ChatGPT app for macOS now available for all users
OpenAI has now fully released its first official desktop client for GPT-4o. However, it still lacks some of the features that have been widely announced.

ChatGPT on the Mac: The new search bar, which is reminiscent of Spotlight, is clearly visible.
(Image: OpenAI)
On Tuesday evening, OpenAI released its first official desktop client for ChatGPT, which is currently only available for macOS, for all users - including those who do not pay 20 US dollars a month for a Plus subscription. Previously, the app was only available to paid customers - who also had to wait longer for the download link at first, as it was released in stages.
Access via shortcut like Spotlight
The ChatGPT desktop app is now "available to all users", writes OpenAI on its X account. The AI specialist is also no longer hiding the download, which can be found here. It is also no longer necessary to log in to download the app. However, even then it can only be used with an OpenAI account; a corresponding window appears immediately after starting the program.
ChatGPT on the Mac can be called up using a shortcut that is reminiscent of the Spotlight system search: instead of Command (apple key) plus a space, enter Option plus a space. The shortcut opens an input bar in which you can type your questions. You can search through older discussions, ask questions about photos that can be uploaded directly or - a new feature - take screenshots and have them analyzed. ChatGPT can also be called up by voice using the voice mode.
Chat mode, video and screen sharing are still missing
The new "chat mode", part of the much-noticed presentation of GPT-4o, has not yet been released, which allows ChatGPT to respond in a much more human (and emotional) way. According to OpenAI, the "Advanced Voice Mode" will take "another month to reach the starting line". But even then, an alpha version is planned for the time being. One necessary improvement concerns the "recognition and denial of certain content", the company told IT blog The Verge.
The other new main functions from the presentation, including video and screen sharing, which GPT-4o should be able to access, will only appear "in the coming weeks". Here too, security and reliability hurdles still need to be overcome.
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