Red card for generative AI: professional tool Procreate wants to remain AI-free

The painting app, which is popular among artists, has clearly positioned itself against generative AI: It is based on theft and threatens human creativity.

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"AI is not our future" auf Procreate-Webseite

(Image: Screenshot Procreate-Webseite)

2 min. read

The provider of the painting tool Procreate has issued a general rejection of generative AI, thereby bucking the major industry trend. According to Procreate, creativity is "made and not generated", which means that AI functions will "never" be integrated into the app. Alongside the anti-AI promise, the head of the development team sharply criticized the technology: "I hate generative AI, what's happening in the industry and what it's doing to artists," emphasized Procreate's CEO in a video message.

The Procreate website notes that generative AI is based on "theft" and is a threat to human creativity. At the same time, the provider makes a clear distinction between "generative AI" and machine learning, as the latter is a useful and "impressive technology", the developers explain. In response to concerned questions from users about whether works created with Procreate are used to train AI, the provider also explained that it does not have access to this content.

The anti-AI vow has already met with approval from users and other developers on social media. While other professional tools from Adobe, for example, are already going full throttle on AI functions, there seems to be growing resistance to the technology among artists - including the unsolicited training of AI models with their own works.

Apple was also recently caught in the crossfire of this debate: the company withdrew a commercial in which a scrap press crushed analog instruments until only a thin iPad remained after massive criticism. The manufacturer had previously presented the latest iPad Pro as the perfect device for AI. Procreate was also on stage; the app is currently only available for Apple devices. With Apple Intelligence, generative AI is soon to be integrated directly into iOS and macOS.

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This article was originally published in German. It was translated with technical assistance and editorially reviewed before publication.