Apple Maps: Search can be restricted locally in future

If you only wanted to focus your location search on certain areas, it was previously difficult to do so in Apple Maps. iOS 18 should help.

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Maps app in iOS 18

Maps app in iOS 18: Another new function is hiking maps.

(Image: Apple)

2 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

More and more small yet useful new features in iOS 18, which should be officially released in September, are being revealed by beta testers. One new function concerns Apple's Maps app. Apple has tweaked the search function: a minimal change makes it much cleverer.

As developers report from the latest Beta 2, there is now a new button called "Search here". This appears when you have a specific map area open. With one click, it is possible to limit the results - for example from a search for restaurants, pharmacies or stores - to the map section that is currently displayed. Google Maps users have already been familiar with this for some time.

"It's about time that Apple Maps was enhanced so that you can manually adjust the search to a new location instead of constantly triggering the "Search here" process by moving the map again and again", writes a tester on Reddit. This also eliminates the need to constantly zoom in and out when you want to do just that. Apple Maps already had a similar function before, but it was much more incomprehensible: the search results were automatically adjusted as you moved around, but not at every zoom level. Now, with the new button, the results are really only limited to the area displayed.

Apple's Maps app also comes with other new features in iOS 18, iPadOS 18 and macOS 15. These include an easier way to save locations, configurable walking and hiking routes, topographical maps previously only known from the Apple Watch and, in some places, a different look and user interface.

Apple recently integrated precise real-time public transport data for iOS 17 and Co. in several cities in Germany for the first time. In Paris, on the other hand, you can now use your iPhone as a Navigo public transport ticket – including direct purchase in Apple Wallet. This is a feature that we would also like to see in Berlin, Hamburg and Munich, where, unlike Paris, there are no NFC-controlled platform barriers.

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