"Apple Intelligence": Siri will soon get help from ChatGPT

Apple integrates common AI functions relating to text and images into its operating systems. ChatGPT is also on board.

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Apple's head of software presented the AI functions

(Image: Apple)

4 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

With "Apple Intelligence", Apple is now also jumping on the big AI bandwagon and integrating corresponding functions into its upcoming operating systems. iOS 18, iPadOS 18 and macOS 15 will rely on various AI models, some of which will run locally on the device and others on Apple servers in the cloud. This will ultimately allow users to edit photos, have email texts rewritten in a certain style and generate AI images for a presentation. Apple's intelligence should also be able to access existing data in order to work in a context-based manner.

The company has repeatedly emphasized that this happens without Apple receiving this data. More complex queries are calculated on servers with Apple processors - the data is neither stored nor accessible to Apple. Technical details on this system, marketed as "Private Cloud Compute", are still pending. Apple promised that independent specialists would be able to verify the data protection promise.

Apple Intelligence (15 Bilder)

The AI systems can build text and images and process actions from the personal context.

The AI functions are intended to reduce disruptions by summarizing new messages or only displaying messages that are considered important. Apple Mail should also pre-sort the inbox and sort emails classified as unimportant to the bottom.

According to Apple, the AI-supported work with texts and images works system-wide in practically all apps. In addition to style adjustments, there are also functions for rewriting and correcting texts, as well as short replies for messages created by AI models. Image generation is also on board, although it remains to be seen whether Apple will use its own in-house model for this. Users can create new images by entering text and choose from various styles. Apps can integrate this option via a new API. Alternatively, AI images based on emojis can also be calculated; Apple calls this "Genmoji".

The language models are also intended to improve the Siri assistance system and make speech recognition more efficient, for example. Alternatively, Siri can also be addressed via text input; this function has so far been hidden in the operating aids. In iOS 18 & Co, Siri will be able to recognize screen content and add a sent address to a contact, for example, as Apple explained.

Apple Intelligence will be free of charge and launch as a beta with iOS 18 in the fall, but initially only in English. According to Apple, several of the functions shown on Tuesday will only come later. iPhone users must bring the very latest hardware in the form of an iPhone 15 Pro or 15 Pro Max, while Macs and iPads will run models with an M1 chip or higher.

In addition to its own AI models, Apple is also relying on AI from another company – namely OpenAI: from the fall, Siri will be able to ask ChatGPT (GPT-4o) for help to answer questions – the user will always be informed of this and must first agree to it. It will also be possible to analyze images and use other ChatGPT functions. An account is not required for this, the iPhone manufacturer emphasized. Paying ChatGPT subscribers can choose to link their account to receive special functions. Apple explicitly kept itself open to integrating AI technology from other providers in the future – according to rumors, talks are already underway with Google.

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