AI delays with Siri: Apple builds disclaimer into website

Apple will probably not be implementing three new Siri features this year. They will only be partially removed from the website.

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Siri-Disclaimer auf

Siri disclaimer on "Future software update" – only when?

(Image: Screenshot

2 min. read

Apple is continuing to advertise its new Siri functions, even though they are not expected to be released until 2026. However, disclaimers have been added to the company's US website, stating in small print that it could still take a while. Interestingly, some of the restrictions are still missing in the German language version, although the functions are not mentioned in all places, as is the case in the American version.

Take the Apple Intelligence advertising page, for example: the US version states under the heading "The dawn of a new era for Siri" that the voice assistant is equipped with "awareness of your personal context" and "the ability to perform actions in and across apps". However, a small note underneath states that personal context, in-app actions and so-called on-screen awareness, which allows Siri to read the screen, will come to devices "in a future software update" and are currently still "under development". Meanwhile, the German version of the site still refers to personal context and app actions without the disclaimer. Apple Intelligence will also be available in German from April.

Apple has placed the same disclaimer on the advertising page for the iPhone 16e. It mentions the possibility of finding out when your mother's flight lands as an example of personal context. In the German version of the page, however, Apple uses a different image and only describes that Siri can be activated by tapping, among other things. The personal context has been omitted entirely.

The postponement of the new Siri AI functions had led to massive criticism of Apple's approach. Apple blogger John Gruber, through whom the iPhone company disseminated the information about the decision, wrote that "something is rotten in the state of Cupertino".

Among other things, he fears that the demonstration of the functions last summer was "bullshit" and a "concept video" and that there is now no one at Apple who is taking sufficient responsibility for the problems. Moreover, Gruber said, this damages the credibility of the iPhone manufacturer.

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This article was originally published in German. It was translated with technical assistance and editorially reviewed before publication.