Web sideloading and more: iOS 17.5 available soon
Apple is preparing a major update for its operating systems. In the EU, the manufacturer is opening up the iPhone for app downloads from the web.
The next Apple updates are just around the corner: iOS 17.5, iPadOS 17.5 and watchOS 10.5 will be released "soon", as the company announced on Monday. A specific release date was not given. Apple is currently still listing the new versions as "Beta", but testers will presumably receive the "Release Candidate" for download shortly. If there are no more serious bugs, this will then become the final version for the general public. At the same time, Apple should also release macOS Sonoma version 14.5 for download and deliver security patches for older versions of the operating system.
Web sideloading in the EU
Following the support for alternative app marketplaces in iOS 17.4, iOS 17.5 provides the option to download individual apps directly from the provider's website for the first time. This fundamental innovation only applies to users in the EU. In the coming months, Apple will also have to open up iPadOS and the iPad accordingly. This will give developers more flexibility in deciding which channels they want to use to distribute their apps.
However, Apple is placing high hurdles in the way of direct web distribution, i.e. offering apps via its own website: Only app providers who have been members of Apple's developer program for at least two years and are in "good standing" are allowed to choose this route.
Warning about other trackers
Apart from this, iOS 17.5 apparently brings detailed improvements and bug fixes: In the event of a repair, users no longer have to log their device out of "Where is?", and Apple should also finally integrate stalking warnings against trackers from other manufacturers. The updates also include a new "Pride Radiance" wallpaper, in the form of another watch face on the Apple Watch. On Monday, Apple added the new "Pride Edition Braided Solo Loop" wristband to its Watches range, which will be available from 22 May.
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