Wahrsprecher schrieb am 25. September 2002 21:56
> würde Billyboy noch heute in seiner Garage auf seinemn Dos sitzen und
> auf den Durchbruch seiner ergaunerten Software warten.
> MfG
Das war der Zeitpunkt des Anfixens. Jetzt ist Zahltag:
Gates: “Although about three million computers get sold every year in
China, people don't pay for the software. Someday they will, though.
And as long as they're going to steal it, we want them to steal ours.
They'll get sort of addicted, and then we'll somehow figure out how
to collect sometime in the next decade.”
> würde Billyboy noch heute in seiner Garage auf seinemn Dos sitzen und
> auf den Durchbruch seiner ergaunerten Software warten.
> MfG
Das war der Zeitpunkt des Anfixens. Jetzt ist Zahltag:
Gates: “Although about three million computers get sold every year in
China, people don't pay for the software. Someday they will, though.
And as long as they're going to steal it, we want them to steal ours.
They'll get sort of addicted, and then we'll somehow figure out how
to collect sometime in the next decade.”