OpenEU as the first step towards a Europe-wide open university

The aim of OpenEU is to create a pan-European, open university. In Germany, the FernUniversität Hagen is part of the OpenEU network.

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The OpenEU alliance includes locations throughout Europe (Image: OpenEU)

2 min. read
  • Nico Ernst
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

OpenEU is the first pan-European open university. The European Commission selected this project from 56 proposals. It aims to offer everyone access to high-quality higher education and support lifelong learning. To achieve this, the project aims to use digital tools to create a pan-European open university. Learning anytime and anywhere, regardless of time constraints, place of residence or people's personal and professional circumstances - these are the declared aims of the project.

As part of the "European Universities Initiative", OpenEU now has a total of 14.4 million euros in funding at its disposal. In Germany, FernUni Hagen is part of the new European education network. The Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) is to take over the management of the project in the initial phase for the first four years.

The Rector of the UOC and President of the Alliance, Àngels Fitó, sees herself as responsible: "OpenEU is a unique opportunity to increase the reach and influence of open and distance universities in Europe ... This initiative will allow us to create a contemporary version of the European Higher Education Area that will form the backbone of lifelong learning in Europe."

The FernUniversität Hagen is also optimistic: "We are delighted to be part of this influential and important alliance. Together as distance learning universities, we can help shape the higher education landscape in Europe," says FernUni Rector Prof. Ada Pellert.

According to its own information, OpenEU represents more than 368,000 students, the vast majority of whom are not traditional students. The average age is 36, with 84 percent of them studying and working at the same time. In addition, more than 709,000 graduates and 24,000 employees are active members.
