Tip: Empty Apple Watch no longer charges

If an Apple Watch has completely run out of power, there are several possible solutions. Deep battery discharge should be avoided if possible.

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This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

Question: During a long weekend, I was unable to charge my Apple Watch, so it ran out of power and no longer responded to any button presses. At home, I placed it directly on the charging puck. But the battery does not charge: the display goes on, but only shows a symbol with a red lightning bolt. Even after a night on the charger, nothing changes. The smartwatch also feels warm. Is my Apple Watch now defective?

Mac & i answers: The battery may have become deeply discharged. When an Apple Watch runs out of charge, the smartwatch normally switches itself off automatically with a residual voltage to conserve the battery. However, if the watch is not charged for a longer period of time, the voltage can fall below a certain limit (final discharge voltage).

In this state, the watch no longer responds to the button combination for restarting (press the digital crown and side button for ten seconds), and some watches do not charge reliably on the charging puck.

If an Apple Watch that has run out of power is not charging on the charging puck, it sometimes helps to interrupt the process and restart it after a short wait on another power supply unit.

(Image: Apple)

Such a deep discharge can occur if a device is stored for a longer period of time so that the battery discharges itself.

In the worst case, the battery can be permanently damaged by a deep discharge and break down. You should therefore also charge decommissioned rechargeable devices at regular intervals if you still want to use them later.

We were able to revive an Apple Watch Series 6 from the editorial team with the same symptoms by first removing it from the charging puck for around half an hour. We then connected the charging puck to another power supply and placed the now cooled Watch back on it. After a longer wait, the watch actually started charging again. If in doubt, you should give the watch a short break and then put it back on a charger for a longer period of time. However, it may take a few hours before the charging process starts again.

If the watch does not charge again after one night, you should try once more with a different charging puck and a different power supply unit to make sure that they are not broken. If the watch still does not start after a long time, you will unfortunately have no choice but to take it to an Apple workshop.

To avoid a deep discharge, switch off the watch in good time if you have not been able to charge it for a long time and the battery is almost empty. To do this, press and hold the side button for about two seconds and then tap the small switch-off symbol in the top right-hand corner, then all you have to do is press the "Switch off" slide switch. From watchOS 9 onwards, the switched-off watch will continue to display the time when you press the digital crown. Up to and including watchOS 8, there is the "Power reserve" mode.

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