SuperSonic: Realme charges cell phone to one hundred percent in four minutes

With 320 watts, Realme can fully charge a 4,420mAh battery in just four minutes. However, there is not yet a compatible product.

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Realme cell phone with fast charging technology

(Image: Realme)

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Fully charge an empty cell phone in just four and a half minutes: Realme has presented a new fast-charging technology that should make this possible. The Chinese manufacturer's SuperSonic technology charges cell phones with 320 watts.

Realme promises that a cell phone battery of 4420 mAh with a 1 percent charge can be charged to 100 percent in just four and a half minutes. This was demonstrated at an event in China, and Realme has also published a promotional video about the fast-charging technology on the X platform. The cell phone only needs just under two minutes to reach 50 percent.

So far, only the technology is available, but no suitable cell phone: Realme's proprietary charging technology requires a special power supply unit and a smartphone adapted for this purpose, whose battery consists of four individual cells, as in the demo device. All four are charged at the same time, Realme explains.

Neither the power supply unit nor the cell phone are currently available to buy. It remains to be seen when the first device with 320-watt charging technology will be launched on the market. So far, the Realme GT3 is the fastest charging smartphone that Realme has to offer. It supports charging technology with up to 240 watts.

According to the manufacturer, it should take nine and a half minutes from zero to one hundred percent charge with the right power supply unit. The Realme GT3 has a battery with a capacity of 46,000 mAh. It should take four minutes from zero to 50 percent, and the phone should be able to handle an emergency charge of 20 percent in just 80 seconds.

A race for fast charging technology has developed recently, particularly among Chinese smartphone manufacturers: Companies such as Xiaomi, Vivo and Oppo regularly outdo each other with new fast charging records. Redmi showed a prototype phone that can be charged at 300 watts - but has not yet launched a phone with this technology on the market. Many cell phones with fast-charging technology are also coming to Europe late or not at all.

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This article was originally published in German. It was translated with technical assistance and editorially reviewed before publication.