Pudu D7: Part-humanoid robot for service tasks

The semi-humanoid robot Pudu D7 is intended to replace specialized service robots where communication with humans is required.

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Pudu D7 with raised hand

The Pudu D7: Only its upper body is humanoid. It moves on an omnidirectional mobile base.

(Image: Pudu Robotics (Screenshot))

2 min. read

The Chinese company Pudu Robotics, a manufacturer of industrial cleaning robots, has developed its first semi-humanoid robot, the Pudu D7, for use as a service robot in retail, catering and healthcare, for example. The robotics company announced this on Thursday. It is designed to be more flexible than specialized robots.

The Pudu D7 is around 1.65 m tall and weighs 45 kg. A humanoid robot body with a head and two movable arms sits on a rollable, omnidirectional base. This saves the company the complex, technically demanding control of humanoid robot legs. This also makes the robot less expensive.

One arm is around 65 cm long and has 30 degrees of freedom. The hands are interchangeable depending on the application. The maximum configuration includes humanoid hands with 20 degrees of freedom. In the video, it is only equipped with a two-finger gripper. The load capacity of the arms is 10 kg per arm. Weights of up to 20 kg can therefore be lifted. Precise motion control with a maximum deviation of 0.1 mm should be possible.

The Pudu D7 robot can move 360 degrees in all directions. Its maximum speed over its rolling base is 2 m/s (approx. 7.2 km/h). Slopes of up to 10 degrees can be negotiated stably.

The robot is powered by a battery with more than one kilowatt hour. The robotics company promises that it will keep the robot alive for eight hours in continuous operation.

Pudu Robotics says that the robot has a multi-layered intelligence system. It is said to combine data-driven, embodied intelligence with AI model strategies. This should enable the robot to understand complex service scenarios, react to them and allow the robot to continuously learn from them in order to improve its capabilities step by step.

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Pudu Robotics sees its D7 robot being used primarily in areas where other, specialized service robots fail, for example in human-robot communication, in order to be able to implement more complex tasks.

Pudu Robotics has not yet announced a price for its Pudu D7.


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This article was originally published in German. It was translated with technical assistance and editorially reviewed before publication.