Alarm clock fail: Why the iPhone sometimes doesn't alert you

Anyone who uses their iOS device as a wake-up aid needs reliability. A bug currently occurring in iOS 17 appears to reduce this in some cases.

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Standby-Mode in iOS 17, den viele Nutzer in der Nacht verwenden

Standby mode in iOS 17, which many users use at night.

(Image: Apple)

3 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

Many people are woken up by their smartphone every morning. This makes it all the more annoying when the alarm doesn't work. Users – particularly in the USA, but also in other countries – are currently reporting a bug with iOS 17 that leads to precisely this: The iPhone alarm clock does ring, but it remains inaudible. There are various speculations as to the reasons.

According to a report on the popular US morning show "Today" on NBC, Apple is already aware of the bug and is working on a fix after an increase in videos on TikTok about the issue. "Apple is aware of an issue that causes some iPhone alerts not to play the expected sound and is working on a solution," writes the TV channel on X. Exactly when the problem occurs is unclear – apparently it happens more often when using custom sounds, not the ones Apple uses by default.

But it could also, at least according to some TikTokers, be due to a bug in connection with the "attention-sensitive functions" on iPhones with Face ID. Some users have had success turning these off under "Face ID & Code". They are actually used to dim the display when no one is looking or to automatically display messages in full length when viewed, or to reduce the volume when users are looking directly at the device. The assumption is that, for some reason, the iPhone thinks that the user is looking at it and therefore plays the alarm more quietly.

Apple also refers to its support document on the iPhone's alarm function, which was updated at the end of March. Here, the company emphasizes that the Do Not Disturb and Silent modes, as well as the Silent button, should not actually have any effect on the alarm clock.

However, it may be set too quietly; this can be changed via the "Ringtone and notification volume" settings under "Sounds & haptics". You should also check the selected alarm tone again – if none is set, the iPhone will only vibrate. In the increasingly popular standby mode, you should also check the latter, as the haptics are then completely deactivated. Apple has not yet provided any information on when a fix will be available. In an X-Posting by Wall Street Journal journalist Joanna Stern, there are more user tips on what to do about the problem – many of which are unfortunately reminiscent of voodoo.

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