Undeleted photos: Apple TV update should also eliminate bug

Apparently, Apple's TV box may also display photos that have long since been deleted. tvOS 17.5.1 is supposed to clear up the error.

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(Image: Shutterstock.com/Lebedev Yury)

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This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

Apple is tackling a serious bug in another operating system: The tvOS version 17.5.1 released on Wednesday night is supposed to fix a bug on Apple TV 4K and Apple TV HD that can suddenly bring back freshly deleted photos to the media library. This was apparently triggered by the previous version 17.5 of the operating system. As with the iPhone and iPad, the manufacturer states in the instruction leaflet that this could affect photos that have "suffered database corruption".

On Apple TV, the unintentional return of actually deleted images is potentially particularly unpleasant, as the TV box is usually located in the living room and is usually used by several people. Pictures that are actually unwelcome and therefore deleted may then appear in large format on the TV when the Photos app is opened.

However, it remains unclear whether Apple TV owners actually experienced the error and whether photos were actually returned. The reports to date have mainly come from iPhone users, although the smartphone is also much more widespread than the Apple TV box. The Photos app on tvOS is specifically designed to display iCloud photos. It remains unclear whether the database corruption cited by Apple also occurred on the cloud side.

As of Wednesday, Apple had still not provided any concrete details on the worrying matter. Accordingly, it remains unclear how reliably the deletion of photos on iPhones & Co is ultimately carried out, when the database corruption actually occurred - and whether this may have resulted in data loss and not just unintentional data recovery. It also remains unclear whether users with older operating systems must assume that photos that were actually deleted are still accessible.

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