Starship: SpaceX plans fourth test flight in a few weeks

At X, Musk announced a possible next launch attempt of the giant Starship rocket in three to five weeks - including targets to be achieved.

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Das Starship für Test Nummer vier auf dem Weg zur STartrampe.​

The Starship for test number four on its way to the launch pad.

(Image: X (Twitter))

2 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

"Super Heavy Booster for launch attempt 4 on its way to the launch pad," SpaceX tweeted on X (Twitter) last weekend. According to another tweet, Elon Musk expects a possible launch in "probably three to five weeks". The aim of the upcoming fourth test is for the giant rocket to exceed "max heating" or "at least further than last time".

SpaceX is planning a total of "at least" nine Starship launches this year, with which the company wants to take both people and cargo to the moon and later also to Mars. Corresponding applications have already been submitted - due to current environmental protection regulations, SpaceX has so far only received approval for a maximum of five Starship launches.

According to, the fourth attempt is still awaiting approval from the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). However, the company is already preparing for the fifth test of the Starship and has already carried out engine tests on the Starship upper stage. This is not said to have been the rocket for the fourth test, as it is assumed that both the Super Heavy Booster and the Starship are already ready for launch for test number four.

During the previous test flight in mid-March - which Musk's space company rated as a huge success- the giant rocket orbited half the Earth once. Although the launch went as planned, the booster and the spaceship did not land as desired.

Even if the tests to date have not gone as hoped right to the end, expectations and confidence in SpaceX are high. For example, the private space station Starlab operated by the US company Voyager Space with the involvement of Airbus is scheduled to be launched into orbit by a Starship at the end of this decade. Voyager Space CEO Dylan Taylor is proud that Starlab will be launched into orbit in a single Starship flight, according to a report.
