Photovoltaics: solar industry expects strong growth

Until now, it was mainly homeowners who were active in the solar market, but now the industry is increasingly seeing companies focusing on photovoltaics.

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Photovoltaics at the Weser Stadium

Photovoltaics at Bremen's Weser Stadium

(Image: heise online / anw)

2 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

The German solar industry continues to see itself on the upswing. For 2024, its association BSW expects double-digit percentage growth in the newly installed output of solar power systems and the capacity of solar power storage systems. Sales have already doubled by 2023, according to a statement from the German Solar Industry Association.

"For the first four months of this year, the Federal Network Agency has already registered a newly commissioned solar power capacity of over five gigawatts - this corresponds to an increase of around 35 percent compared to the same reporting period," writes the BSW. A year ago, it had forecast that new systems ranging from balcony power plants to solar parks with a total output of up to 11 GW would be installed in 2024.

In the past five years, it has mainly been private households that have been supplied with solar power from their roofs or balconies, while companies are now increasingly focusing on solar electrification of their company roofs and investing in commercial storage systems. Ground-level solar parks are also increasingly being built. "In the first four months of 2024, newly installed PV capacity on commercial rooftops grew by 81 percent and solar power plants on open spaces by 74 percent compared to the same analysis period in the previous year," writes the BSW.

The industry is expecting further momentum from the German government's Solar Package I, which has been in force since mid-May of this year. This will simplify access to the electricity grid and to suitable sites. The new technical connection rules required for this are currently being drawn up by the VDE Grid Technology/Grid Operation Forum.

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According to the Federal Network Agency, 14.1 GW of solar capacity was added in Germany in 2023. At the end of 2023, the total installed capacity in Germany amounted to 81.7 gigawatts. This means that 19 gigawatts would have to be added annually in future to achieve the solar expansion target of 215 gigawatts in 2030.
