Winter tires in the test: Extreme differences you should know about

Buying the cheapest tire has never been a smart idea. A test shows once again that it doesn't even pay off economically.

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Winter tires in the test

(Image: ADAC / Marc Wittkowski)

3 min. read

The tire trade is once again entering one of the two hot phases of the year. Although tests show that all-season tires are getting better and better, a significant proportion of drivers still switch back and forth between summer and winter tires. The ADAC has tested current tires in two dimensions.

The ADAC evaluates the tires in two large chapters, in which numerous individual criteria are included. For driving safety, things such as braking distances and grip in bends – are relevant under different conditions –. In the environmental balance, which accounts for 30 percent of the final score, weight and thus the resources required for production, running noise, rolling resistance, abrasion and, associated with this, the expected mileage play a role. The ADAC also states the approximate price per tire, although there can be enormous shifts in this respect. The information in the test should therefore be regarded as no more than a rough guide.

Winter tires in price comparison

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There are extreme differences between the candidates in both dimensions. With the 215/55 R17 tires, the braking distance between the best and the worst is 7 m. There is also a huge difference in the predicted mileage. The Vredestein Wintrac is said to be worn out after 33,400 km, the Michelin Alpine 6 only after 53,200 km. To exaggerate: It takes almost two sets of Vredestein or Pirelli tires to get the mileage of Michelin or Hankook. Obviously, this would quickly put the price differences into perspective, although the Pirelli in particular is not one of the bargains in the test field.

Winterreifen im ADAC-Test (4 Bilder)

Zwischen dem Testsieger und dem Verlierer liegen pro Satz knapp 200 Euro - gut angelegtes Geld. Wer sparen will oder muss, sollte zumindest den 100er für die Reifen von Hankook drauflegen. Ohnehin empfiehlt es sich aber, die Preise zu vergleichen und nicht auf den ersten Frost zu warten.

In the end, the current winter tires from Continental, Goodyear, Michelin, Hankook and Dunlop offer the best compromise in this test field for the 205/55 R16 tires. In the 215/55 R17 dimension, Goodyear, Dunlop, Vredestein, Semperit and Hankook are in the lead. The Conti tire only came in sixth place here, which shows that the results for one tire dimension are not very good: The results from one tire dimension cannot simply be transferred. In any case, I would recommend not waiting much longer before making a purchase. The time of cheap offers will be over in four weeks at the latest, because then the majority of those who need new tires will start looking for them.


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This article was originally published in German. It was translated with technical assistance and editorially reviewed before publication.