YouTube deletes fake voices and people on request via AI

From now on, those affected can request Google to delete posts in which their own voice or personality has been falsified by AI.

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Stylized image: A laptop shows the YouTube logo, with viruses flying all around it


1 min. read
  • Stefan Wischner
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

Google will now also process complaints from people who feel that their personality has been copied or faked in a post. This includes, for example, voice imitations generated by an AI.

In the associated support post, Google assures that it takes such complaints submitted via the Privacy Request page seriously and carefully examines each case to determine whether the post in question shows synthetic or manipulated content and whether there is actually a risk of confusion. The company does not explain exactly how this check is carried out, in particular how the condition that the person making the complaint is identifiable can be fulfilled. Parodies and satire are also exempt if they involve well-known public figures.

The fact that a request also leads to deletion and the time frame in which this would take place is therefore open on a case-by-case basis. However, Google emphasizes that due to the increasing number of AI-generated fake content, the company sees it as its duty to give the community an opportunity to defend itself against it.
