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Am Montag online: WeAreDevelopers Live Week mit Fokus auf Big Data und ML

Alexander Neumann

Sämtliche Vorträge der Online-Konferenz sind diese Woche über die Kanäle von heise online zu sehen. Hier das Programm des heutigen Montags.

heise Developer präsentiert diese Woche die WeAreDevelopers Live Week, eine sich vorrangig an Entwickler richtende Online-Konferenz mit knapp 30 Vorträgen. Ausrichter ist der Job-Plattformanbieter WeAreDevelopers, bekannt unter anderem auch für den großen WAD World Congress.

Die einzelnen Tage sind nach den Themen "Scale Data & Big Data", "JavaScript & Typescript", "Quality Assurance & Security", "Software Architecture & API Design" und "UX & No Code" gestaffelt. Am heutigen Montag gibt es fünf Vorträge und ein Panel mit Ausrichtung auf Big-Data- und Machine-Learning-Themen.

Die Konferenz ist kostenlos und per Stream einsehbar, die Registrierung mag aber hilfreich sein [1], um auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben, wann was startet, einen Tagesüberblick und auch -rückblick zu erhalten, von etwaigen Programmänderungen zu erfahren und schließlich Infos zu den Aufnahmen im Nachhinein zu bekommen.

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Programm: Montag, 30. November – Schwerpunkt Big Data & ML
12:45 – 12:50 Welcome remarks by Austrian Federal Minister of Digital and Economic Affairs Welcome to the third edition of the WeAreDevelopers Live Week powered by City of Vienna in partnership with Vienna Business Agency. Margarete Schramböck (Austrian Federal Minister of Digital and Economic Affairs)
12:50 – 13:00 Welcome remarks by Austrian Federal Economic Chamber The Austrian Federal Economic Chamber encourages young people and apprentices to enrich their coding and digital skills with the WKÖ Coding Day and enables the international transfer of technology and innovation via the worldwide Advantage Austria Network. Amelie Groß (Vice President at Austrian Federal Economic Chamber)
13:00 – 14:00 Databases on Kubernetes: Why you should care In this session, we will talk about what you should consider before running your database on Kubernetes, what are the most popular database operators out there, and a live demo showing why this is something that you should start doing right away. Denis Wilson Souza Rosa (Senior Developer Advocate bei Couchbase)
14:00 – 15:00 How to benchmark your Apache Kafka Apache Kafka is a complex system with multiple parameters to configure for different use cases. As a Consulting Engineer at Confluent, I can see many clients who need to benchmark their production systems and understand its capacity. Kirill Kulikov (Consulting Engineer bei Confluent)
15:00 – 16:00 Add location-based searching to site with Elasticsearch In this talk, we'll take an in-depth look at how Elasticsearch supports geo-searching. We'll look at the different types of location searches and how to integrate them into your application. By the end of this talk, you will be able to add location-based searches that will impress your users. Derek Binkley (Software Consultant bei Spark Labs)
16:15 – 17:15 Leverage Cloud Computing benefits with Serverless Multi-Cloud ML – powered by Women in AI At the end of this presentation, you will know how to use different cloud providers within one decoupled application, learn the basic concept of Machine Learning and have an overall insight into how to use these completely new technologies without the need of being a professional in this particular field. Linda Mohamed (Senior Consultant bei creative-it Software & Consulting)
17:15 – 18:15 Hate organizing your photos? Try it with 5 Terabytes This talk is about how I built the solution for her in a serverless way, costing less than 10€ per month. We’ll walk through my solution, starting from the local network & Raspberry Pi to AWS S3 & Rekognition. Arto Liukkonen (Senior Developer bei Nordcloud)
18:15 – 19:15 Panel: Democratizing AI – powered by Women in AI Vienna How can we make sure that AI and its underlying areas are accessible to most people? How can we make sure that everyone can get involved? What if I’m not a data scientist? Linda Mohamed, Nancy Nemes, Annalisa Cadonna, Katrin Strasser

Die Heise Medien sind am Start-up WeAreDevelopers, das sich vorrangig als Jobvermittlungsplattform für Entwickler und Unternehmen versteht und hinter den WeAreDevelopers-Konferenzen steht, seit letztem Jahr finanziell beteiligt.

(ane [3])

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[1] https://www.wearedevelopers.com/live/live-week
[2] https://www.heise.de/Datenschutzerklaerung-der-Heise-Medien-GmbH-Co-KG-4860.html
[3] mailto:ane@heise.de