Apple's AI is to be called "Apple Intelligence" – and that's what it can do

The WWDC keynote on Monday is all about artificial intelligence. And it has a simple name at Apple – at least according to a new report.

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Apple logo in front of a skyscraper backdrop

Apple logo in front of a skyscraper backdrop.

(Image: Erstellt mit Midjourney durch Mac & iA)

3 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

Apple is said to have decided on a marketing term for the AI functions in iOS 18 and Co. As the usually well-informed Bloomberg journalist Mark Gurman reported on Friday, Apple wants to call its system "Apple Intelligence". It would be part of the iPhone, iPad and Mac. This refers to the company's own AI (also generative for the first time). However, there will also be a chatbot, which will initially be supplied by OpenAI, as Apple does not consider its own developments in this area to be sufficiently good and/or can then blame problems with hallucinating content on the supplier.

Apple's approach to Apple Intelligence is to integrate AI into "as many apps as possible". Ideally, this should simplify the daily lives of users. Gurman writes that this is less about spectacular functions such as video generation and more about "functions with a broad impact". All features are "opt-in"; users have to approve them.

The company is relying primarily on its own technology, with as much as possible being calculated "on device". This means that many older iPhones may not be covered – but it remains to be seen whether this is really the case. On iPads and Macs, it will allegedly start with M1 SoCs, on iPhones only with the iPhone 15 Pro and/or Pro Max – plus the upcoming 16 series. Apple uses its cloud and has set up its own servers there. According to Gurman, there are also plans to use OpenAI technology.

Apple is said to be planning to reassure its users about cloud usage with its data protection technology. Special security measures directly in the chips used are intended to ward off dangers. Many of the functions will reportedly help to capture content more quickly, for example in the form of summaries of websites, notes or notifications. Apps will also suggest answers so that you can write emails or messages more quickly.

The voice assistant Siri is part of Apple's intelligence measures, but could come later. In the future, the system will be able to control the entire iOS, such as deleting emails, editing photos or summarizing messages. APIs are also to be released for third-party providers. Apple is planning programming tools with AI for Xcode in the style of GitHub Copilot. The Photos app will receive AI image editing functions and AI-generated emojis, according to the report.

Major advertising measures are apparently also planned for Apple Intelligence. In the past, however, Apple has also had a tendency to change names at the last minute – for example when they are rumored in advance. For example, the Vision Pro and its operating system visionOS are said to have run internally under the names Reality Pro and realityOS for a long period of time. At the presentation at WWDC 2023, the device was then called what we know it as today. So maybe it won't be called "Apple Intelligence" after all, but a different term.

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