Threads gets blocking function for individual words

Topics, hate comments or AI sexbots: Threads gives people the option to exclude content with certain words.

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(Image: Viktollio/

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This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

Social networks have their dark sides, including group memberships that deal with dangerous topics. Suicide, eating disorders and similar topics are topics that the usual providers try to avoid displaying as much as possible. However, there are always borderline cases as to whether something fuels the problems or warns against them and raises awareness. In cases of doubt, those affected can also find each other without the platform providers getting wind of it immediately. New keywords or emojis help people find each other.

Another problem: hate comments and bullying. Here, too, the automated correction attempts of social media providers sometimes fail. While swear words can be filtered quite easily, it is much more difficult with many other insults. So what do you do if you don't want to read comments about a certain characteristic, problem, idea or similar? Or if you are in the process of getting your eating disorder under control, but then keep seeing posts on social media that remind you of it or even give you diet tips.

Threads, like many other platforms, has now made it possible to exclude words that trigger you in any way. Of course, this also applies to events and any topics that you may simply not be in the mood for. Instagram and Threads head Adam Mosseri writes that you can now ban unwanted content from feeds, search, profiles and posts. Previously, it was already possible to sort out direct messages based on selected terms. With the "hidden words" function, Meta wants to make the platform safer and "help make threads a place for positive conversation". He is looking forward to feedback. Just below, a user comments that she is happy about anything that helps to exclude all the AI sexbots that spam her. This is also a possible area of application.

In addition to threads, Instagram has had this function for direct messages since 2016 and it has gradually been extended to all areas of the app. X also offers the option to mute individual words or phrases. You can also restrict who can and cannot comment on your posts, who can link to you or even write to you. These functions should provide more security, especially for younger users.

Mosseri recently announced that it would be possible to automatically make your own posts disappear into an archive. However, this is initially being tested with individual people. If the archive is made widely available, embarrassing old posts will probably be a thing of the past. However, this may also mean that part of the public discussion disappears.
