numerous developer studios have recently shed some of their staff due to economic concerns, while other studios have closed completely.

The release of "GTA 6" could boost console sales, which have recently fallen short of expectations for both Microsoft's Xbox and Sony's Playstation. Increased console sales will also allow other video games to expand their potential audience. "GTA 6" is therefore seen as a beacon of hope for the entire industry. Rumors have been circulating on social media in recent months that "GTA 6" could be postponed to 2026.

A PC version of "GTA 6" has still not been announced. Developer Rockstar has a tradition of putting the PC version on the back burner. It is likely that the PC version of "GTA 6" will be delayed, as with "Red Dead Redemption 2" and other previous Rockstar games.

When announcing its quarterly figures, Take-Two also specified the release date for "Civilization 7": The 4X game is set to be launched in March 2025.
