AVM announces Fritz Mesh Set 4200 and old acquaintances for MWC
A set of up to three Fritz repeaters is designed to improve Wi-Fi in homes. AVM emphasizes the compatibility with all possible routers.

AVM will also be showing the Fritzbox 5690 XGS and Fritzbox 4690 at the MWC.
(Image: AVM)
AVM provides an insight into what the manufacturer is bringing to the MWC 2025 mobile technology trade fair at the beginning of March. In summary, there is a lot of old news, as AVM already announced most of the products last year.
The only new product is the Fritz Mesh Set 4200, which itself consists of already available Fritz Repeaters 3000 AX with Wi-Fi 6E support. AVM wants to put together packages of either two or three repeaters to improve Wi-Fi coverage in larger homes. The Fritz Mesh Set 4200 is also intended for users who have not previously used AVM products. The manufacturer emphasizes its compatibility with all possible routers and modems, including those other than its Fritz boxes.
Announced but not yet available routers and repeaters
Other exhibits include the fiber optic Fritzbox 5690 XGS, which is designed for up to 10 Gbit/s via a passive XGS-PON connection and is capable of Wi-Fi 7. The latter, however, without a 6 GHz network.
The Fritzbox 4690 is a pure WLAN router without an integrated modem, so it requires the use of a second device. It includes Wi-Fi 7 with four MIMO streams and 10 Gbit/s WAN plus LAN. The 4690 does not have a 6 GHz network either.
The first Wi-Fi 7-capable Fritz 2700 and 1700 repeaters are also on the way. The 2700 model achieves up to 5760 Gbit/s gross with four MIMO streams in 5 GHz (2.4 GHz: 688 Mbit/s via two streams). An Ethernet connection transmits up to 2.5 Gbit/s. The Fritz Repeater 1700 makes do with two MIMO streams even in the 5 GHz network, which is why the transmission rate is only half as high. The Ethernet connection achieves one gigabit per second.
AVM writes about all products: “Information on market launch and RRP will follow.” Prices are not yet known.
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