Hobbyists turn Apple Watch into an iPod

An Apple watch without a wristband, but with an iPod-like case: this is the idea of a team of hobbyists. So far, however, there are only renderings.

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Bislang nur eine Idee: Der TinyPod

Only one idea so far: the TinyPod.

(Image: tinyPod-Projekt)

2 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

Before the Apple Watch came along, accessory companies offered wristbands for the sixth-generation iPod nano that turned the music player into a computer watch. A new hobbyist project called TinyPod has now come up with a similar idea - albeit in the opposite direction - and presented its plans on the web and on X: a case for the Apple Watch including a click wheel, just like the iPod used to be.

Many details about the project have not yet been leaked, and more information will not be available until the summer. The renderings available so far show a case similar to that of the iPod with dock connector from 2003: a slightly raised scroll wheel with a button in the middle - whether mechanical or not is unclear - meets a snow-white case. The Apple Watch is inserted without a strap into a recess provided for this purpose. However, the housing is much more rounded than Apple's old iPod, and the feel is more like a Palm Pre with a retracted keyboard.

It is still unclear what the TinyPod is supposed to be able to do. However, a 48-second video shows various operating modes, some of which are apparently created by a watchOS app. However, normal Apple Watch apps are also displayed. It remains unclear how the click wheel is to be operated. There are two buttons on the sides of the TinyPod (one long and one round) and apparently also a 3.5 mm jack socket.

The makers of the TinyPod already allow pre-orders via a Shopify store, but there is no imprint. Interested parties are therefore advised not to pay in advance until further details are available. The stated price is 84.95 euros plus shipping costs. The TinyPod is said to be compatible with Apple Watch Series 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, Ultra and SE.

The hardware is to be marketed under the slogan "your phone away from phone". The first hints about the TinyPod were published back in October 2023, based on Apple's famous iPhone launch in 2007. Mac & i asked TinyPod for an interview about the background.

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