"Demeo", "Job Simulator" and "Vacation Simulator" land on the Vision Pro

Three titles popular on the Meta Quest are now also making it onto visionOS. In some cases, the implementation is not yet perfect.

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Vacation Simulator

Vacation Simulator: Simply simulate a vacation.

(Image: Owlchemy Labs)

2 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

The proportion of games on visionOS is currently still significantly lower than on more established platforms such as Meta Quest. However, the number of titles is growing. Three popular VR games have been available for the Vision Pro since this week, showing what is technically possible – although the implementation of at least one of the new games is not yet ideal.

"Job Simulator" is actually already an oldie. In the game, which first came onto the market in 2016, you can become a chef, office worker or store employee and live it out in a 3D world. The game is controlled using hand tracking and costs 20 US dollars. Manufacturer Owlchemy Labs has already released a launch trailer. The successor to "Job Simulator", the "Vacation Simulator", was published at the same time. The aim here is to make your time-out as successful as possible, for example by the sea, building sandcastles or in the snow.

At 30 dollars, the title is slightly more expensive, but also newer - it was originally launched for other platforms in 2019. A launch trailer can be viewed here. It is not yet clear whether other titles from Owlchemy Labs such as "Cosmonious High" will be released for visionOS.

Another new title is the virtual reality RPG Demeo from Resolution Games in Sweden. At a price of 40 dollars, it is a full-price title. It can be played in immersive mode and in 2D on the Vision Pro. However, there has been some criticism of the implementation , at least on X. The graphics quality is said to be worse than on other platforms. It also does not appear to be possible to place a model on a table when playing in augmented mode.

The Vision Pro is currently only sold in the USA. However, a launch in Europe could be imminent. Apple is planning a keynote at the WWDC developer conference on June 10, at which the headset could be announced for other countries. In the USA, you will pay at least 3500 US dollars plus tax, while the final price in Germany could be 4000 euros.

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