Playing "Elden Ring - Shadow of the Erdtree": Uncompromisingly difficult

In the "Elden Ring" DLC "Shadow of the Erdtree", FromSoftware stages a merciless action RPG for fans of challenges.

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Screenshot aus "Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree"

"Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree" is more difficult than the already challenging main game.

(Image: heise online)

6 min. read
  • Andreas Müller
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

"Elden Ring" is a phenomenon. Brutally difficult and yet successful. The Japanese development studio FromSoftware transferred its well-known "Soulsborne" game principle from "Dark Souls" and "Bloodborne" into a huge open world. A few compromises to the mass market were enough to make the game a million-selling hit. There is no trace of these concessions in the DLC. "Shadow of the Erdtree" is perhaps the hardest game of the year.

I like "Elden Ring". When I'm sneaking through dark corridors, fighting nasty monsters and delving into the enigmatic story, I'm in my element. And what a lot there is to discover! Two years after the release, I still experience surprises when I find a valuable artifact in a dark cave or encounter a huge enemy on a cliff.

"Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree" played (5 Bilder)

Splendid, but brutally heavy: "Shadow oft her Erdtree" makes no compromises. (Bild: heise online)

But how many times have I been annoyed by the tricky menu controls? How many times have I fallen over a precipice because the collision detection is a joke? Players have to be able to live with the flaws in order to fall in love with "Elden Ring". And yes, the difficulty level. Screen death is part of the gameplay. After "Dark Souls", hardly any other game has taught me so much humility and patience in the game. The feeling of happiness is all the greater when the opponent is defeated after countless attempts. With "Shadow of the Erdtree", however, my frustration tolerance reaches its limits.

To enter the shadow realm of the DLC alone, you first have to discover a secret area and defeat two bosses. Once there, FromSoftware separates the wheat from the chaff. Anyone who tried it for a few hours because of the hype and then returns months later without any training will be frustrated and give up.

Giant fire-breathing guardians, snake creatures that first paralyze and then devour you, or small gnomes that attack you from ambush, drive even me to despair after many hours of play. There is plenty of work and adventure: if you want to see everything, you have to invest around 40 hours in the expansion. In terms of gameplay alone, the game is more than worth its 40 euros.

Of course, From Software is not reinventing the game with the DLC. In addition to a new story and landscape, there are a few new weapons and armor. For the first time, I could also fight in martial arts style - daring to get that close to giant dragons. There are also so-called "Scadu Tree Fragments" in the game world, which increase my fighting power. As in the main game, anyone who explores the area and discovers caves or finds small quests is rewarded. As always, everything is very puzzling and tricky, the story is reminiscent of a kind of "Silmarillion" with a dark fantasy touch.

Everything is overshadowed by the magnificent art design. Once again, From Software has succeeded in creating an impressive game world that has never been seen before. Gloomy castle dungeons alternate with flowering meadows and surreal valleys in which finger-like shapes rise from the earth. Everything is a little trickier, paths or shortcuts can only be found after a long search. Overall, the game world is more compact and not as sprawling as in the main game.

It's a shame that only very few fans will get to experience this extraordinary game world. "Shadow of the Erdtree" is only for players who have spent months beating their way through "Elden Ring" and shrug off every defeat. A new attempt, a new tactic, until the enemy finally vanishes into thin air. This time around, the rapid waves of attacks barely give you time to catch your breath. Without a perfect dodge roll or parry, every fight is over after a few seconds.

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Can a game be too difficult? Critics love "Shadow of the Erdtree", but on Steam not only the technical problems of the PC version are criticized, but also the difficulty level. FromSoftware sorts out mercilessly and focuses only on the hardcore fans. The target group is small and excludes Soulsborne novices or casual gamers. For some, "Shadow of the Erdtree" is a playful challenge and a great adventure and for others it is a never-ending torture.

Where FromSoftware is written on it, FromSoftware is also in it. The Japanese development studio has created an uncompromisingly difficult action role-playing game for fans with a high tolerance for frustration. In a video game world dominated by the mainstream, this is impressively consistent. The boss battles in particular are varied and original and, as in the main game, there is plenty to explore - at least for the most loyal fans of the Japanese cult studio. However, as great as the art design and the many exciting secrets are, "Shadow of the Erdtree" is only a genre highlight for the most loyal fans of the cult studio.

"Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree" has been released for PC, PS4/5 and Xbox One/Series. USK from 16 and costs around €40. We played the Xbox Series version for a few hours for our hands-on.
