Unstable Core i-14000 and 13000: New BIOS updates until July

In the course of CPU investigations, Intel has uncovered a side issue: BIOS updates are supposed to fix a turbo bug.

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Intel's top CPU model Core i9-13900K from the Raptor Lake generation.

(Image: c't)

2 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

Intel continues to investigate why some desktop processors of the Core i-14000 and Core i-13000 series cause crashes in games and applications. The focus is still on excessive power limits, voltages and currents in the profiles of the mainboards, especially in combination with K processors.

In the course of the investigations, Intel also found a bug in the so-called Enhanced Thermal Velocity Boost (eTVB), which is supposed to squeeze the last few megahertz out of the processors. Provided that the cooling system plays along, the eTVB raises the maximum clock rate of the Core i9-14900K from 5.8 to 6.0 GHz.

Apparently, due to a bug in Intel's microcode, motherboards do not always reduce the voltages and currents correctly when the CPU cores exceed certain temperature thresholds.

However, Intel contradicts previous reports that the Turbo function is the reason for the stability problems: "Although this eTVB error may contribute to the instability, it is not the main cause of the instability problem," it says in a statement.

Rumors to this effect emerged after the website Igor's Lab prematurely quoted from NDA documents.

Users should make the BIOS settings recommended by Intel to increase stability. These are now increasingly available as BIOS profiles that can be loaded in the UEFI, typically as "Intel Default Settings".

Intel's recommended BIOS settings for desktop processors of the Core i-14000 and Core i-13000 series.

(Image: Intel)

BIOS updates for the eTVB error are to be released by July 19, 2024. Intel has already distributed the necessary microcode to the motherboard manufacturers, who are currently working on the updates. Beta versions are expected to be released soon.

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