Am Dienstag online: WeAreDevelopers Live Week – u.a. mit Angular und Corona-Apps

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Am Dienstag online: WeAreDevelopers Live Week – u.a. mit Angular und Corona-Apps
Lesezeit: 1 Min.
  • Alexander Neumann

heise Developer präsentiert diese Woche die WeAreDevelopers Live Week, eine sich vorrangig an Entwickler richtende Online-Konferenz mit mehr als 50 Vorträgen. Ausrichter ist der Job-Plattformanbieter WeAreDevelopers, bekannt auch für den großen WAD World Congress, der diese Woche in Berlin hätte stattfinden sollen, dann aber wegen der COVID-19-Pandemie abgesagt werden musste.

Die Konferenz ist kostenlos und per Stream einsehbar, die Registrierung mag aber hilfreich sein, um auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben, wann was startet, einen Tagesüberblick und auch -rückblick zu erhalten, von etwaigen Programmänderungen zu erfahren und schließlich Infos zu den Aufnahmen im Nachhinein zu bekommen.

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Dienstag, 26. Mai 2020
11.00 Uhr How to think about AI and the “New Normal”? In these days, we are confronted with a “New Normal”: Things are slowly going back to normal, yet everyday life is still different from the pre-COVID era. While Europe is slowly awakening from an artificial deep sleep, it is certainly well equipped to find viable solutions for the future - even during these uncertain times. In this session, Dr.-Ing. Isabell Franck (Founder of franck.AI, member of Women in AI and Ms. AI) and Nancy Nemes (Ms. AI & #humanAIze) will present real-life examples of applied AI. Learn about the current AI-based technologies we have in Europe and how German companies are utilizing them in order to provide new solutions. Nancy Nemes
12.15 Uhr To what extent can mobile apps solve the COVID-19 crisis? Austria is one of the first countries to launch a mobile app aiming to contain the spread of COVID-19. We will speak to the driving forces and relevant stakeholders behind this initiative to find out more about the challenges associated with the "Corona App". Antonella Mei-Pochtler
14.45 Uhr Sustainable Angular Architectures with Nx and Strategic Design Monorepos allow huge enterprise applications to be subdivided into small and maintainable libraries. This is, however, only one side of the coin: We need to first define criteria for slicing our application into individual parts and we must establish rules for communication between them. This session looks at a solution provided by Strategic Domain-Driven Design. Using an Angular-based case study, we investigate the idea of sub-domains and context mapping. Building on this, you will learn how to implement these ideas for Angular using Nx monorepos. We also discuss approaches for reducing coupling between the specific parts of our monorepo and for enforcing your architecture. By the end, you will have a technical solution and appropriate methodology to build sustainable Angular solutions.‍ Manfred Steyer
16.00 Uhr Navigating Austrian startups through the crisis In Austria we are privileged to have two organisations, spearheaded by highly competent managers, who are actively managing the distribution of grants, funding and acceleration to startups with a global potential. The current crisis makes these organisations more important than ever before, since their support is required right now. Join in for a talk with the CEOs of the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) and Austria Wirtschaftsservice (AWS) on how they are supporting startups in these difficult times. Henrietta Egerth
17.15 Uhr State management in a world of hooks We are at the intersection of two paths. One is about the evolution of how we share code between React components, and the second is about how we share data between them. In this talk, we explore how we can leverage the power of hooks in global state management, what are the benefits and drawbacks to using Context API, and what alternatives do we have. Adam Klein
18.30 Uhr The pitfalls of Deep Learning – when Neural Networks are not the solution Nowadays, we can hear about a new deep learning model nearly every month. These models show excellent performance in their respective tasks. It may seem that with deep learning, we can tackle any problem and achieve great results. However, just like any other tool, deep learning has its shortcomings. The goal of this talk is to look into cases where deep learning excel and where it fails. We also want to outline all necessary prerequisites for the successful integration of deep learning solutions in your business. Adrian Spataru

Die Heise Medien sind am Start-up WeAreDevelopers, das sich vorrangig als Jobvermittlungsplattform fĂĽr Entwickler und Unternehmen versteht und hinter den WeAreDevelopers-Konferenzen steht, seit letztem Jahr finanziell beteiligt. (ane)