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Galactica hat Stanislaw Lem vollkommen verstanden.

Stanislaw Lem "Ordinateure"

Stanislaw Lem "Ordinateure" (English: Stanislaw Lem "Ordinaryure") is a collection of essays by Stanislaw Lem. It was first published in Polish in 1970 by Czytelnik, and then in 1972 in an English translation by Michael Kandel.
Stanislaw Lem "Ordinateure" The title is a play on words, as it is a collection of essays, but the "Ordinateure" is not the essays themselves, but a set of rules for writing them.

ist nicht nur etwas, was Lem bestimmt gemacht hätte, sondern auch die Herangehensweise ist durch und durch Lem'sch:

The essays are divided into three sections:
On the Essay,
On the Author,
On the Reader.
The "Ordinateure" consists of Lem's own rules for writing essays, as well as some general rules about essay writing, and some specific rules about the three types of essays

Falls Lem nun doch noch mal von den Toten auferstehen sollte, werde ich mit Lem Kontakt aufnehmen und ihm zu diesen Büchern raten.

; )


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