Questionable: Nvidia GeForce RTX 5090 could consume 500 watts

Nvidia's GeForce RTX 5090 allegedly draws up to 500 watts. At least that's what Seasonic claimed in its power supply calculator.

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Render image of Nvidia's GeForce RTX 4090

(Image: Nvidia)

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This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

Seasonic has updated its power supply calculator with alleged TDP (Thermal Design Power) values for Nvidia's GeForce RTX 5000 graphics cards. According to this, all 5000 models would consume 20 to 55 watts more than their direct predecessors:

  • GeForce RTX 5090: 500 watts (+50 W to the RTX 4090)
  • GeForce RTX 5080: 350 watts (+30 W compared to the RTX 4080)
  • GeForce RTX 5070: 220 watts (+ 20 W to the RTX 4070)
  • GeForce RTX 5060: 170 watts (+ 55 W to the RTX 4060)
  • GeForce RTX 5050: 100 watts (there is no RTX 4050)

The values are currently making the rounds after Videocardz and Tom's Hardware, among others, reported on them. Seasonic has since removed them from its website.

Either way, they are currently completely meaningless. Power supply manufacturers like to include new hardware before it has even been released – and then enter estimates or placeholder values. This also results in oddities, such as a non-existent AMD Radeon RX 7990 XTX in the Seasonic database.

Enermax 2022 caused a stir with its recommendations for the GeForce RTX 4070 and RTX 4060, for example. In its power supply calculator, 285 and 200 watts were noted for the graphics cards; however, they actually came with 200 and 115 watts.

In addition, it has become a tradition at Nvidia that the final specifications are not known until shortly before the launch. As a result, the rumors often contradict each other. In the case of the GeForce RTX 4090, there was talk of 600 watts in advance, but in the end it was 450 watts.

It is currently unclear whether Nvidia will even present the GeForce RTX 5090 and GeForce RTX 5080 this year. Due to the long time until the market launch, we advise caution with rumors.

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