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  • OliverG

mehr als 1000 Beiträge seit 17.04.2003

To succeed, he needs instability – today’s prosperity to end in...

Aus :

[...] so, finally, he came up with his third and current plan: to go to college, get an education and become a politician, running first for state representative in South Carolina and ultimately for the presidency of the United States.

Once elected president, he plans to immediately push though an emergency-powers enabling bill that will never, ever be revoked and that will overnight allow him to become this country’s first dictator, thence to do as he wishes, sending blacks back to Africa, sterilizing the Jews, executing gays and so forth, all for the benefit of the white man.

He frowns and shows the palms of his hands. He says he knows none of this will come to pass anytime soon. Most people have it too good. To succeed, he needs instability – today’s prosperity to end in, say, massive economic depression. He feels sure this is coming. And when it happens, he will rule. [...]

Zwei Gedanken dazu:

1. wir haben wohl Glück gehabt, dass Hawke 2020ff nicht mehr lebt?
2. mir sind da doch wieder die Äußerungen von Christian Lüth eingefallen: "Je schlechter es Deutschland geht, desto besser für die AfD."

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