UEFA Euro 2024: Husqvarna robotic lawnmowers dance for joy at goals

Husqvarna robotic lawnmowers do a jubilant dance as soon as their favorite team scores a goal at UEFA Euro 2024. All it takes is an update.

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Das Display des Mähroboters von Husqvarna zeigt den Spielstand eines Fußballspiels an.

The Husqvarna robotic lawnmower can not only do a cheering dance, it also displays the score of a soccer match in real time.

(Image: Husqvarna Deutschland (Screenshot))

2 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

Dancing humanoid robots and industrial robots are nothing new, but dancing mowing robots are - especially when they do a happy dance as soon as their favorite team scores a goal at the 2024 European Football Championship. It doesn't take much: Apart from a Husqvarna robotic lawnmower, all that's needed is an update.

To get the robotic lawnmower to cheer and perform one of three dances based on those of famous footballers, an update must first be installed on the Husqvarna robotic lawnmower. The models supported are Automower 405X, Automower 415X, Automower 320 NERA, Automower 430X NERA, Automower 450X NERA, Automower 310E NERA and Automower 410XE NERA, of which Husqvarna claims to have sold around 150,000 units.

The update will be available between June 14 and July 14, 2024. Users of the Husqvarna Automower Connect app will be notified automatically.

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Once the update has been installed, soccer fans can select their favorite team via the app and activate the "Victory Dance" function. If their favorite team scores a goal, the robotic lawnmower performs a celebratory movement: robot, tornado or 180° turn. The respective dances are intended to be reminiscent of those performed by Peter Crouch, Miroslav Klose and Christiano Ronaldo after they have scored a goal. In addition, the lights on the robotic lawnmower flash and a fanfare is played. The robot also shows the score in real time on its display.

The "Vicotry Dance" update is not the first unusual update to give Husqvarna lawn mowers an unusual function. In April, Husqvarna released an update that enables users to play the first-person shooter "Doom" on the lawn mower.
