Soon no more Netflix on old Apple TVs

In a few weeks, the largest streaming service will disappear from Apple's old TV boxes. AirPlay as a workaround is not an option here.

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(Image: Avram)

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This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

Old Apple TVs will lose access to another key video service: From August 1, Netflix will no longer be available on second and third generation Apple TVs, the streaming service announced in an updated support document- without providing any further information. Netflix wants to take this step to focus on providing the "best possible experience" on newer hardware that supports all functions, according to a letter to customers affected by this – they know that this "can be frustrating".

The previous Netflix channel will therefore disappear from the Apple TV interface at the beginning of August, or at least it will no longer be possible to access it. There is no App Store on the old TV boxes; this only came with the tvOS from Apple TV 4 or "Apple TV HD".

The usual workaround in such cases of streaming content to Apple's TV box via AirPlay is also not available here: Netflix removed AirPlay support from its iOS app five years ago. In addition, AirPlay often no longer works properly on older TV boxes when playing DRM content.

The last version of the Apple TV 3 is now over 10 years old, although the model continued to be sold as an entry-level version until around 2016. Apple considers the hardware to be obsolete. However, the manufacturer continued to supply the generation with software updates for a relatively long time, with Apple upgrading its in-house streaming service TV+ in 2019, for example. The last "Apple TV Software Update 7.8" was released around three years ago. YouTube has no longer been available on the old Apple TV boxes since spring 2021. Newer Apple TVs from the fourth generation (Apple TV 4 / Apple TV HD, introduced in 2015) continue to support both Netflix and YouTube.

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