Strategy game: "Civilization 7" announced

Firaxis has released a first trailer for "Civilization 7" - still without gameplay. The strategy game will be released for consoles as well as PC.

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Screenshot from the trailer for "Civilization 7"

Screenshot from the trailer for "Civilization 7"

(Image: Firaxis)

2 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

"Civilization 7" will be released for PC and consoles in 2025. This was announced by developer Firaxis as part of the Summer Game Fest. At the event, the studio showed a render trailer that covers the history of mankind, from the desert caravan to the rocket launch. There is no gameplay in the video – Firaxis plans to provide this at a separate showcase in August. For now, the studio has also not provided any information on the content.

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The predecessor "Civilization 6" was launched in 2016 and has been regularly updated with new content and DLC packs since then. Meanwhile, developer Firaxis gave the game away from Epic Games. If you missed the deal, you can currently grab it on Steam: "Civ 6" currently costs just €3 there, compared to the standard price of €60. Some of the DLC is also discounted - but not as much as the main game.

The sixth installment was largely well received by long-time fans of the series, but the abstract graphics style caused some discontent, especially at launch. "Civ 6" is not only available for the PC: The game runs on Xbox and Playstation, and has also been ported to the Switch. Since 2020, there have also been mobile versions of the 4X game that can be played on tablets.

The fact that Civilization 7 would be announced at the Summer Game Fest had already become apparent in the run-up to the event. An advertising banner for the upcoming strategy game could be seen on publisher 2K's website a few hours before the event. Back in May, the organizers had also hinted that the latest part of a popular 2K franchise would be shown at the Summer Game Fest. Many fans were hoping for "Bioshock" - in vain. Firaxis had also announced back in February 2023 that it was working on a new 'Civ' spin-off, but did not provide any further details at the time.
