AMD and Nvidia sold more graphics cards again in the second quarter

Around 9.5 million desktop graphics cards were sold in the second quarter. AMD's market share is stagnating at a low level.

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Several graphics cards next to each other

(Image: c't)

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AMD and Nvidia have apparently overcome a sales slump from the end of 2022 to summer 2023: In the second quarter of 2024, the two companies together sold around 9.5 million desktop graphics cards. Only the high figures of up to 13.2 million sales during the coronavirus pandemic remain unattained.

This is according to an estimate by market observer Jon Peddie Research (JPR). According to him, graphics card sales rose by a high 48 percent within a year – a year ago, the figure was just over 6.4 million desktop graphics cards.

Meanwhile, Nvidia retains its own market dominance with an 88 percent share. This corresponds to almost 8.4 million GeForce models for desktop PCs alone – Notebook GPUs are not included in the statistics. AMD has a 12 percent market share with just under 1.2 million Radeon graphics cards. Intel's sales are negligible according to JPR.

Compared to the first quarter of 2024, sales increased by 9.4 percent, from around 8.7 million to around 9.5 million GPUs.

The figures are in line with AMD's and Nvidia's annual reports. When AMD's CEO Lisa Su announced the latest quarterly figures, she said that sales of the Radeon 6000 and 7000 series had increased year-on-year. However, they are at such a low level that the company is hardly making any money with them.

The gaming division turned over 648 million US dollars in the last quarter – including the processors for the Playstation 5 (Pro) and Xbox Series X/S. The latter are currently dropping considerably due to the age of the current console generation, thus revealing the poor Radeon figures.

AMD has virtually no presence in the mobile market: The price comparison lists just 25 notebooks with a standalone Radeon GPU, including only six models from 2024.

In the last quarter, Nvidia earned almost 2.9 billion US dollars with GeForce GPUs for desktop PCs and notebooks.

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This article was originally published in German. It was translated with technical assistance and editorially reviewed before publication.