Transformer-Bot: Robot made of cubes assumes more than 1000 different shapes

The Transformer-Bot consists of cubes connected by rotating hinges. Using actuators, it can take on different shapes and move around.

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Transformer robot made from plastic cubes.

The Transformer bot can create different shapes from cubes.

(Image: North Carolina State University)

2 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

Engineers at North Carolina State University (NC State University) have developed a shape-shifting robot that can take on over 1000 different forms using simple cubic shapes, inspired by the Japanese art of origami. To achieve this, the Transformer-Bot only needs three motors. The robot is an experiment to be able to build a single shape-shifting robot for several different functions - for use in space travel, for example.

"The question we are asking ourselves is how to achieve a range of versatile shapes with the smallest possible number of actuators," explains Jie Yin, associate professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering and co-author of the study "Adaptive hierarchical origami-based metastructures", which has been published in Nature Communications. "Here we use a hierarchical concept that can be observed in nature - like layered muscle fibers - but with plastic cubes to create a transformable robot."

The researchers used a 3D printer to create a total of 36 plastic cubes, which they connected with rotating hinges. The scientists fixed some of the hinges with metal pins, while others were controlled by electric motors. The researchers managed to transform it into more than 1000 different shapes with just three motors - including tunnel and bridge-like structures as well as multi-layered constructions.

The robot can move forwards, backwards and sideways by changing its shape. It can also assume open, closed and flat shapes. The Transformer-Bot can carry and transport payloads up to three times its own weight.

The scientists believe that their robot could be used in space in a modified form. There it could take on different forms in order to perform different functions. It is also conceivable that the robot could be used in larger dimensions to create space habitats that can change their shape. To do this, the required parts could be sent into space and unfold there according to their function.

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The researchers now want to work on further improving their transformer bots. For example, they are considering making the structures even more robust in order to further increase their load-bearing capacity.
