Alternative app store Setapp for everyone in the EU

The first serious alternative app marketplace lands on the iPhone: The subscription service Setapp can now be widely tested.

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Setapp on the iPhone

Setapp on the iPhone: Nice apps on subscription.

(Image: Setapp)

2 min. read

After a closed beta phase, the Ukrainian company MacPaw has now released its subscription service Setapp in the form of an alternative app marketplace (AAM) on the iPhone for all interested users. The offer is available in EU countries as part of the forced opening of Apple's iOS platform under the Digital Markets Act (DMA).

Setapp launched "Setapp Mobile" a few months ago, but initially only accepted selected testers. Now it can be downloaded by all users in the EU. As is usual with AAMs, this is initially done via the web: Here, the installer is requested on an iPhone via a browser. After several approval dialogs, the offer can then be used.

The prerequisite is that at least iOS 17.4 is running on the device, the user is based in the EU or their Apple ID for "Media & Purchases" is registered in an EU member state. AAMs are not yet available to other groups of people – including residents of Switzerland –. Setapp Mobile works in a similar way to Apple's own App Store, but it is used to access the subscription service's mobile offering. Setapp works on a regular flat-rate basis: access to Mac and iOS titles is available for 12.49 US dollars per month, with an annual package costing 11.24 dollars.

Setapp is known for distributing renowned applications, especially from independent developers. Across Mac and iPhone, there are currently over 250 apps. Previously, it was already possible to use mobile apps, but installing them via the App Store and authentication was not easy. This is now easier with our own AAM, which also manages updates.

The programs currently available via Setapp Mobile include ClearVPN, Riveo, Focused Work, Bookshelf, CleanMyPhone and Optika. Some programs are currently only available via Apple's App Store, but this is likely to change over time. During the Setapp Mobile beta phase, there is also a special price: with the "iOS Advanced Plan", you can test the service for seven days free of charge, after which you will have to pay 11.29 euros per month (plus VAT).

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This article was originally published in German. It was translated with technical assistance and editorially reviewed before publication.