Visual Studio Code: Microsoft creates an extension package for data scientists

The new Python Data Science extension package bundles four extensions for Visual Studio Code that are useful for data scientists.

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Microsoft has put together an extension package from existing extensions for its free source code editor Visual Studio Code for data scientists. This eliminates the need to install four extensions individually for the use of Python, Jupyter, Data Wrangler and GitHub Copilot.

The new "Python Data Science" extension package is available in the Visual Studio Marketplace. If you install it, you will immediately receive four extensions:

  • The Python extension provides language support for Python including the IntelliSense coding help, debugging, formatting and linting. By default, this extension also installs the Pylance language server and the Python debugger for using debugpy. The latest September update of the Python extension brought new features such as support for unit tests with the open source web framework Django in the Test Explorer.
  • The Jupyter extension is used to create and edit Jupyter Notebooks, add and execute Markdown cells and create HTML or PDF versions of a notebook suitable for presentation, among other things.
  • The GitHub Copilot extension brings the AI Assistant for Pair Programming to support developers in coding. An active subscription to GitHub Copilot is required to use this extension.
  • The Data Wrangler extension is a code-centric tool for viewing, cleaning and visualizing data in Visual Studio Code. The exploration and transformation of data takes place within a sandbox – an original data set is therefore not changed until you explicitly decide to export your changes.

Microsoft provides all further information on the new extension pack for Python Data Scientists in its developer blog. If you would like to give feedback or, for example, request further extensions in this package, you can do so in the GitHub repo.


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This article was originally published in German. It was translated with technical assistance and editorially reviewed before publication.