iPhone photos deleted years ago return: iOS 17.5.1 should fix bug

By updating to iOS 17.5, photos that were actually deleted can reappear for users. Apple speaks of a "rare problem".

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(Image: Sebastian Trepesch)

2 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

With iOS 17.5.1 and iPadOS 17.5.1, Apple delivered an important bug fix for the latest version of its mobile operating systems on Tuesday night. The update contains "important bug fixes" and resolves a problem that caused "photos with corrupted data [...] to be displayed again even though they have already been deleted", as the manufacturer explains. In the instruction leaflet, Apple refers to a "rare problem" and a "corrupted database".

After the general release of iOS 17.5 just over a week ago, reports of a worrying bug quickly accumulated: old, supposedly deleted photos suddenly reappeared as new ones in the media library of Apple's Photos app, including nude photos or other images that you may never have wanted to see again. In several cases, photos apparently returned that had been deleted many years ago.

The use of Apple's cloud service for photo synchronization does not appear to be the trigger: Although users with iCloud photos also reported the error, so did users who store their photos purely locally on the iPhone.

Apart from the release notes for iOS 17.5.1, Apple has not yet commented specifically on the serious problem. Accordingly, it remains unclear whether the manufacturer has actually fixed the underlying bug that prevented the photos from being deleted correctly with the update - or whether the quickly delivered fix only prevents the photos from reappearing in the media library. It is also unclear whether iPhone and iPad users with iOS versions older than 17.5.1 must now assume that their deleted photos may not have been deleted at all.

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