OpenAI: Enhanced voice mode for ChatGPT coming later

OpenAI is postponing the integration of the extended voice function in ChatGPT, which is intended to enable natural voice communication with the chatbot.

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This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

The AI company OpenAI has postponed the release of the extended voice function for ChatGPT. OpenAI announced this in a post on Discord on Tuesday. The function was supposed to be available for the first paying ChatGPT users at the end of June, but now it will not be available until July. OpenAI still needs another month, they say. Advanced Voice Mode will not be introduced for all users until much later.

OpenAI speaks of ongoing problems that have caused delays in being able to launch the advanced voice mode on time in June. Initially, the alpha version of the advanced voice mode will be made available to a small group of users. The aim is to gather feedback and new findings on this basis. These will then be incorporated into the product before it is made available to a wider user base.

"For example, we are improving the model's ability to recognize and reject certain content," writes OpenAI on Discord. "We are also working on improving the user experience and preparing our infrastructure to scale to millions of users while ensuring real-time responses."

However, according to OpenAI, it may be a while before Advanced Voice Mode is available to all ChatGPT Plus customers. It won't be until the fall at the earliest. This will depend on how well the voice mode passes internal security and reliability tests.

This does not affect the new video and screen sharing options that OpenAI announced in the spring. These make it possible, for example, to solve math problems using an image of the task. This function can also be used to explain settings menus on various devices, for example. It can then be used on iPhones and Android smartphones, as well as on desktop PCs with Windows and now also on macOS.

OpenAI promises that ChatGPT's enhanced voice mode will be able to recognize users' emotions and understand and respond to non-verbal cues. This should happen in real time and thus enable natural voice communication with the AI chatbot.

A voice similar to that of actress Scarlett Johansson was used as the chatbot's voice. However, OpenAI declined Johansson's request to license the voice. The voice was not based on Johansson's voice. Nevertheless, the AI company then removed the voice from the extended voice function.
