Cheaper headset: Which hardware could have an "Apple Vision"

The Vision Pro costs at least 4000 euros in Germany. A successor with different hardware should be cheaper. That's probably what's inside.

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Vision Pro: These components are currently inside

Vision Pro: These components are currently inside.

(Image: iFixIt)

2 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

The rumor mill is certain: Apple's "Vision Products Group" (VPG) is currently focusing on developing a cheaper version of the Vision Pro. The "Apple Vision" (without the "Pro") is to be released with slightly slimmed-down hardware at a lower price than the current model, which costs at least 4000 euros in Europe. Further details on possible component changes have now been leaked from Asia.

As the Korean trade journal The Elec writes, Apple is particularly interested in larger OLED-on-silicon display panels (OLEDoS), which are larger but have a lower resolution than the current micro OLED 4K screens. There are currently changes in demand in Apple's supply chain towards Korean suppliers. So far, Sony has been the only display manufacturer for the Vision Pro. LG Display and Samsung Display are now also of interest to Apple, as they want to be able to produce larger OLEDoS screens with 2 to 2.1 inches. The pixel density here is 1700 ppi.

By comparison, the Sony micro OLEDs that Apple currently uses pack around 3400 ppi into 1.42 inches. These are complex and expensive components that account for a large part of the Vision Pro's component price. If Apple could acquire cheaper yet high-quality panels, this would at least bring an approximate halving of the price of its headsets within reach.

There is currently speculation that Apple is planning a retail price for the "Vision" on a par with an iPhone Pro Max model. These devices are currently available in Europe from 1450 euros upwards. Apple could also save on the internal technology. The Vision Pro already "only" has an M2 chip, which is two generations behind the current Apple Silicon version (M4). Apple could also install this chip in the "Vision" Ý then at a lower price, as the hardware is comparatively well established - while a later "Vision Pro 2" could be equipped with M4.

Alternatively, Apple could also wait for Samsung Display and LG Display to catch up with Sony. Recently, 1.3-inch 4K screens (LG) and 1.03-inch RGB OLED systems (Samsung, with eMagin - no color filters required) have already been demonstrated there.

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