iPhones and MacBooks: Apple allegedly wants to build particularly thin hardware

For a long time, Apple aimed for ever thinner devices, but moved away from this to bring back interfaces, for example. The design goal is now supposedly back.

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(Image: Sebastian Trepesch)

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This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

The extremely thin iPad Pro M4 is probably a foretaste of the fact that Apple wants to build particularly thin hardware again. According to a report, the manufacturer has returned to its former design goal of developing devices that are as thin as possible: A significantly thinner iPhone is already planned for 2025, Bloomberg's Mark Gurman, who is usually well-informed about Apple's plans, has now explained. At the same time, slimmer MacBook Pros and Apple Watches are also in the works. Ultimately, the company is once again aiming to build the thinnest and lightest devices in the industry.

Lately, Apple had moved away from building ever thinner hardware - probably not least due to the loss of stability in the iPhone 6 and the ultra-thin "butterfly" keyboard, which caused reliability problems in MacBooks for many years. Both the iPhone and the MacBook Pro tended to become thicker again. At the same time, the latter also regained a number of useful interfaces that Apple had previously thrown out.

With the iPad Pro M4, Apple appears to have made relatively few compromises to build the thinnest iPad to date. If the individual tests on YouTube are to be believed, no significant compromises are to be expected, at least in terms of stability, and the battery life has also improved, as shown in the Mac & i test. So far, observers expect that Apple is planning a thin new flagship model with the "iPhone 17 Slim" or "iPhone 17 Ultra"- which could also be particularly expensive.

According to a report, the next Apple Watch will also be thinner: according to information from analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, Apple has designed the shape of the Series 10, which is expected in the fall, to be both thinner and larger. The side length of the two model series will increase from the current 41 millimeters and 45 millimeters to 45 millimeters and 49 millimeters. This would bring the Apple Watch 10 into the territory of the Apple Watch Ultra in terms of size - although the case would presumably be less bulky.

A further increase in the size of the Apple Watch has been expected for some time, and the Ultra is also expected to become even larger in the long term, as was reported last year. According to Kuo, however, this will not happen for now: the specifications of the Apple Watch Ultra 3 would be similar to the previous models, with a black titanium case possibly being added as a variant. The rumor mill had originally expected this for the 2023 model year of the Ultra.

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