Cinema: New movie app from the makers of Halide

Halide has been popular among iPhone photographers for years. The developers behind the app have now also discovered the topic of filming.

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Kino erlaubt professionelle Video-Workflows auf dem iPhone

Kino allows professional video workflows on the iPhone.

(Image: Lux Optics)

2 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

Lux Optics, the company behind the widely used professional iPhone camera tool Halide, is expanding its range: Kino, an app for professional filming, has been available since last week. Lux Optics is thus competing with tools such as Filmic Pro or Blackmagic Camera.

Kino runs filming with professional color profiles, of which various presets are included. Importing LUTs is possible. There is a fully-fledged manual mode (ISO and exposure time) on request and you can make your own recording settings, for example up to 4K 60FPS in Log ProRes 422HQ on an iPhone 15 Pro.

The app is ND filter-friendly and, according to Lux Optics, offers "cinematic shots at the touch of a button" with various automatic recording modes. Focus peaking is also supported, as is an RGB waveform for quick exposure adjustment. The finished movie files then end up in the Files app and not in Photos, for example, making further processing easier. The interface can also be switched to a beginner mode and there are integrated lessons on how best to use the app.

The cinema app is offered as a one-off purchase, not as a subscription, as is now the case with Halide. The price is correspondingly high: in Europe it is almost 23 euros, after a discounted introductory phase for a few days. Only the manufacturer Lux Optics knows whether there will be in-app sales one day.

At just under 34 MB, the app is compact and runs on iOS 17 or higher. At the moment, some standard functions are still missing, as users point out. For example, it is not possible to carry out time-lapse recordings, the bit rate cannot be adjusted and operation is sometimes slow. There have also been reports of crashes on some older devices such as the iPhone 13 mini. Problems with audio recording were fixed in an initial update. However, a high-frame rate setting also had to be deactivated because it was causing problems with Apple log files. Lux Optics says it is working "overtime" to fix the problems.

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